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UFO Sighting Report


August, 1990


Alicudi, Sicily, Italy


Many many objects doing erratic and extremely high speed mouvements but with some intelligence.

Date Reported:

9/26/2005 7:00:15 AM

Sighting Time: 

02:00 AM



No. of Witnesses: 



Several hours

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

They were too far to have an idea of shape and colors.

Size of Object(s)

Objects seemed to be slightly bigger than a medium cat A/C.

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

Approx. 25/30.000 ft

Description of Area / Surroundings

Alicudi was at that time an absolutely dark area. On the island there was even not electric power and around the island only the dark Tyrrenian Sea.

Full Description & Details

Preface: I have now a civil pilot license ATPL though I am out of duty.

When I was 15 I was spending some weeks at Alicudi, the smallest island of the Aeolian Islands, in Sicily, Italy.

At that time Alicudi was famous to be the last place in Italy (or maybe even in Europe) to be without water, gas and electric power.

The result was an extremely dark night with wonderful starred nights.

With 6 friends I spent every night on the beach sleeping inside sleeping bags.

At the second night, staring at the wonderful sky, a girl spotted some strange light and showed to everybody. We were lucid, not high and with eyes absolutely accustomed to darkness, and we were all able to see stars and recognize planes, constellations, the Mily Way and even satellites!

The lights we saw had a very strange features. You could say they were San Lorenzo stars and follow them... Until they suddenly stopped and brills. Then, after a very crazy mouvement and another brief stop, they would fly again to another direction and again stop in the middle of the sky or even disappear from sight, in the deep space (and not behind a cloud or a mountain).

We were too excited and shocked, not being able to explain ourselves what kind of object we had tha chance to spot.

Anyway, due to eyes accustomed to darkness, we could see many many of these lights, even contemporarily, and in the nights to come. Excpet for the final days of our stay on the Island, due to the rising Moon that obscured/brightned the night sky.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

Absolutely Unidentified Flying Objects due to their erratic mouvements and lack of any conventional light.

Witness Background

Italian teacher.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

Before the sighting I have heard only one story from an entire family that travelled to Mexico and seen E.T. at the cinema.

Other Comments

PLS Correct my por english.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

Family and some friends.

Your Location: 

Kyoto, Kinki, Kansai, Japan



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