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UFO Sighting Reports > Full Text View (multiple)


July, 1971


Landis, North Carolina, United States


While playing out side my home I noticed this thin saucer like object above the neigbors house across the street.

Date Reported:

12/13/2004 10:52:29 PM

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 



15 Min.

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

approx. 75 feet in Dia.

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

200-500 feet

Shape of Object(s)


Color of Object(s):


Full Description & Details

While playing outside as 10 year olds often do, I had been called by my mother to come in and get ready for bed. As most 10 Yr. olds do, I stalled for as long as I could without testing my her patience. After another ten minutes i decided I should head in the house. After leaving the back yard heading for the front door I was rounding the front left corner of the house when this object caught my attention. There I stood in my front yard in disbelief to what I was seeing. I can remember thinking, What in the world is it? My emotions were changing from confused to frightened and back to confused again. After staring intensely for a few minutes I ran as fast as I could in a great panic to the front door trying desperatly to open the door. When I finally pushed my way into the house I didn't know what to say or how to say it so I just told my Mother to come quick and look at this! She must have known by the look on my face and my expression that this was going to be worth while because she didn't waste any time going to the front door. I was too scared to go with her. When she stepped onto the porch I remember asking her, do you see it? do you see it? I told her to look above the neighbors house straight across the street. I was standing just inside the front door not wanting to see it again but hoping I would. I saw my Mother step closer to the edge of the porch so her veiw wasn't obstructed by the roof over our porch. She stood there looking for at least a few minutes as I was waiting for her response. She then turned back towards me as to come back into the house and I was asking her again and again if she had seen it. Her first response was in a trembling voice, NO! I didn't see it. She turned and quickly open the storm door and that's when I decided I was going to look once again but, she blocked me with all she had from going back out. She grabbed my hand away from the door and closed and locked it. I was insisting that we look again but she was demanding that I would not. I could tell by her actions she had seen something. I was not going to bed without a second look so I waited untill she sat back down at the TV and then I raced towards the front door. Every step I took my mother was yelling at me to stop but I couldn't. I had to see it again. I reached the front door and unlocked it with my heart racing like never before. I slung open the storm door and stepped to the edge of the porch for my second look only to see the night sky. I felt anger flowing through me. It had disappeared. I remember walking back through the house seeing my Mother double checking the locks on the front door. I was so disapointed my Mother wouldn't say anything about it except, what ever it was, it's gone now so you can go to bed. I didn't sleep much that night. The next day I couldn't wait to go out side in the morning and check things out. I knew it wasn't a dream. I searched the skys and the neighborhood for clues but found nothing. I knew if I asked Mother again if she had seen it she would probably deny that she had, so I tried using reverse psychology and tricking her into admitting she had seen it. I said to her, I couldn't belive she didn't see that helicoptor over the neighbors house last night. Her response was, That wasn't a helicoptor. I knew then she had seen it. You couldn't belive what I felt when she said that. It was like a national news flash with everyone's undivided attention. I began asking her for details as if my life depended on it. I knew what I had seen and I was comparing her details with mine. I suggested to her we should report what we had seen but she said she didn't know what it was and nobody would care. We didn't report our sighting to the athorities but I told all of my freinds and family. Most everyone I told thought I was exaggerating or just flat out telling a lie untill my Mother confirmed my truth.To my knowledge my Mother and I are the only ones' who saw anything that night because I have never heard of any other reports from that event. It seemed like I never thought about that night again for fifteen years and then in my mid 20's in a weird moment I found myself remembering it all over again. Not sure what to think I began living those moments as if I were trying to assure myself what I had witnessed that night. I found myself once again asking my Mother to confirn what we had seen. Again her details matched mine as if it happened only yesterday. I thought it was so weird not to have mention that night for so long and all of the sudden talking about it again. After writing this description of our sighting I asked her again tonight to recall what we had seen. Our details matched. My Mother is 81 years old as of November the 29th, 2004 and still remembers the details as if it were yesterday. I decided to document our story on video for personal reasons but, if someone should find this story needing to be told to a larger audience, perhaps in a book, Then I would consider the full story for personal gain. What you have read in this report may reflect what you have read in others but in the full report i can guarantee you have not read in others. In the full report are several events that took place that night and the day after. What ever this object was is yet to be known. As i read about all the reports of UFO sightings of the past I can only wonder how many of them are on the level. I only know of one that is.

