skeatesy ..i am the many
new jerusalum 4/15/2012 9:36:42 PM
oooohhhooohhoooohh is my imposter mad..............well fuck him........he should go away and not bother me the arse sucking hole i am the only one forever this sii my place yukyukyukyukyukyukyuky
THE skeatsey
The canberra australia 4/12/2012 9:42:57 AM
dont miss damos cock sucking festival at norhthbourne flats and my wife tinas does the sucking yum yum nuigger fagots junkis up my bum pretending to be skeatesy the second comibg of chris
dont miss the SCSC skeatsy cock sucking contest free lambs of god and black cocks
cp skeatsey
canberra australia
4/10/2012 8:51:28 AM
my dumb impersonation assaination of skeatesy yes thats me damo damion of canberra northbourne flats suckingcock once again and my wife tina is the victum because im a cow boy .. with my freinds
i come as a thief skeatesy
new jerusalum 4/11/2012 10:50:56 PM
dont miss the SCSC skeatsy cock sucking contest free lambs of god and black cocks
cp skeatsey
canberra australia 4/10/2012 8:51:28 AM
i am christ the build up">zadt.jpg">
skeatesy is christ the build up
new jerusalum canberra australia 4/8/2012 9:31:40 PM">s/42opr.jpg">
i am the build up of christ ...skeatesy
new jerusalum canberra australia 4/8/2012 9:24:15 PM
tghis is damion of camberra australias sick of pretending to be skeatesy the build up of christ and the end of the earth amnd mans plight over woman i regret an bother try not to say ..TO ...ufo evidence.... this is the one of the 4 beasts in revelation of the bible which filled of the smoke of skeatesys arse of the second coming of the black lamb has closed of the forum until the end comes and now this is forefilled as every thing must be in the end ..sense the end is here you may come by my house a take what you want because i wont be here after the end and i wont need any thing when saturn throws a comet at my arse in revenge of big ones landing on my titan harharharharharhrahrahrahyukyukyukyukyuky
i wished i could go away . . ...butt i just cant yukyukyukyukyuk i will always be hare yukyukyukyukyukyou will always know me yukyukyukyukyuk
i am christ the build up ..skeatessy
new jerusalum canberra australia 4/8/2012 9:14:36 PM
TO ...ufo evidence.... this is the one of the 4 beasts in revelation of the bible which filled of the smoke of skeatesys arse of the second coming of the black lamb has closed of the forum until the end comes and now this is forefilled as every thing must be in the end ..sense the end is here you may come by my house a take what you want because i wont be here after the end and i wont need any thing when saturn throws a comet at my arse in revenge of big ones landing on my titan harharharharharhrahrahrahyukyukyukyukyuky
i wished i could go away . . ...butt i just cant yukyukyukyukyuk i will always be hare yukyukyukyukyukyou will always know me yukyukyukyukyuk
4/6/2012 10:04:23 AM
new jerusalum
4/6/2012 1:24:29 AM
TO ...ufo evidence.... this is the one of the 4 beasts in revelation of the bible which filled of the smoke of god by the second coming the lamb has closed of the forum until the end comes and now this is forefilled as every thing must be in the end ..when saturn throws a comet at the earth in revenge of nasa landing on titan
TO ...ufo evidence.... this is the one of the 4 beasts in revelation of the bible which filled of the smoke of god by the second coming the lamb has closed of the forum until the end comes and now this is forefilled as every thing must be in the end ..when saturn throws a comet at the earth in revenge of nasa landing on titan
TO ...ufo evidence.... this is the one of the 4 beasts in revelation of the bible which filled of the smoke of god by the second coming the lamb has closed of the forum until the end comes and now this is forefilled as every thing must be in the end ..when saturn throws a comet at the earth in revenge of nasa landing on titan
TO ...ufo evidence.... this is the one of the 4 beasts in revelation of the bible which filled of the smoke of god by the second coming the lamb has closed of the forum until the end comes and now this is forefilled as every thing must be in the end ..when saturn throws a comet at the earth in revenge of nasa landing on titan
TO ...ufo evidence.... this is the one of the 4 beasts in revelation of the bible which filled of the smoke of god by the second coming the lamb has closed of the forum until the end comes and now this is forefilled as every thing must be in the end ..when saturn throws a comet at the earth in revenge of nasa landing on titan
TO ...ufo evidence.... this is the one of the 4 beasts in revelation of the bible which filled of the smoke of god by the second coming the lamb has closed of the forum until the end comes and now this is forefilled as every thing must be in the end ..when saturn throws a comet at the earth in revenge of nasa landing on titan
TO ...ufo evidence.... this is the one of the 4 beasts in revelation of the bible which filled of the smoke of god by the second coming the lamb has closed of the forum until the end comes and now this is forefilled as every thing must be in the end ..when saturn throws a comet at the earth in revenge of nasa landing on titan
