Are UFOs real? |
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well i think they are real what do you think them pictures are unless they are a fake if they are ill get really mad ok but what about the videos that have the evidence in the news i be seeing this and trust me i have seen pictures that maybe the cameras take out what is not true i am just suggesting what i think and hope to find out theres more living things out of this planet were no one knows but hopefully we will get this thing out of our minds.
providence Rhode Island usa
7/30/2005 2:47:57 PM
I live in Hong Kong, a small city in Asia.
It's happened 20 years ago, one evening when I's backing home, I saw an "orange eye shape" flying object flying in the sky (45 degree from ground level in front of me). It last for ten seconds.
Hong Kong, China
7/29/2005 8:18:02 PM
yes ...i know.
7/29/2005 8:15:46 PM
ufos are real and it is only a matter of time before we all get to know that ufos are not only real but also our friends, and I say that because I 'm positively sure that they have visited our planet for several times and that also know very well who we are , they have visited differents parts of the earth and different people have seen them we must believe, we must understand that living beings exist some where not too far away from us and, I really wish one day have an encounter with my brothers from another planet
providence,RI. usa
7/29/2005 6:53:30 PM
For me it has never been a questionable matter. Since I was a toddler, not even two years of age, I have experienced the truth. I do not need to prove anything to anyone. But I will say that watching the evening news and comparing current events to what I have seen makes me ever more anxious. Unlike most experiencer's, I do not fear the future events that will transform the world as we know it. UFO's are real just as life is real.
Sean Patrick Doran
Caledonia, Mi. USA
7/29/2005 6:40:55 PM
To my dear fellow westerners
Jinns have their own world (parallel to ours)
They have children
They are male and female
They marry
They often want to intercourse with sons of Adam (humans)
They have their technology
They also can take any shape in our world
They can be muslim (very few of them)
they can be masons and satanic New World Order followers ( the famous Black triangles))
that is the main reason of the Us government cover-ups
dakar, Senegal, Westafrica
7/29/2005 3:33:03 PM
UFOS are Jinns.
dakar, Senegal, Westafrica
7/29/2005 3:22:39 PM
Mankind is indeed eqocentric to believe we are the greatest civilization in the universe. If we are indeed all alone in the vastness of space, that we are still unable to measure, then that is as remarkable or more so then the existance of ET intelligence. What ever is known should not be covered up, but rather open to the public for review and debate. Cover ups just fuel the mistrust of governments and generate more fear then finding out the reality of the matter. Let's hope before we run out of our primitive fossil fuels the truth comes out and we can reap the benefits of shared technology from our cosmic neighbors.
David O'Neill
Burlington, NC, USA
7/28/2005 11:14:54 PM
Obvviously they are real unless these photos and everything are cheap graphic hoaxes. honestly, all the evidence presented is believable BUT i think you should all look into, i think his name is 'nikola tesla'. I guess just by saying this i'm puttting my self at risk but whatever.
what he says about ethereal energy is rather interesting. this would have some relation to astral projection :)
so i think i'm on the right track. no one ever seems to know what i'm talking about or just think i'm bullshitting, but i'm not.
btw, i'm also very, very, very interested in doing ufo hunts with whoever's willing.
thanks again. sorry about the edit. i had a few typos.
douglas sabo
bridgeport, ct 06606
7/28/2005 3:58:27 PM
Obvviously they are real unless these photos and everything are cheap graphic hoaxes. honestly, all the evidence presented is believable BUT i think you should all look into, i think his name is 'nikola tesla'. I guess just buy sayung this i'm puttting my self at risk but whatever.
what he says about ethereal matter is rather interesting. this would have some relation to astral projection :)
so i think i'm on the right track. no one ever seems to know what i'm talking about or just think i'm bullshitting, but i'm not.
btw, i'm also very, very, very interested in doing ufo hunts with whoever's willing.
thanks again.
douglas sabo
bridgeport, ct 06606
7/28/2005 3:51:48 PM