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UFO Sighting Reports > Full Text View (multiple)


September, 1968


Bayonne, New Mexico, United States


Expanding disk of concentric technicolor bands of light

Date Reported:

2/20/2005 7:07:57 PM

Sighting Time: 

9:00 P.M.



No. of Witnesses: 



5 minutes

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

Moon-size, expanding to miles across

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

300 feet

Shape of Object(s)


Color of Object(s):


Full Description & Details

On my way home from playing at a friends house, I came across two other school friends and their mothers sitting outside their house on a summer night. I was around age 11 - I estimate the year as 1968 plus or minus a year - and the other two children were my classmates. We were looking up at the sky and I pointed to the moon, which looked oval shaped a a little fuzzy. One of the other children said "that's not the moon," and pointed to another object that looked exactly like the first. Altogether, there were three of these "moons" and we children and the two moms were looking up trying to figure out what was going on. All of a sudden, one of the "moons" began expanding rapidly with bands of technicolor light in just about every color of the spectrum. As the disk expanded, I had the sense that the object was descending, and it seemed like it came within a few hundred feet, nearly filling the view of the sky. Instantaneously, the colors all a bit shaken, and continued to watch the moon. After a few seconds, nother one of the "moons" did the exact same thing as the first. The next day I asked my neighbor, a police officer, what the lights were. He told me it was a Russian weather ballon.

Witness Background

Employed in a medical center as a clincial research coordinator. Bachelors and Masters in biology.

Reported Sighting? 



Janet Delorme

Your Location: 

Richmond, VA



login D F


December, 30, 2004


Albany WA, Australia


No object sighted when taking the picture. After downloading to my computer the object was in the picture

Date Reported:

2/20/2005 6:12:34 AM

Comments about the image(s): The above images are 2 versions of the same photograph.

Sighting Time: 

1.33 pm



No. of Witnesses: 




No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)


Distance to Object(s) & Altitude


Shape of Object(s)


Color of Object(s):


Full Description & Details

The picture was taken at Albany in WA at the Gap. There is not any specific information about the moment the picture was taken

Witness Background

HR manager

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

ufo info center


Reinier Koning

Your Location: 


login D F


February, 18, 2005


Del Mar , California, United States


Diamond in the sky appeared behind me on photo taken near the ocean.

Date Reported:

2/20/2005 1:28:10 AM

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 

No one


Appeared on Photo

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

Quite large (see photo)

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

Not sure

Shape of Object(s)

Perfect diamond shape

Color of Object(s):


Full Description & Details

Image came up on Sony Digital Camera as I downloaded it to my computer.

This is a picture someone took of me yesterday Friday 2/18/05 in the afternoon at approximatley 2pm in Del Mar, California with a diamond appearing in the sky behind me. Photo is attached.I am sending this to everyone who is interested in these types of sightings. I'm trying to figure out what it is and means.

Other Comments

Please email me in regards to this photo as far as what it means or why it happened if known.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

My mother and emailed the photo to several sites.

Your Location: 

Costa Mesa, California



login D


July, 2, 2003


Silver City , Michigan, United States


I was taking digital pictures of the cloud formations over Lake Superior from a motel room in Silver City, Michigan on 7/02/2003 and noticed an object in the sky only after I downloaded it onto my computer.

Date Reported:

2/17/2005 12:01:02 AM


Sighting Time: 

8:00 PM



No. of Witnesses: 



Did not see it at the time picture was taken

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 

Over Lake Superior

Size of Object(s)

approximately 30 feet in diameter

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

1 mile

Shape of Object(s)


Color of Object(s):


Full Description & Details

On July 2, 2003, I was taking a few digital pictures of cloud formations over Lake Superior. When I got home to download the pictures, I noticed something else in the sky. I sent the picture to MUFON and they verified it as an anomaly. I did not 'touch up' the picture in any way...it is whatever it is....

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 



Bob Simons

Your Location: 

Saint Louis Park, Minnesota, USA



login D F


October, 21, 2004


Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii,


We didn't see the object until after we were reviewing the pictures

Date Reported:

2/16/2005 9:51:11 AM

Comments about the image(s): These are three different versions (each one cropped differently) of the same photograph.