Witness Background

Male-43 years old, High School Grad. served in armed forces, Honorable discharge, have worked in Industrial assembly and maintenance field most my adult life. I belive in Jesus Christ, Don't drink or use drugs...

Other Comments

I was talking with my oldest Brother on the night of December 13th when the subject of "Project Blue Book" came up. We were searching the Web for information when we came across this site and I decided to share a portion of my story. I hope you find it interesting.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

family / friends

Your Location: 

Landis,NC, USA



login D F


July, 4, 1976


Newark, New Jersey, United States


Witnessed a large, pulsating orange/amber colored ball slowly move behind a number of buildings in distance.

Date Reported:

12/12/2004 11:57:13 PM

Sighting Time: 

11 ish



No. of Witnesses: 



10-15 minutes

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

1/2 moon size

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

3-4 miles

Shape of Object(s)


Color of Object(s):

orange/amber color

Full Description & Details

While visiting my aunt and uncle in Newark, New Jersey for the 4th of July festivities I happened to be playing in my aunts grape vine covered back yard. My only source of light being from a small light outside and the kitchen window. Fireworks were going off and I could hear them echoed off in the distance.

Being the curious kid that I was, I wandered out of the back yard and into the front of the building which was located next to a brownstone in the middle of Newark( a gas station was located on the other side of the brownstone and made up the street corner). My parents and relatives were inside playing cards or something, can't really remembe(I'm not knocking their parenting skills, mind you).

What I do remember is wandering to the corner of the street by the gas station and turning to the right and witnessing a large glowing orb that pulsated as it moved slowly opposite from where I was. It seemed to be 3-4 miles away from my present location, but even at that age I could tell that what I was viewing was no firework that I had ever seen.

Fireworks would usually burst into many bright colored lights/sparks and then dissipate, but this one did not. It was not bursting or blowing up, it just kept moving slowly behind a number of buildings to my right(near Sea Side Park or the Atlantic coast). I could not hear the object, but it pulsated as if alive or energized. I cannot remember how much time passed, but I was transfixed on this thing and can't remember ever seeing it leaving. I do remember seeing it moving very slowly behind the buildings travelling North, but I can't recall seeing it blink out, disappear or zip away which is common in most UFO cases.

I'm more than willing to be "put under" hypnosis or regression therapy to see if I can recall anything else. It would have to be on the weekend when I'm off from work. I'll try to supply you with an artisitic representation of my sighting as soon as I can. This is the God's honest truth. I would not lie about this.

Witness Background

Guality Control Inspector, Art College, Makeup Effects school, Screenwriter, Illustrator and very open minded to "what else is out there" or "could be out there." Avid listener to the Coast to Coast AM program hosted by Art Bell and George Noory. Have a few theories abotu certain phenomenon beyond UFO sightings, planning a possible film about the Hopkinsville case.

Other Comments

E-mail me when you want a picture. I can use Photoshop to create an image for you. I'd like to go back to the spot of the sighting and take a picture from the same perspective I had years ago and create an image from that, but that particular area of New Jersey is very unsafe now.

Reported Sighting? 



Lawrence De Meza II

Your Location: 

Cleveland, OH USA



login F


September, 2004


Torrington, Connecticut, United States


Multiple sighting of odd moving object over two week period

Date Reported:

12/10/2004 9:48:51 AM

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 



Less than one minute

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

Like a very large star.

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

1000 feet altitude at closest

Shape of Object(s)


Color of Object(s):


Full Description & Details

This is a sighting of what I am assuming is the same object over a two week period. I saw this object 3 different times.

The first time I saw this object was on Sept. 7, 2004 at around 8:30 P.M.. I had just finished supper and went out on my porch to have a smoke. As I looked up, I noticed a very bright star about 30 degrees above the southeast horizon. I am an avid sky-watcher and have enjoyed amateur astronomy from a young age. This star confused me. It was in the constellation Capricorn which does not have any stars of this magnitude. I also knew there were no bright planets in this constellation at this time.

