Are UFOs real? |
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Yes I Think they are real, I haveve seen some strange lights from time to time. They move extreamly fast
Sheldon Ia USA
9/12/2005 8:42:58 PM
I know that flying diskes are real. I and a friend saw three UFO in the day of nov, 96. I do not know if aliens were in the ship, but I tell you that when you see them you believe real fast. As for those of you who have not seen a UFO, I am sorry. Its like Jesus, some have to touch his wounds to believe. And some have to see a UFO to believe.
mark shrull
9/10/2005 11:14:25 PM
Yes they are. I am a former Air Force Pilot and have seen two confirmed and one probable during my tour of duty. Others Squadron members also had several (all unreported) sightings. I am a Military academy graduate and hold two advanced degrees, and held a security clearence several levels above Top Secret. I firmly believe that tangible physical evidence as well as knowledge exists regarding the nature of UFO's and that information is being witheld from the public.
do not wish to disclose
Greensboro, NC, USA
9/10/2005 6:42:00 PM
I believe UFOs are from the spiritual dimension. See Genesis chapter 6.
Brad Spearman
San Diego, CA, USA
9/9/2005 1:01:54 PM
debbe brison
grove city oh franklin
9/6/2005 2:56:15 PM
Donna Grant
Coudersport PA USA
9/5/2005 10:00:30 AM
Yes, UFO's are real! Do I believe they are of extraterrestrial origins? Not sure.......They could be an aircraft from one of our governments, using them to spy on other governments; so they need to keep this a secret! Anyhow, I have seen them three time, up close an personal; but haven't seen any 'aliens'. I need to see an 'alien' in order to believe...........cause Im quite 'skeptical", even when I do see something...........thanx.
Florida, USA
9/4/2005 10:25:48 PM
Mikael Andersson
9/4/2005 5:16:11 PM
No they are not real, they are advanced flying craft developed
by top secret militar/ government agencies, as they have the technology
about the 40s and 50s they were experimenting with superconductivity
and its effects on different materials, so think how far advanced
they are now, with startrek type technology.
Technology always advances with the research that has been
going on for years.
Besides if there were ufos and aliens would they not want to
show their superiority to everyone one this little planet
9/2/2005 3:29:35 PM
I've never seen one but the evidence seems to be overwhelming at this point.
Rockford, Il
9/2/2005 10:10:26 AM