TO ...ufo evidence.... this is the one of the 4 beasts in revelation of the bible which filled of the smoke of god by the second coming the lamb has closed of the forum until the end comes and now this is forefilled as every thing must be in the end ..when saturn throws a comet at the earth in revenge of nasa landing on titan the second coming of christ
new jerusalum canberra australia
4/6/2012 1:20:25 AM
new jerusalum
4/6/2012 1:23:26 AM
new jerusalum
4/6/2012 1:22:12 AM
TO ...ufo evidence.... this is the one of the 4 beasts in revelation of the bible which filled of the smoke of god by the second coming the lamb has closed of the forum until the end comes and now this is forefilled as every thing must be in the end ..when saturn throws a comet at the earth in revenge of nasa landing on titan
TO ...ufo evidence.... this is the one of the 4 beasts in revelation of the bible which filled of the smoke of god by the second coming the lamb has closed of the forum until the end comes and now this is forefilled as every thing must be in the end ..when saturn throws a comet at the earth in revenge of nasa landing on titan
TO ...ufo evidence.... this is the one of the 4 beasts in revelation of the bible which filled of the smoke of god by the second coming the lamb has closed of the forum until the end comes and now this is forefilled as every thing must be in the end ..when saturn throws a comet at the earth in revenge of nasa landing on titan
TO ...ufo evidence.... this is the one of the 4 beasts in revelation of the bible which filled of the smoke of god by the second coming the lamb has closed of the forum until the end comes and now this is forefilled as every thing must be in the end ..when saturn throws a comet at the earth in revenge of nasa landing on titan
TO ...ufo evidence.... this is the one of the 4 beasts in revelation of the bible which filled of the smoke of god by the second coming the lamb has closed of the forum until the end comes and now this is forefilled as every thing must be in the end ..when saturn throws a comet at the earth in revenge of nasa landing on titan
TO ...ufo evidence.... this is the one of the 4 beasts in revelation of the bible which filled of the smoke of god by the second coming the lamb has closed of the forum until the end comes and now this is forefilled as every thing must be in the end ..when saturn throws a comet at the earth in revenge of nasa landing on titan
TO ...ufo evidence.... this is the one of the 4 beasts in revelation of the bible which filled of the smoke of god by the second coming the lamb has closed of the forum until the end comes and now this is forefilled as every thing must be in the end ..when saturn throws a comet at the earth in revenge of nasa landing on titan
TO ...ufo evidence.... this is the one of the 4 beasts in revelation of the bible which filled of the smoke of god by the second coming the lamb has closed of the forum until the end comes and now this is forefilled as every thing must be in the end ..when saturn throws a comet at the earth in revenge of nasa landing on titan the second coming of christ
new jerusalum canberra australia
4/6/2012 1:20:25 AM
ufo evidence is the one of the 4 beasts in revelations which filled of the smoke of god by skeatesy has closed of the forum until the end comes and now this is forefilled as every thimg must be in the end ..when saturn throws a comet at the earth in revenge of nasa landing on titan ..skeatesy
new jerusalum
4/6/2012 1:15:47 AM
hi this is damion pretending to be skeatesy the second coming of skeates with all my bullshit below as i ca only copy i cant grow or produce unless woman follow me first but they dont so i try to put the death nells on skeatesy to stop his face coming to get me which he will when the asteroid hits then i will hide and hope he dosnt fingd me boo hoo
hi i am the lamb of northbourne flats of canberra civic austaralia and no one has anything of me left in them and everybody wants apiece of the lamb yukyuk and i am a vegetable since i have pretended to be the second coming of god and shit and making fun of him on the net on ufo evidence because im so fucked up in the head and so now i scream at the bus stop because i dont want to die i my head boo hoo i wish i hadnt make up all this nigger junki cock sucking mother fucking fagot face in my mind boo hoo stop it or i will go crazy and mentalbecause all the cockes i suck the spoof will go to my nigger shit head brain oh no stop me i qam a danger to my self and i am crazy mentaland playing godf because my cock is so small yukyuk dangerously small stop me from trying to play with it i beg of you all no one is helping me im a fagot black nigger junki mother fuvcking cock sucker fagot please help me please follow me so i dont try to play with it every one nooooo yessss yesssssss yukyukyukyukyukyukyuk
at the bus stop ykyukyukyuk
4/5/2012 7:58:02 AM