So I was wondering what this was. It was sitting still in the sky. It was a very bright white like Venus or Jupiter, but not brilliant. It was large for a star, about the size of a BB held at arms length. After watching it about 10-15 seconds, it suddenly appeared to start moving. Using a telephone wire for reference, I could see it very slowly, almost imperceptibly decending lower in the sky. Then very suddenly, this object did a loop and took off toward the south. If you can imagine a clock and this object being in the center, it shot downward to about 8 o'clock position. Then it moved in a smooth curve as moving through 7, 6, 5, and 4 o'clock positions. Then it shot off quickly toward the south. This loop movement was very fast, much quicker than the many planes I see every night. Also as it shot off it dimmed in magnitude. It went from a white color to slightly bluish, to greenish before fading out of view. At the last it looked like a small transparent ball, like a crystal ball. I ran inside and got a pair of binoculars I use for star-gazing but could not locate it.

The second sighting was several days later on Sept. 12. Again, I had gone out on my porch. It was around 8 P.M. This was a little earlier, and the western sky still had some light. I looked to my right (Southwest) and saw what I believed to be this same object, only now it appeared much lower in the sky (I estimate maybe 1000 feet). It was travelling from the southeast toward the northeast. It was travelling slowly, I estimate 100-150 MPH. I ran in quickly and got my binoculars to look at this object. Through binoculars it appeared the same, only slightly larger. It just appeared to be a ball of white light. To the eye it looked about the size of a pea held at arms length. It passed directly over me. It was completely silent. It flew to the northeast horizon. Then it took on a reddish hue, dimmed and blinked out.

My third sighting was about a week later. This occured around 11:30 P.M.. This time I saw what I assume is the same object (it looked the same). This time it appeared at high altitude. It was travelling from the southeastern sky toward the southwest. It was behaving very oddly this time, I will try to describe it. It would move in a straight line about the speed an airliner crosses the sky. Then, it would dip down slightly and appear to "slide" very quickly for a distance. Then it would dip again and travel at the original slower speed again. Then it would dip again, and again slide at a much quicker pace for a distance. It was a very unusual zig-zag type of pattern. It did this zig-zag type pattern about 4 times before flying off at the original speed.

Now, I look for this object all the time, but I have not seen it since.

Other Comments

I am sending you a drawing of the 1st and 3rd sightings.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

Wife, friends

Your Location: 


login D F


November, 5, 2004


New Brunswick, New Jersey, United States


A loose V-shaped formation of 20 or so lights/flares(?) that floated overhead. After the first formation passed out of sight, a second flew overhead in the exact same direction.

Date Reported:

12/7/2004 11:53:17 AM

Sighting Time: 

11:30 PM



No. of Witnesses: 


No. of Object(s): 


Full Description & Details

Myself and two friends were walking home when we saw it. The object moved in a loose V-formation. It appeared to be not far overhead, maybe around the altitude of a jet. 20 or so distinctly bright lights flew overhead, moving slightly in relation to one another, not staying in perfect formation. It was reminiscent of geese flying in a V, but not staying in perfect formation. We watched it until it went out of sight and could no longer be seen. Immediately after, a second V passed overhead. On this one, we could see in the formation of lights other lights (of the exact same brightness and color) passing from one side of the V to the other, what looked like flares shooting out. After this one passed out of sight, no more were seen.

One of these friends and I had seen another one of these V's about a month earlier, the night of the full lunar eclipse, on October 27. We thought we were seeing things, but now we had a third person with us, and saw the exact same thing.

Reported Sighting? 



Grant Wythoff

Your Location: 

New Brunswick, NJ

login D F


October, 2004


Yosemite National Park, California, United States


Photograph of object near Half Dome in Yosemite National Park

Date Reported:

12/7/2004 2:00:29 AM



No. of Object(s): 


Full Description & Details

Please look at the photo attached at tell me what you think it is. I cant zoom in because the picture becomes grainy. My wife and i took this picture on Oct. 2004. We didnt hear nor see any aircraft while taking this. After we looked at the picture through a computer we saw this image to the left of half dome. Any response will be greatly appreciated.

Other Comments

(This photograph and report was submitted via email.)

login D F


August, 16, 1999


Istanbul, Turkey


Photo taken in Istanbul, Turkey on Aug. 16, 1999, about nine hours before the great earthquake there

Date Reported:

12/7/2004 1:06:57 AM



No. of Object(s): 


Full Description & Details

This photo was taken in Istanbul, Turkey on Aug. 16, 1999, about nine hours before the great earthquake there.

Other Comments

(This photograph and report was submitted via email.)


Bill Cain

login D F


December, 2, 2004


Harper Woods, Michigan, United States


Triangle shaped object seen flying over-head in sky.

