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Are UFOs real? Name, Location, Date

oh sure, they are real. The question remains--what are 'they'? It appears that the entity, or entities, within the U.S. government that seem to be hogging all the evidence would have the inside track on answering that question, but of course, they're not talking. And what of the myriad manifestations of this phenomenon? It is associated with everything from bigfoot to abductions of humans for sexual experimentation. It has been surmised to be Satanic, at least in some forms, extraterrestrial , terrestrial(from inner earth). Does the exact same force perform horrific mutilations and artistic crop circles? I became interested in the subject by reading"Flying saucers,serious business"by Frank Edwards during the late 60's, and far from being clarified, more questions than ever remain. Anybody remember the Rex Heflin photos taken in the 60's? They were so clear, but since then, the waters have become so much more muddied.

7/8/2005 7:33:24 PM

It is mere arrogance to suggest that we are alone in the universe

Kellon Campbell
7/8/2005 12:57:49 PM

The Area 51 Chronicle

By Conrad M Cummings USA

“The following document is true and correct to the best of my ability”

...and is in accord with any and all valid historical security documentations both past, present and future. Subject briefs within this chronicle are in accord with The Millennium Documentary (a copyrighted180 min SR verbal doc) ARR 12 April 1999 By Conrad M Cummings, Blackfoot Chief. The “MD SR verbal doc” being also reference for The Blackfoot Chief Chronicles concerning The Area 51 Chronicle. These are both copyrighted but unpublished accounts. CMCUSA

! About “ME” !

I am United States Blackfoot Chief~Conrad M Cummings, legal but unofficial king of the USA from the Royal Program. A US Government and Indigenous sponsored program created in the early beginnings of our nation for acceptance in world trade and commerce...so we would not become a rogue nation...Because all major powers of the world at that time were of royal estate.

Official parameters of the 1st office of empowered royalty as king was amended in a meeting with the monitoring council of that program shortly before my birth was to be a sure thing. The reason being “of course” because we had developed as a democracy.

I am the first and only legal US Government sponsored royalty. This first birth of royalty establishing the US and the Americas on internationally legal royal ground “Est. 6 October 1942” (my birth date).

Strange Past References

I’ve read the classified accounts of the “Royal Program” in the early 1950s and so have many others...

The information was stolen from the library of congress in the early 1950’s. Much of this information was used in conjunction with our normal American History lessons “when I was a child” attending The Gage Country School about 5 miles SE of Brighton, Michigan just off of old highway 16 (also called East Grand River Rd.)

Our teacher had acquired the books when she had the school bus stop, entering the home of an older student to awaken him for school. As she entered the home she found many stolen classified books from the library of congress.
Becoming interested she appropriated the book on the history of the “royal program” in exchange for bad grades and mega tardiness of the student.

I was in the 1st grade at the time and even though the teacher had related to me “when I wasn’t paying attention to the readings” that the classified information on the royal program was primarily in concern of my birth right”. I understood at first but soon forgot about it, becoming lost in the green summer days, playing with my class mates and just being a child.

The country school teacher was a very knowledgeable woman named “Mrs. Stiganga”. Sometime toward the end of the daily class readings of the royal program, the federal government came to the area seeking information on the stolen classified federal documents”.

Our teacher had cautioned the class not to volunteer any information concerning the stolen books shortly before the federal officers arrived...No one said a word as our teacher denied any knowledge of demise to the investigators.

I remember the markings on the inside covers of the books as they still retained federal government stamps which read property of the Library of Congress “CLASSIFIED”.

I don’t know if the books were ever recovered. However I do know that the daily class readings of our unusual US histories had ended at the little Gage Country School of Brighton, Michigan.

The address of my family at that time was an old Scottish flag mansion farm house, 11700 E Grand River Rd. Brighton Michigan, where I first met the two white buffalo “T and T” (the same as T n’T)...Controllers of the main continuance grid of The Scot Tryne Spyder Mag, Motto “May None Parish”, The 7th and the last of the 7 major marker named estates of creation. Known as the most enduring Estate of creation, located within the extended temperate zone of the Last Time Of The Abyss.