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 

in picture


saw in picture only

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

see picture

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

see picture

Shape of Object(s)

see picture

Color of Object(s):

see picture

Full Description & Details

We were just taking a picture of the bay

Witness Background

US Navy Chief, stationed in Hawaii

Other Comments

I would like to get a professional opinion on the picture I'm submitting

Reported Sighting? 



Jason Dunn

Your Location: 

Honolulu, HI USA



login D F


February, 15, 2005


Sydney, Australia


A bright star shaped orange-yellow light, approximately 10 times the size of a commercial plane as it moved overhead in a northerly direction. There was no sound at all.

Date Reported:

2/15/2005 11:44:49 PM



No. of Object(s): 


Full Description & Details

At approx. 11:00pm a "ball" of yellow light became visible overhead in the south western sky below the low cloud cover over Baulkham Hills. My husband watched the light from our backyard swimming pool. He rushed upstairs to show me the light - after opening the western facing window I was able to view a bright star shaped orange-yellow light, approximately 10 times the size of a commercial plane as it moved overhead in a northerly direction. There was no sound at all. The light travelled at the speed of a commercial plane, and followed a similar trajectory for a minute before it ceased moving. It remained suspended over the north of the sky below the low cloud cover , and wavered intermittently for a several minutes. The wavering effect appeared to result from the light being very close to the cloud cover, and occasionally cloud passed over it. The light appeared to move slightly from left to right, but with an overall stationary effect - at times I wondered if it might be a flare. The light did not extinguish however, and slowly turned to the east. At this point I checked the distance between the light and my TV antenna to gauge its direction and movement. The light moved past my antenna, but started to become obscured by cloud. I continued to watch the light from my window until a low glow from beneath cloud cover was obscured by my rooftop.

I called Sydney airport to report the light. All aircraft had safely left the airport and there were no reports of aircraft on fire. My husband remains convinced that when the light passed overhead it looked like a noiseless craft on fire. I left my phone number and name. Sydney airport gave me a UFO report number to call.

I then called the UFO report line on a number given me by Sydney airport. The number I called: 07 3376 1780. I reported the event verbally , just as it is reported in this email. I left my phone number and name.

Next I called Castle Hills Police station and made a report, however the police officer laughed at me in a good natured way. My demeanour on the phone was neutral and calm and I reported the matter in a precise matter of fact manner. The officer said he would see if any other reports cam in before filing a report. I left my phone number and name.

Next I reported the event to Sydney Daily Telegraph. There had been no other reports at this stage.

Next I called Bureau of Meteorology. There was noone at the Bureau however I was transferred to an on-call staff member. I was told the light was probably a meteor, however I explained that the trajectory was not steep enough, and also that the light orbited the skyline below cloudline, then stopped. The gentleman was not interested and referred me to Sydney Observatory, where I recorded a message on an answering service that appears more oriented towards booking tours, than to reporting events.

Witness Background

I am a cynical, sceptical person who is scientific in methodology. I work as a Telecommunications Wireless Technical Product Development Manager, and consider myself to be well informed, articulate and non-gullible. I am seeking a plausible explanation to this event, and I am sure a rational explanation exists. I am hopeful of understanding this event, because it is unique in my experience. After 25 years in the bush and 15 in Sydney, this is my first sighting of this nature - even though I have had ample opportunity to study the night sky, meteorites, and other cosmic phenomenon.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

see report above


Sharon Don

Your Location: 

Sydney, Australia

login D F




Bristol, Virginia, United States


The first one had rows of lights beneath it with one red light in the center. The other one was a ball of light flying along with it..

Date Reported:

2/14/2005 11:48:08 PM

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 




No. of Object(s): 


Size of Object(s)

first UFO 30-50 feet in diameter, the second UFO probably about 8-10 feet in diameter

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

first UFO 30-40 feet overhead second UFO about 300 feet away

Shape of Object(s)

first UFO a disk shape second UFO spherical

Color of Object(s):

first UFO was dark with white lights and one red blinking light the second UFO one whole light

