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Are UFOs real?  Survey Results

Are UFOs real? Name, Location, Date

my name is skeatsey and i work in the sock factory just out side of canberra, my job is to tuck
socks. you can just call me an old sock tucker yukyukyukyukyukyukyukyukyukyukyukyukuukuto
i also run the canberra CSC contest. drop by this weekend free big black ones all you can eat yukyukyukyukyukyukyukyukyukk i am number one here i will always be here..........yukyukyukyukyukyukyuk

number 1 skeatsey
canberra australia
4/24/2012 8:06:19 PM

skeatesy halcyon

skeatesy halcyon

skeatesy halcyon
new jerusalum
4/24/2012 7:57:35 PM

skeatesy halcyon

skeatesy halcyon
new jerusalum
4/24/2012 7:52:36 PM

skeatesy halcyon

skeatesy halcyon

skeatesy halcyon

skeatesy halcyon
new jerusalum
4/24/2012 7:40:06 PM

skeatsy halcyon

skeatesy halcyon

skeatesy halcyon

skeatesy halcyon
new jerusalum
4/24/2012 7:37:11 PM


canberra australia
4/22/2012 8:17:54 PM

The overwhelming body of evidence, often through witness reports of pilots, police officers, and members of the armed forces, suggest something is going on. Now, the real issue is this, are they witnessing Ariel displays of craft from another planet, or are they witnessing something else, possibly even more difficult to explain?

I think it's quite plain to see that millions of witnesses, even in the past two decades where we live in a very strong and technologically-capable world, are not merely giving accounts of so called 'natural' phenomena, but something which defies our current scientific reasoning.

Since these craft of sky-objects defy our known laws of physics and principles, It would suggest they are not so embedded in our physical reality and therefore are not bound by our physical laws.

What can this mean?

There are two explanations which would seem to fit. The first is that we are not being visited by craft from another world in our cosmos: we are being observed by entities from another parallel dimension.

The second is even more sinister!

The mere fact that we observe things which do not fit easily into our perception of reality, means either our perception of reality is badly understood, or reality itself is far more exotic then our belief that we occupy a universe which started in the big bang.

Maybe something more fantastic and unbelievable is going on, like we are all really inside a computer, or we are the dreams of others, or we are in the future where are resources and options have run out, and we have embedded ourselves into dream machines rather than live in that terrible end game.

I would strongly reserve an idea that all our reality and so many things we take as facts are not entirely proven. Sure, there may exist documentation, photo-evidence etc., for many events of the past but when you dig in and take a personal look you will be surprised what you find out.

I recently did research to find out just how power pylons were constructed in the UK along with high voltage cables which magically floated over towns and villages which had been there many years prior to the pylons. It seemed like magic that much of the National Grid was originally put up before the invention of helicopters, JCBs, high tech cranes, etc., Knowing also that pylons had a 'shelf-life' of 75 years, why none of them show any signs of ageing, rust, deterioration, or weather damage through erosion.

Moreover, I was born in 1950 and it is in my lifetime that both the second and third tranches of pylons were erected. And yet, I have never seen one going up in the UK, and I have never met anyone else who haves either. They just appeared!

My research led me to the Power companies, now in private hands, and to an office holding records on how the pylons and cables were erected. Now, here is the king of kings, NO EVIDENCE OR RECORD exists with the power companies as to how the heck the entire National grid pylon and cable network was put up: no photos, no drawings, nothing! Oh. hold on, I did hear they had a single b&w photo of a chap with a rocket in his hand.

Make me laugh. Look around you and consider this: are you really real?

mol smith
4/21/2012 4:11:15 PM

skeatesy the many

skeatesy the many
new jerusalum
4/18/2012 12:52:34 AM


Patrick Schaefer
Chicago,IL USA
4/16/2012 11:06:27 PM

dont forget to attend the new skeastey cock sucking contest in canberra this weekend............................free black ones yukyukyukyukyukyuk

i am the one skeastey
1 canberra australia
4/16/2012 10:41:49 AM


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