Their names are pronounced Te and Tei`(a French spelling) as they related to me)...They are physically genderless (what’s termed as “smooth around), two hairless appearing children, white skinned, nude, lightly tanned with perfect complexions, having small satin black quarter crescent horns just above where the ears should be and small satin black hooves just below the ankles.

As they related to me...There are only two of them, They dislike speaking verbally, They dislike taking anything into their mouths, They do not require sleep, They come from a land that is shaped like the letter “L” except in reverse and is tens of thousands of times larger than our own “they said”. There first words were: “We have traversed a great distance to see you”!
We know that a few days ago you saved your own world” (that was true, although I had told no one).

I was quite prodigy as a child and I had discovered that a portion of the earths substance was beginning to irreversibly break down. After searching somewhat, I had found a way to correct it, but it required a bit of courage to accomplish the recovery.

Then they said: “We work for God”! We take care of the Children of Man. They said: “We do not like speaking verbally. Would you mind if we spoke mentally? I said “No”!

We conversed in this way for awhile and they said: “We do not wish to intimidate you and we can’t give you anything, but we are asking for your help and we will honor your decision”...Saying: “Our world is having a similar problem as yours was...and if we cannot save it...we will have no home to return to.

!They said: However “If you need us, you can call us”...you will understand this later on!

They said: “We have brought a chewing gum like substance from our world, except it will not be as tasty as your own. It is created from our world and will become gritty and a bit unpleasant as you chew it.

We are asking that you do this because we cannot. And remember, you must not hesitate when you do this...because if you do it will cause an explosion between your world and ours...creating a very large hole “where we stand” that can never be mended...They continued with: “When the gum becomes unpleasant, you may discard it if you choose”!

Seemingly without reason a bit of fear began to enter as I chewed...I chewed a bit more and threw the gum away. As I looked up “they were gone”!

The Peacemaker & The Two white Buffalo “T n’T”

I am United States Blackfoot Chief~Conrad M Cummings.
The following true account is one of many chronicles that I have recorded, beginning: 12, April 1999 ARR.

The Area 51 Chronicle

There are many causes of reality within the aggregate of creation...However it is normally my general cause to relate primarily to the mainstream realities of the aggregate of creation as they exist present day.

In The Beginning...

...In an era of creation during the time of the original *casting *(casting: The art of the command of substance) of round worlds and universes...This being a secretive but corporate endeavor of the era...and it was called: “The Newity of Reform Round World”...Requiring 6 months to complete and on the 7th month talkers were sent about to the many lands, receiving enlistments for the crossing to a universe and round worlds...called The Newity (that’s how it was pronounced during that era) “The Newity of Reform Round World”.

During this time a small but very talented family, had created an experimental form of person to be used as hosts by them. These unique forms of person were almost ageless when maintained properly, having technological superiority and very creative. However as these experiments continued, it was found to be impossible for them to transfer their own spirits and memories successfully within these specially prepared and unique living beings.

This same family (The leader of which was always referred to as “The Boss”) were the owners of a family magic business (or so it was called) and a very profitable one, most famous and unique for the era. Being experienced in multiple technologies in relation to dimensional “know how”, they had primarily cornered the market on technological changes within the era.

Even so, their plans of living forever within their newly created “hosts of person” as a show of “forever gods to mankind” or as “forever humble servants to mankind” (which I doubt) had been short lived because the spirit would not interchange with the prototypes.

Anyway, during that time of their “almost worked” plan of immortality, a secretive program called “The Newity of Reform Round World” was in near completion. Since this family had also investments in the round world program, they decided to incorporate these “prototypes of person” as a booster shot for mankind.

And because the prototypes would not accept their spirits, they had legally joined in the “life, death and rebirth” qualifications for crossing (which stated that one must retain the form of man to be eligible for the crossing) to round world.

The unique prototypes were placed “in secret” by the family of the Boss (as he was formally know in that era), in a far away galaxy from the earth during the early completion of the casting. This allowed the man made prototypes to advance independently until eventually they were able to make contact with mankind as a fulfillment of their person.

These creatures would later find it necessary to be in the company of mankind, actually to fulfill their spirit, because of being created from the person of man. They were placed or configured so they would establish contact sometime during the mid 20th century...and that attempted contact was The Area 51 crash...

