It's a patently obvious fact that aliens are directly involved in human affairs on Earth, and have been since humans inhabited this planet.
Most of the mainstream ideas about aliens are flawed or disinformation (Zecharia Sitchin overestimates the importance of the Anunnaki/Abbennakki, etc.), but the basic idea that aliens have been here is absolutely true.
The fact is that Earth-humans were an experiment from the beginning, following a treaty between the humanoid Atlan group and the Reptilian Draco-Lemurian group.
The fact that aliens have at least been here is indisputable. Cases such as the Billy Meier case (just examine the evidence, please, and do not buy the bullshit and outright lies of people like Korff and Randi (see, the Dropa Stones and skeletal remains, Barney and Betty Hill, Phil Schneider, etc. all demonstrate this.
The fact that nearly every ancient and indigenous culture on Earth speaks of alien races (the ancient Hindus, Native American tribes, the Australian Aboriginies, the Sumerians, etc.) is yet more proof.
And of course, having personallyl interacted with aliens which just so happen to be commonly described by hundreds of thousands of others (greys, Draco, Sirian As, etc.) is some icing to top off the immense wedding cake of proof that, let's face it, we are not alone, and it is ridiculous to say otherwise!
Halifax, NS Canada 5/28/2004 3:26:59 PM
yes! i think that they exist. we couldn't have the whole universe to ourselves.
sara bedard
eau claire 5/28/2004 12:08:24 PM
U.S. 5/28/2004 7:01:19 AM
Yes, We humans (SOME OF US) seem to think that we are the only ones in the universe, which is quite an ego. Why is life on other worlds not possible, planets who are millions of years older than our planet. Who are thousands, if not millions of years more advanced than us, who would make us look like cavemen in conparison as we are more advanced than the cavemen of millions of years ago. There is life out there observing us as we advance in our technological abilities.
Pittsburgh, PA USA 5/28/2004 4:42:54 AM
Aliens, UFO’s Ghosts and Spirits
By Ken Humber
I believe UFO’s do exist. There are far too many sightings for the phenomenon to be discounted. However, there are a few un-answered questions which make the whole UFO subject difficult to believe or understand.
After a sighting, where do the UFO’s disappear to?
Sightings have been made all over the world, so why have we, or our governments, not seen all these UFO’s coming in from outer space?
I believe the only explanation is that these UFO’s are disappearing to another “Space” or a different “Time zone”, somewhere that could be called a “parallel universe”
In February 2002, there was a BBC science and nature program concerning what scientists now believe. They think there really is a parallel universe - in fact, there may be an infinite number of parallel universes, and we just happen to live in one of them. These other universes contain space, time and strange forms of exotic matter. Some of them may even contain you, in a slightly different form. Astonishingly, scientists believe that these parallel universes exist less than one millimetre away from us. If this is true, this allows UFO’s to “cross over” to another “parallel universe” and thus “disappear”.
It could also explain why there is not a mass of UFO traffic, in outer space, going to and from Earth (or is there?)
Which universe do Ghost’s live in? Ghosts definitely exist!
Where is the “spirit world” or the place we go when we die?
Just a few un-answered questions!
Ken Humber
Wimborne Dorset United Kingdome 5/28/2004 4:07:10 AM
I belive that they are real and that we need to figure out a lot more about them and for the people out there that think it's funny to make up storys it's not. What would you do if you were one who was actully abducted? wouldn't you want to know what they actully did to you. I started getting into extraterrestrials when i was out side and a funny shaped object went by it had all kinds of lights on it. I was at the ohio river when i saw it the next day we went back to Jackson and i looked it up and more people claimed to have seen it. so thats why i belive their real.
good luck on your resreach
Jackson, Oh, U.S 5/27/2004 8:28:34 AM
I belive that they are real
oak hill Oh u.s 5/27/2004 8:16:10 AM
Are UFOs real? Personally, I have seen many. I do not know what to call them, but they are sure unidentified to me. I have seen so many absoulutely amazing things since I was three years of age that my parents didn't know what to do with me.
Yes, I would say they are real and so are their occupants. I am not saying that all reports or their occupants are real. But yes, I know for a fact they are.
Miss C. Munroe
California 5/27/2004 2:16:40 AM
Limitless universe=limitless possibilities
Ottawa 5/26/2004 9:26:53 PM
yes, I've seen one chased by airforce jets in 1956