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UFO Sighting Reports > Full Text View (multiple)


August, 27, 2004




Date Reported:

11/2/2004 6:15:40 AM

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 




No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 

An island that has holiday cabins

Shape of Object(s)


Color of Object(s):


Full Description & Details

I was taking photos of the little island seen in the picture using my shitty cellphone camera, Nokia 7650, when the object appeared in the photo. I didn't see it while taking the photos, although I was taking the pictures at an arms lenght because it has no zoom feature. If it was a bird or a plane, I don't know how I could've missed it because I was looking directly at the sky while taking the picture. I don't even remember seeing any birds around at that time. I took another photo right after it to prove it wasn't a speck of dirt on the lense, and nothing like it is visible in the other photo. It doesn't look like much, but if you enlarge and unsharpen it, it looks like a classic domed disc.

You can see the original, untampered photo here:


The second shot taken right after the anomalous pic:


My poor enhancement:


Witness Background

I would rather not answer personal questions.

Other Comments

I'd be happy to answer any questions by email, but don't post my name or email address anywhere.

Reported Sighting? 


Your Location: 

Vantaa, Finland

login F




Rochester, New York, United States


Sighting of object in same view of southern sky with passenger jet; multiple witnesses

Date Reported:

11/1/2004 11:38:02 PM



No. of Object(s): 




login D F


October, 28, 2004


Avon, North Carolina, United States


Four red lights seen in the sky on the beach at the outer banks in NC.

Date Reported:

11/1/2004 5:39:27 PM

Comments about the image(s): This is a drawing of the lights seen at Avon, NC Oct. 28. 2004 at 8:00 PM. I haven't been able to locate anyone who can tell me what they are. Let me know if you know what they are. [[Drawing updated on 2/7/05 with animated version provided by the witness.]]

Sighting Time: 

8:00 PM



No. of Witnesses: 



4 sec

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

1/3 moon size

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

1/2 mile

Shape of Object(s)

round light

Color of Object(s):


Full Description & Details

I was fishing down on the beach near Avon thursday night around 8 pm. I turned to walk back to my truck and saw some strange red lights in the sky. With my back to the ocean, the light appeared just a little to the left. It was high in the sky. About cloud level at maybe a 45 degree angle from me. It was round about the size of your little finger nail held out at arms length. The light first appeared by itself for about two seconds then another light seemed to come out of it like almost instantly to the left. It was spaced away from the first about the same distance as the diameter of the first light then another came out of the second, and another, and another, until there were either four or five lights side-by-side in the sky all the same size.. Then I can't, remember for sure, they either went out all at one time or they went out one at a time in the order they lit up. I was fishing south of the point wednesday night and saw two red lights side-by-side lower to the ground toward Frisco. I didn't really think anything about them at the time. I assumed they were two jets. They were just lit for a couple of seconds also.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

emailed Outer Banks Sentinel News Paper (no response)

Your Location: 

Kernersville, NC, USA



login D F


October, 31, 2004


Orland Park, Illinois, United States


UFO Sighting over the Tinley Park/Orland Park, IL Area.

Date Reported:

10/31/2004 7:06:22 PM

Comments about the image(s): Attached is a drawing of our sighting, its flight path, and what the objects looked like.

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 



20 minutes

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

small red lights (all we could see were lights)

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

2 miles away, 20,000 feet up or more

Shape of Object(s)

simply lights

Color of Object(s):


Full Description & Details

DESCRIPTION OF OBSERVERS- My mother was the first person to notice the 3 lights in the sky at approximately 7:50pm (CST). She was walking out some friends of the family and her sister to their cars and all 5 of those people noticed the lights. My mother then called myself, my Father, and my sister out to the driveway to see the lights. We then went and got our next door neighbors to come and see the unknown lights as well. Since I work at a 24-hour news station here in Chicago I called the station to try and let the news director know what we were seeing, however, they were unreachable. I then called two friends in two different parts of our town (yet still within Orland Park) to look up and see the lights, they too were able to see the lights. One of my mother’s friends (who had been walking to her car) she called her husband who was in Tinely Park (an adjacent town to Orland) and he too confirmed that he saw the lights. One of my friends in Orland that I called also saw the lights from his driveway with a family that was out "trick or treating". The ages of the witness' varied in age from 13 at the youngest to mid-60's.

DESCRIPTION OF OBJECTS- there were three distinct Bright Red lights in the sky. These lights were similar to the red lights that are on top of Radio and Cell phone towers. However these objects were moving, incredibly slowly. They maintained a steady pace similar in speed to a dirigible. The three lights were too far apart and too high to be planes, dirigibles, or balloons. Since we live in an area that has a high air traffic concentration (the O’Hare and midway flight path triangle) we are used to seeing lights in the sky, several commercial planes flew below the lights on there way to and from the airports. There was full cloud cover at a very high altitude, so we were unable to see any stars, however these three lights remained totally below the clouds during the entire 20 minutes.

DESCRIPTION OF WHAT OBJECTS DID- the three lights came in from the southwest when we first noticed, them moved toward the north (towards us), the three lights proceeded south east then after several of the people in our group had begun calling friends and family on our cell phones, the lights were too far away to be seen by 8:17pm. The lights maintained an obtuse scalene triangle formation during the twenty minutes. The distances between the objects remained relatively constant throughout the sighting. The lights did not change speed at all during the sighting, nor did they move in directions that would be impossible for conventional aircraft. Although the near "hovering" speed and the high altitude maintained by the objects completely rules out any helicopters. There was no noise heard from the objects.