The contact was “of course” not successful...Relating that it would have been a bad ending for all...if actual living contact with any longevity had been established...

...Further explained...

Concerning a “getting to know you process” with the prototypes (should they have survived the crash), it is known that because of existing dimensional connectivity “any real longevity with the prototypes” would have later caused a “jetting effect”, spawning a vanishing point “of no return” within that which we once continued.

Then we would be on our own “forever and always” with “nothing and no one” ever being able to find us...or we to find them...“irreversible” in a singularity world and universe of strange demise. This might have, should have and could have worked...however “read on”!

If this were to have happened, we would have advanced rapidly in spaces of achievement for a very long time. And as we did so, we would begin to reach into the knowledge of immortality, learning even more than could be truly understood.

...Completing The Story...

As the times seemed to ensure, becoming very comfortable and embracing the great longevity of knowledge and success “suddenly” sustainment factors would begin to break down...and when life’s expediency declines to less than 50%...this guarantees perishment irreversible with death being like a dot on the horizon, that can never be reached to end the demise.

Anyway this “best of intentions” booster shot in the above story which was intended for mankind was known about long before it’s time...And it has been called: “The Thorn of The Millennium”.

...About the Millennium Marker...

The original 2000 AD Millennium year is a marker for beginning of the last change of the abyss, known as “The Green Arrow of Creation”, because it relates to something passing once.

This “something passing once” relates to the final changing of the Abyss which begins on or about the year 2000 AD. This change causes a tributary flux that will complete the change from our old abyss time of “Dimensional Stair Casing and Catacombs”...to an Abyss of heavy globules of void in total darkness, to lighter areas of darkness with sparse areas of flack and semi patches of twilight in a line to light situation of forever...

When completed the “Time Last Time of the Abyss” is also incorporate of an impossibly closed and inversed area which is similar to a small knot inside of a ball (The “ball” being the last time of the Abyss)...called “The Corduroy”. This area is said to be impossible to exist concerning any of the known popular sciences of time and space. However, it exists in part as a defamed catalyst within “The Last Time Of The Abyss”.

More about the “The Last Time Of The Abyss”

The changing of the great abyss, beginning on or about the millennium year of 2000 AD (as a long time marker). This change creates a tributary flux that continues 26 to 28 years at the outer most branches. Actual physical distances of the newly changed “line to light” Abyss are so great that even psychic probes are corrupted. This time of the abyss is called “The last time of the Abyss” because it’s the very last time the abyss will change.

This last changing of the abyss is a catalyst of the renown concerning all events of major prophecies, their endings, final situations and etc.

The Area 51 Chronicle
...closing paragraph...

However, in my opinion, what we have learned and salvaged from the attempted contact by the prototypes (the area 51 crash) surly has been somewhat of a “booster shot” and hopefully to expedience within our time. “I’m not trying to scare anyone”, however there are measures of security to understand about such things. Meaning that hopefully the “Area 51” encounter was truly “a rose without a thorn”.

Truth...In Good Faith...”many lifetimes to you”

Conrad M Cummings~American Chieftain~Children of Man Creation

Conrad M Cummings
St Louis, MO. USA
7/7/2005 8:37:22 PM

'UFOs are plasma and have no substance

Miguel P. Martinez
socorro, new mexico
7/7/2005 2:48:16 PM

i really don't know if actual u.f.o.'s have beeing sighted ...
but i do belive somewhere there is an alian lifeform...

it would be verry narrowminded to think our earth houses the only lifeform in the wide universe..

i'd like to belive there are e.t.'s who are capible of interstellar travel,but personally i have not seen any prove...

ps:excuse me for my bad english wrighting

7/7/2005 2:40:04 PM


Myra Wigley
Southaven, MS
7/7/2005 5:40:50 AM

UFO's are absolutely real! Abductions take place all the time. In an effort to support my ideals, I submit to you my questions:

1. People from all over the globe, from all walks of life, from different culteral backgrounds report seeing the same thing, report having the same experiences with alien abduction. Yet all over these people have never met each other and do not know each other and have never had any contact with each other. Why?

