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the end nust come ..skeatez.com

skeatez the son of man
new jerusalum australia
1/1/2012 1:34:21 AM

skeatesy the son of god
new jerusalum canberra australia
12/31/2011 3:44:52 AM

if only you would stop pretending to be me damion and i am sure won off your fucking nigger junki fagot mother fucking arseholes would fuck you up the asre so just be your normal abo arse hole you are and your fucking mates will fuck you damion instead of pretending to be me on the net and all you police protection robbing homes and now you fuck your oven and cry to houseing i cant live any more with out my kids i fucked off and wife ..oh dear damion your in real deep shit and i can smeel your fucking arse every time you suck of red cross free feed ..boo hoo damion of canberra berlinder fucker child molester of stewart flats manuka canberra australia just be your self and you will be fine instead of being me ...i will kill you as soon o as the asteroid hits so dont be around then damion because you will have no police protection your just living out what little cock sucking time you have left mother fucker of canberra ..pooo you stink arse nigger junki fagot mother fucker poofter of canberra damion the big pretender of skeatesy ...boo hoo

played back to you damion stinki junki abo nigger fagot mother fucker of canberra pretender of skeatesy ..
i would like to suck that guys little cock yukyuk

12/30/2011 5:27:26 PM
i would like to suck that guys little cock yukyuk

12/30/2011 5:27:26 PM

you statement damion played back to your dfucking stinking ares junki abo fucker ..
i would like to suck that guys little cock yukyuk

12/30/2011 5:27:26 PM

damion stinki poo junki nigger
canberra australia manuka stewart flats
12/31/2011 3:42:37 AM

skeatez the son of man
new jerusalum australia
12/31/2011 3:34:12 AM

i would like to suck that guys little cock yukyuk

12/30/2011 5:27:26 PM

12/29/2011 9:25:01 PM

skeatez (55 minutes ago)
when man discovers the asteroid that is about to hit the earth and tracks it from its body to the earth he will go into a deep depression that he will never return of ..but woman wil rise up forever after ..bad luck man your doom and gloom is about to destroy your fucking insaine progression ..skeatesy.com

skeatez (58 minutes ago)
mans near is at womans expense skeatez.com

skeatez (6 hours ago)
I AM REVELATIONS 12 and mans name is at womans expense ..skeatez.com

skeatez (1 day ago)
I am revelations 12 when the asteroid destroys the earth mans police will have nothing to live for and i will have every thing to live for and i will hunt you down man like the fucking dogs you are for your fucking crimes against woman ...fact ..period !!!! ..skeatesy.com

skeatez (1 day ago)
revelations 16 says the three evil frog like creatures which are traffic lights will force people to war in the eufrates rivers and it will remain putrid with uranium depleted in the gulf war skeatesy.com

skeatez (1 day ago)
I am revelations 12 mans depletion of the earth for his police is at womans expense skeatez.com

skeatez (2 days ago)
mans feelings are at womans expense ..skeatez.com

skeatez (2 days ago)
i am revelations 12 ..christ said when he returns ..'wo to man ''..... margaret thatcher said ...they will rue the day ..this is revelation of the bible forfilled .................skeatez.com

skeatez (5 days ago)
I AM REVELATIONS 12 wo to man for sin against woman ..skeatesy.com ...man is in deep shit when the asteroid in revelations 18 hits earth .. skeatez .com

skeatez (1 week ago)
I AM REVELATIONS 12 wo to man for sin against woman ...but how come america usa keeps on bragging they can deliver this kind of fighter aircraft when both their rapter and jsf fighter aircraft are grounded permantly ...russia can deliver a war machine to fight any war for a minimum of an eight year war but america usa keeps on telling us it will but just not right now ..boo hoo america usa your lost the battle and your catholic nepitizm preventing woman to be equal in this world. ..skeatez .com
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new jerusalum
12/29/2011 2:09:41 AM

new jerusalum
12/29/2011 2:07:36 AM

skeatez the son of god
new jerusalum
12/28/2011 7:59:25 PM

new jerusalum
12/27/2011 7:13:23 PM


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