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Are UFOs real?  Survey Results

Are UFOs real? Name, Location, Date

Absolutely. I've had experiences all my life starting when I was about 7 yrs old. My dad brought us to see the area where there was a UFO landing 8/19/1965 in Cherry Creek NY & I remember the frenzy. I was 13 then. Now that I'm 59, my husband says they're still finding me. I wrote an article for UFO Mystery Casebook # 473. It about sums up my life with UFO's.

patti north
benton KY US
11/26/2011 2:54:58 PM

it is interesting that in the1940's thru the 1960's there were several crashes of ufo's and yet ever since then,none has ever crashed.could it be that the crashes were purposely staged by the aliens so they could infiltrate us?

derek marabellas
11/25/2011 10:41:54 PM

I believe, I seen things in the sky that weren't plain's or jet's, and I believe I had my own experience in side one about 14 years ago. In side on the table that wasn't really a table five short beings I couldn't see vary well to bright in there and 4 hours missing from my night out looking up at the star's in a field.

11/25/2011 9:31:08 AM

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11/24/2011 9:16:16 PM

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skeatesy .com
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11/23/2011 2:38:40 AM

mans destiny is at womans expense

11/22/2011 10:09:31 PM

i am the law.. skeatssy.com

skeatesy .com ..i am the the law ..
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11/22/2011 3:56:16 AM

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11/21/2011 2:21:59 AM

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11/19/2011 8:04:33 PM

goo goo by skeatesy movie

new jerusalum canberra australisa
11/17/2011 3:39:40 AM


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