2. No government will acknowledge the existance of alien visitors from other worlds or planets. And they tell the public that it's a matter of National Security. That's a good thing, in my opinion. Because can you imagine what would happen if a super-power or leading world government came out and said: "Yes! You're right! Bang! You got us! We've known about them since the late '40's and we have regular contact with them."
Can you imagine how that would impact RELIGION alone? There would be mass suicides, hysteria and uncontrolable attempts to overthrow the government! So why acknowledge it? Answer: For National Security - the protection of the people.

3. The events of Roswell, NM in the summer of 1947 actually happened.

4. What if God is an alien? We hear of people telling us that "they" communicate via telepathy. Well, what is prayer? When we pray, where do we look to? The sky. God says in the Bible that He knows all our thoughts. How? Telepathy. There is no doubt in my mind that God exists. But, who is God and what is God? We hear of "them" performing surgeries and taking sperm and ovum samples from abductees....Mary was visited by "an Angel" then shortly after became unexplainably pregnant. Was Jesus an alien? He certainly healed quite a few folks and new a lot about what was going to happen in the future. The Three Wise Men knew Jesus had arrived by seeing a bright star in the sky. This star led them to Him. What was that star they saw? Answer: A UFO or alien spacecraft of some kind.

5. Or on the other hand....what about this idea? If aliens or life forms of an extremely intelligent nature came and paid the world an obvious visit and made themselves seen in plain view - we would all be (generally) scared out of our minds! To see flying craft of such a far away future would be mind-blowing to us here in 2005. Right? So, what if these visitors or aliens are simply from the future and have harnessed time-travel? Perhaps they are coming back in time to us and to see how things were done in the past and how they got to where they are. Imagine the British Army fighting the Rebel Army in 1776 in some field in the northeast part of the U.S. Imagine they are on the battle field and shooting at each other in battle. Then....all of a sudden from behind some trees came an Apache Longbow Attack Helecopter. This would frighten the soldiers on the field and they would no longer have interest in shooting each other but be interested in shooting at the helecopter because it is something from the future (2005) and it has traveled back in time and scared these boys in the middle of a battle. They would "come together" and protect human-kind and our planet and no longer be consumed by their petty human differences. All because they didn't know what that "thing" (the Apache Helecopter) was in the sky floating above them. Because remember...it's 1776 and no technology exists in that era for flying craft of that kind.

Roman Collins
Lufkin, Texas
7/6/2005 10:34:10 PM


my, home, town
7/6/2005 9:44:45 PM

I have considered the posibility of the existance of UFO's since 1954 and have concluded that they do, in fact, exist. I don't know from where they come or what their purpose is in being here. I am, however , convinced of their existence. The vigor shown by governments denials is by itself of significance, especialy when taken with the explanations given. Too many honest, credible people have given truthful accounts of their experiences to be ignored.

D. Murray Macdonald
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
7/6/2005 9:29:45 PM

Yes, I do believe UFOs are real, and that they've probably been here for quite some time. If the universe is really billions of years old and life has flourished on earth for well over 200 million years, I think that would surely give enough time for life to develop -- and develop into intelligence -- elsewhere in the cosmos long before human-beings even came into existence, and that we humans could be late bloomers. While watching movies/TV and talking to people, I've noticed a prevailing concept that ETs are no more intelligent then us; they would simply be far ahead of us in technology if they ever came here. I tend to think that, even though we may be the dominating minds of this planet, humans are actually dim bulbs on the cosmic scale: We would find it impossible to relate to them or understand their technology and reasoning because it would be much like comparing the mind capacity of an ape to a human. This is why, after over 50 years, hard-core evidence is yet to be found. They're just to smart for our fathom.
Also, I feel that there is just as strong a possibility that the aliens are not the one's operating the UFOs, but that the UFOs are, themselves, the aliens; that the aliens are actually variations of machinery so molecularly complex that it may very well function in a process almost biological: A.I. If this idea seems a bit too far-fetched to some, keep in mind the possibility that life doesn't necessarily have to be made out of all the same elements we are. Heat up many minerals and metals, mix them together; and, under a microscope, see what vast complexity you come up with. Maybe, somehow, life elsewhere could be aluminum based, plutonium based, etc.


7/6/2005 8:24:21 PM


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