Date Reported:

12/6/2004 9:18:13 PM

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 



Roughly 5 minutes

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Shape of Object(s)

Triangle, 1 big light, 2 smaller lights

Color of Object(s):

Black, metallic

Full Description & Details

Myself and three others were walking home from a park behind an abandoned store. I was walking and talking to this guy beside me, and we were joking around. My friend was walking pretty far a head of us with her boyfriend.

Her boyfriend had mentioned just a moment before about seeing a light, and then dismissed it to walk with his girlfriend. This left myself and the guy I was walking with a good 30 feet (maybe a little more) behind them. The guy next to me mentioned something flying above us, so I looked up. At first glance it looked like a plane, or maybe even a falling star.

But as I looked at it, I realized it was moving too slow to be a plane or falling star. Then as it was 'falling' toward the west, it stopped. It stayed completely still for a bit, and then it started to rise back up in the sky toward the east. When it moved it had a brilliant tail of light that followed it. It had a very bright light on its tip (what I am going to call the nose or head of the object). The two base corners had dimmer lights, one of which seemed to be turned off. The middle (belly of object) was hard to make out because it was dark. With the lights, I could kind of make out some kind of shape in the middle of the triangle, but couldn't see it too clearly.

Then, as we crossed the main street, I turned around and around to try and find it again, but it was gone. It made no noise, and was fairly close so I should have heard something if it was an aircraft. The entire event took anywhere from 5 minutes to maybe 8 at most. I'm not sure if my friend and her boyfriend saw it, as they were talking to one another, but I know the guy that I was walking with saw it, he seemed as amazed as I was. It seemed to be observing things below; it was diffidently not a normal airplane, or helicopter.

Witness Background

Born in 1984 in NYC. Female, caucasion. I am a writer, and student.

Other Comments

If you would like further information, please feel free to email me, I just do not feel comfortable sharing my street address or phone number.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

My Mother and Sister

Your Location: 

Harper Woods, MI, USA



login D F


September, 8, 2004


Great Wall, Mutianyu, China


Photograph of unknown object over Great Wall of China

Date Reported:

12/6/2004 3:23:32 PM

Sighting Time: 




No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Full Description & Details

Nothing spotted until viewing pictures at home.Nothing appears in any other picture.(And there are lots)

Witness Background

Airline customer service agent

Reported Sighting? 



Paul Whitman



login D F


March, 11, 2004


Tilcara, Jujuy, Argentina


I saw a bright spherical object at 5 pm. The object remain in the same position during the next 3 hour. Then, I could not see the object anymore because was covered for the clouds.

Date Reported:

12/6/2004 5:23:11 AM

Sighting Time: 

06:53 pm



No. of Witnesses: 



3 hour

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

1/4 moon size

Shape of Object(s)

small lights

Color of Object(s):

brillant white

Full Description & Details

I saw this flaying object in 2004 summer. I was with many people, because I was in a hotel. My camera only have a 3X zoom. Using other cameras, the object seem oval aspect. In the next day, the newspaper, talked about of this sighting.

Witness Background

I'm musician and system analyzer. My web page is www.corazonesbar.com.ar

Other Comments

I will send a photograph leandro_sighting.jpg

Reported Sighting? 



Leandro Tomaselli

Your Location: 

Buenos Aires Argentina



login D F


May, 10, 1959


Kansas City, Missouri, United States


The UFO hovered over the roof of the corner house six houses away from me. It stayed stationary, I saw the bottom. After 7-10 minutes it flew west. It made a loud deep noise and had no lights.

Date Reported:

11/29/2004 9:48:31 PM

Sighting Time: 

2:00 p.m.



No. of Witnesses: 



7 to 10 minutes

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

Larger than the roof of a 2 story house.

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

one half a block

Shape of Object(s)

all were round.

Color of Object(s):


Full Description & Details

The second UFO I saw was at night. It hovered above our home and the home west of us. I saw the lights flicker (I went outside to look at it.) They would light one on then off, then the next would light up and go off, etc It made no noise. The third ufo sighting was a formation of UFO's flying west over the Plaza area. The fourth UFO I saw was directly over the same house as when I first sighted it. It also made a loud noise. It was about 6 a.m. in the morning. I saw all these UFOs on 45th street except for the fleet of UFOs.

Other Comments

I and my children saw weird creatures when they were young. I have seen an alien that I have never read about. Would you like a report on this? Thanks

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

World of the Strange website.

Your Location: 


login D F