Full Description & Details

Me and my dad went out to feed our dog. While my dad was feedig him I was standing there and looked up in the night sky (which was and still is a habit of mine). When I looked up, there it was right over our heads, probably about 30-40 feet overhead, it was flying in a slow continuous straight line and not making a sound. It scared me and excited me all at the same time! It scared me because I didn't know something like this was right over head and so close and compleatly silent. I got excited because it was my first clear UFO. Beneath it, it had rows of lights, evenly spaced, the rows went toward the center where the red light was at, it was blinking slowly. It was heading south toward Bristol, Tenn. I was living in Bristol Va. at the time. The other UFO was ball of light, it also had no sound, it was off to my right (facing south) flying around in a field and seemingly near some newly built houses which were located on the other side. Its flight pattern was like a moth flying around a light. While the first UFO was flying in it's slow straight line, this other UFO would fly up along beside it, then it would break away from it and dip down in that field and fly in that irradic flight path again. This break away maneuver took place further away from me,in another a part of that field. This took place probably about 500 feet further south, but I could still clearly see this. I went to get my binoculars and watched the first UFO through them until they went out of sight. For some reason our dog didn't pay any attention to the first UFO, the second UFO I don't think would have had an influence on our dog because of its distance.

Other Comments

I didn't see an outline of it to indicate the first UFO was a disk but the configuration of the lights indicated this. Going toward a center, etc.

Reported Sighting? 



Harold J. Dollar, Jr.

Your Location: 

Wyhteville, VA, United States



login D F


August, 4, 2003


Gulf Of Mexico , Louisiana, United States


watching clouds on airplane window, notice a large object moving next to airplane almost same speed. suddenly moved upward and when out of sight

Date Reported:

2/13/2005 3:23:54 PM

Sighting Time: 

2:42 PM



No. of Witnesses: 



10 to 15 seconds

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 

enterin US by New Orleans

Size of Object(s)

100 to 150feet long

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

50 to 600 feet

Shape of Object(s)

banjo shape

Color of Object(s):

silver with ultra white and red lights

Full Description & Details

watching clouds on airplane window, notice a large object moving next to airplane almost same speed. I took my camera and take a picture and soon as possible, suddenly moved upward and when out of sight

it look like vibrates or waves very fast

Witness Background


Reported Sighting? 


Your Location: 




login D F


October, 24, 1973


Jax. Bch. , Florida, United States


Be careful what you wish for.

Date Reported:

2/12/2005 1:10:48 PM

Sighting Time: 

12:00 A.M.



No. of Witnesses: 



5 minutes

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

60 feet wide, 15 feet height

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

100 yards

Shape of Object(s)

Football, changed to rectangle

Color of Object(s):

Glowing Orange

Full Description & Details

I saw this object on Oct. 24, 1973. At that time there was a huge UFO flap going on across the country, especially in the Southeast where I lived. Just one week earlier there had been the report of two fisherman in Mississippi being abducted. When I heard these reports I was determined to see a UFO if possible. I was spending 2 or 3 hours every night looking at the sky. I got more than I bargained for.

On this night I was sitting in a lawn chair, just watching the sky. Around 11 P.M. I saw an object to the north that got my attention. It was just a small bright red object. It got my attention because it was sitting still in the sky. I could not tell what is was however, because it was pretty far away. We had Mayport Naval Base about 5 miles north of my house, and this is about where this object seemed to be. I watched this object for about 10-15 minutes and it never moved. So I knew it wasn't an airplane, and it is even doubtful that it was a helicopter or blimp. Even helicopters and blimps rarely sit in one position for very long. I tried to get my father to come out and look, but he was tired and it was late.

Then the object started moving slowly eastward toward the Atlantic Ocean which was only one mile from my home. I went in and told my father I was going to drive down to the beach and see if I could get a better view of this object. I drove down to the beach and parked beside a Holiday Inn right on the oceanfront. I walked out on the seawall and looked for this object. I did believe I spotted it out over the ocean to the Northeast. But it was still just a small red non-blinking star-like object. I really couldn't tell what it was. It was sitting still again, maybe 30 degrees above the horizon. I watched it for about 10 or 15 minutes and honestly, just got bored looking at it. It was obvious I was not going to get a close look at this. So I decided to go back home.

