skeatesy is christ is fire is holy the book of the lamb of god
skeatesy is christ is fire is holy the book of the lamb of god
skeatesy is christ is fire is holy the book of the lamb of god
the new jerusalum canberra australia 3/31/2012 9:03:08 PM
skeatesy is christ is fire is holy the book of the lamb of god
skeatesy is christ is fire is holy the book of the lamb of god
the new jerusalum canberra australia 3/31/2012 8:57:05 PM
skeatesy ....................... i am holy i am fire
skeatesy ....................... i am holy i am fire
the new jerusalum canberra auastralia 3/30/2012 11:59:41 PM
dont forget i am damion of canberra pretending to be skeatesy and i am gangreen full of shit and tina wont believe me because she is full of shit and every thing i touch turns to shit so i cry at the bus stop boo hoo while every one and tina and the fucking kids watch be boo hoo cause skeatesy is above me all the time ...damion the nigger fagot shit head cock sucker of canberra so dont forgat me the police dont because im a good little catholic moron and every one is too scared to do any thing because there all good little catholic morons but skeatesy wont turn cartholics stick together but i have just got to pretend i am him as a catholic moron but he wont change to be one will some won get him foir it the pope is laughing at me tinas expense ..
damioin catholic cock sucker of canberra
3/30/2012 11:47:43 PM
i am holy i am fire skeatesy
skeatesy i am holy i am fire
the new jerusalum canberra australia 3/30/2012 11:42:16 PM
dont forget the great skeatsey cock sucking contest........
canberra australia 3/29/2012 9:28:26 AM
skeatesy is fire
skeatesy is fire
new jerusalum canberra australia 3/29/2012 5:30:27 AM
skeatesy is fire
skeatesy is fire
new jerusalumm canbera australia 3/28/2012 7:05:46 PM
the person trying to impersinate me be lowcan kiss my fat arse.........yukyukyukyukyukyuky
canberra australia 3/28/2012 11:34:29 AM
ge damion are you pretending to be me giving me free cock junki fagot niggr mother ucker