DESCRIPTION OF BACKGROUNDS OF OBSERVERS- I'm a 23-year-old college Graduate and I work at local 24-hour news station covering the Chicagoland Area. My father is a 53-year-old college graduate and has worked in sales for over 35 years. My mother is a 53-year-old college graduate and homemaker. My sister is a 15-year-old high school sophomore. My neighbor’s are in their mid-60's and both hold masters degree's in education, one is a college professor at a nearby college, the other teaches elementary school. Our friends of family included our former neighbor (ties in her 40's and a business owner), her husband in his 40's and is a business owner as well (whom she called on the cell phone), and her daughter (13 in junior high school). The two friends that I called on the phone are both 24 and are currently enrolled in college. My mothers sister is in her 50's, holds a college degree and is a nurse at a local hospital.

Witness Background

23 year old College Graduate and my family, neighbors, and friends all witnessed this event. Individuals not with out group at our home were called via Cell phone to confirm the objects. Those people called on their cell phones were up to 15 miles away

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

National UFO reporting Center, and Coast to Coast


David E.

Your Location: 

Orland Park, IL, USA



login F




Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom


Black triangular shape over friends house.

Date Reported:

10/31/2004 4:29:34 AM



No. of Witnesses: 


No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

Bigger than a helicopter

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

quite low in sky

Shape of Object(s)


Color of Object(s):

black. maybe white aswell

Full Description & Details

i was walking across the road to my friends house when i looked up and saw a Black trianglar shape.

Witness Background

My name is Daniel Palmer im 11 years old and im from england. I go to thorpe st andrew high school

Other Comments

I do not wish to enclose my phone number.

Reported Sighting? 



Daniel Palmer

Your Location: 

Thorpe End, Norwich, Norfolk, England



login D F


October, 28, 2004


Basildon, Essex, United Kingdom


3 white objects moving accross skyline, fast.

Date Reported:

10/28/2004 8:11:45 AM

Comments about the image(s): A quick scetch of my sighting, using ms paint in 1024x768.

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 



3-4 seconds

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 

Sighted from suburban, in the direction of countryside.

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

3-5 miles

Shape of Object(s)

small lights

Color of Object(s):


Full Description & Details

I was in my lunch break at work. This was at about 03:50, as I work nights.

I looked up above a large building, and spotted three white lights that looked like stars, but were below the clouds. They were moving from right to left, in a wave sort of pattern, following each other. The pattern was a sort of if you can imagin a wave, speeding to the left, then doing a quick turn back on it's self and downward, then another quick turn to go left again. they were all doing this pattern, but not exact. Each light was out of sequence as if the were trying to copy each other. they moved very fast, I would say much too fast for anything we currently have (that I know of). Plus the fact that they were executing these manouvers at almost the same speed only slowing to execute the turns, which was only a minimal speed loss, and I very much doubt, to my knowledge, that we have anything that can turn at them speeds. From looking at the size of the building over the road, which is a good 100 feet long. they looked about approx 3-5 miles away from me. And travelled accross the building in a matter of about 3 seconds, so they were travelling very fast. This including the turns they were executing, which numbered about 6 turns. I asked if any of my work colleagues had seen it but it was over in seconds, and they just thought I was mad.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

work colleagues

login D F


October, 13, 2004


Oceanside, Oregon, United States


was taking pictures of sun set.I got one picture of the object,one picture later showes only a faint spot that looks like a smole ring.

Date Reported:

10/27/2004 11:29:27 AM

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 



picked up by camera

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

very large

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

8 to 15miles is a guess

Shape of Object(s)

Disd with a dome on top

Color of Object(s):

shine bright

Full Description & Details

I was standing on the deck of a vacation cottage we had rented for a week taking pictures of the sun set. when I took this pictures i looked at it after i took it in the previewer saw this object showed it to the other people with me and took another picture that has the faint object in it that looks like a small smoke ring.The deck we were standing on is close to 80 feet above the ocean I would guess. That would put the skyline out about 10 miles. the sun was well below the horizen and I belive the obvect had to be far out there and very large.

Witness Background

retired cabinet maker

Other Comments

! willsend a picture attchment with verry little else in the E-mail

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 


Your Location: 

KIngston Wa. united states of america



login D F


October, 10, 2004


Easton, Maine, United States


Gray Metallic ufo spotted in Easton

Date Reported:

10/19/2004 8:56:45 PM

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 



5 mins

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Shape of Object(s)

disk shape

Color of Object(s):

metallic gray

Full Description & Details

Saw ufo flying slowly from left to right of my viewing was about 200 feet or more off the ground and I looking easterly direction. Lost interest after 5 mins

Witness Background

Sales - some college education

Your Location: 

Presque Isle, ME US



login D


September, 22, 2004


Waupaca, Wisconsin, United States


Photograph of unknown object or plane taken at nighttime

Date Reported:

10/19/2004 3:43:12 AM



No. of Object(s): 


Full Description & Details

Snapped these pictures last night in Waupaca Wisconsin. Was hoping someone could tell me what type of aircraft this is.

Object was moving from West to East just after sunset.



Jeff Plath

login D F




Hilo, Hawaii. Hilo Bay


I couldn't sleep and then I was woke up....

Date Reported:

10/15/2004 10:17:21 AM



No. of Witnesses: 



about 15 minutes

No. of Object(s): 


Full Description & Details

I couldn't sleep and then I was woke up....and looked out the window. My window was looked to Hilo Bay. I was amazed to see the size and the lights, reflected back to the water. In the next morning my daughter had the same "dream"....

Witness Background

Nurse, artist

Other Comments

My first experience with the aliens, was long time ago, in 1972. I was about 5-6 year old. It happened in Hungary, where I was born and raised.

Reported Sighting? 




Your Location: 

Napoleon, Ohio



login F