As I turned around to walk back to my car, I saw this very large, roughly football shaped, bright orange object coming right down the beach! It looked like a solid object. It glowed the way steel glows in a furnace. It also had a haze or fog around it that was also orange. But the object was very clearly defined. It was maybe a half-mile away. I knew this because we had a pier about one mile south of my location. This object was about halfway between. I could see it's reflection in the water below it. It was just about over the waterline. When I first saw it, it looked about the size of a quarter held at arms length. This thing was pretty big, I estimate maybe 60 feet across. It was very low, maybe 100-200 feet altitude at most. It was completely silent and was slowly approaching me. There was a car driving up the beach. This object looked like it was right above the car. But the car was moving toward me faster than this object, so it was only moving maybe 20 MPH at most.

The car exited up a ramp, but this object kept coming straight toward me. At this point I began to get a little spooked. It was late at night and there were not many people out. I also remembered the stories in the news. Now this object was only a few hundred yards south of me. Now it looked about the size of a tennis-ball held at arms length. There was a stairway from the seawall down to the beach, I was going to go down in there and hide from this object. Then, I spotted a man standing in front of the Holiday Inn smoking a cigarette. I do not believe he was aware of this object at all. He was just looking out at the ocean. I was glad to see him. I ran over to him and said, "Look at that!", pointing. He was very surprised and said, "What is that??" I told him, " I don't know, but I think it's one of those UFO's!" Then we just both stared at it.

Now, this object was about 100 yards away. Very big and close. It stopped moving toward us and just sat still for about a minute or two. It appeared as though waves travelled up through it. It would glow slightly brighter and then dim. We just looked and said nothing. Then, somehow it just changed it's shape. It went from football shaped to a long narrow rectangle. It still had the fog or haze around it, and it still would glow slightly brighter and then dim slightly. It stayed this shape for a minute or so. Then, very suddenly, it shot off to the east at the most amazing speed I have ever seen. It moved so fast that it appeared to stretch like taffy. Then it turned into a little orange ball that shot over the horizon. It seem to dive down as it went over the horizon as though it was following the curve of the earth. It left a long orange vapor trail that took 2 or 3 minutes to fade away. It was absolutely amazing. The man asked me if I thought it was a rocket. I told him no way, I've seen rockets before, and even rockets can't move that fast. Especially from a dead stop.

We spoke for a few minutes. The man asked me if I was going to report it. I told him I didn't know who you would report it to. I left and drove home. I told my father, but he was half-asleep and I don't think he heard me. I told some co-workers the next day who laughed at me. That made me angry. But I did hear some reports on the local radio station where a few people had called in and reported this object. So that made me feel a little better, and I pointed it out to my co-workers. I have no idea what this object was, but it was spectacular. I will never forget.

Other Comments

I am e-mailing you a drawing.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

Family, friends



login D F


Between the years 1997-2005


Camarillo, California, United States


Flying objects belong to the Beings who has performed the star of Bethlehem

Date Reported:

2/11/2005 8:39:04 PM

Sighting Time: 

Day And Night



No. of Witnesses: 



Sometimes Hours

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)


Distance to Object(s) & Altitude


Shape of Object(s)

creates different shapes when spin or angle

Color of Object(s):

Before sunset black and white. After sunset multi colors

Full Description & Details

During the day time, sometimes as much as fifty flying objects together will travel faraway in the sky. In day time the objects has black arround and the center white. By the time sunset those flying objects will spred in certain ares of the sky and stay on one place with colorfull lights on. We will see the flying objects and the planets altogether as stars in the night sky. That's how another lifeform who has a connection to the mankind because of the performance of the star of Bethlehem, have managed to watch us day and night everyday. The white bottom of the object is a huge light that they will watch the activities on the Earth. Sometimes shoots a beam of light. The light balls that the people have seen and video taped while making crop circles are the end of this long light.

Other Comments

On a clear day by the time that sunset check for big bright stars in the sky. If you see any remember the area and wait untill next day. Next day before sunset check the same area in the sky and if you see any use a Camcorder, Binoculers or a Tellescope. You will see a flying object. To the naked eye you could see the object will move side to side. Actually when these flying objects stay on one place it will continuously spin. I believe them as the Teachers of the mankind and all the mysterious crations on the Earth are a work done by them.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

Contacted many experts. No one is interested


Kithsiri (keith).M.Vandebona

Your Location: 

Camarillo. California.United States

login D F