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Are UFOs real?  Survey Results

Are UFOs real? Name, Location, Date


5/25/2004 8:19:40 AM

i really would appreciate it if someone would contact me by email who has seen a ufo or has any photos that are convincing as im very interested about aliens, conspiracies(the moon landing was faked, that kinda thing) etc., or just to share views. contact me at baglish@ hotmail.com.

i hope ufos are real but what really hacks me off is those f****** hoaxers! the one thing that totally convinces me is area 51 and the roswell landing. if the USAF and co. are so tight on security there must be something around in the base. anyway, great site guys, keep up the good work and STAMP OUT HOAXERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

newcastle, england (soon to be barrie, ontario, canada)
5/22/2004 5:52:51 AM

i dont think ufos are real because its stupid to think of such a think of like extra teresstirial see i think that no life existes there and only universe is there i read astronomy and i read about various thinks in that but extrateresstirial is weird the unusual sites the peopl say is just for exitement or may be physic phenomena or military may be using secret planes whichwe dont now but iam against the so called ufo

5/22/2004 3:41:15 AM

i think aliens are real....we cant be the only ones here in this galaxie and universe...either they are humans but in the future that used a time machine or...they are creatures from the alien race..althogh some of us cant pove that supernatural creatures walk among us. but then there are other people who say they saw one or herd one. now much of us won't believe that person but..you never know...any way if your a non-believer then ...oh well..but someof us are like me..that belive in another race ..and supernatural unexplanable things....that just goes to show you that i believe in aliens and ufos, and that i think... :)

-super shock gio zero

super shock gio zero

5/21/2004 4:42:00 PM

more real than GOD or the bible, burning bush, noahs ark, angels or satan, heavan or hell, WMDS in iraq, a lone gunman, or bush wining the popular vote... i have seen two types of ufos, also my grandparents witnessed "the battle of L.A." so i am already "tainted". but its better knowing we are far from alone...

the man BossHawg
oakland california
5/21/2004 1:24:55 PM

well all the evidence loads of people have gave sites like this proves that ufo's and aliens exist.

5/20/2004 12:39:20 PM

If you look at the probability of there being intelligent life in the universe who is more technologically advanced than Earth, you'll find the numbers are overwhelmingly in the favor of it being true. These pictures clearly demonstrate the truth.

Alex Phillips
San Diego, CA, USA
5/19/2004 1:50:32 PM



5/19/2004 8:43:10 AM

Do i think UFO's are real? Yes and No because some of the photographs seem fake but some seem real. But i will only believe they are completely real when i see one myself.


5/19/2004 6:48:03 AM

YES... without any doubt in my mind. Only toally uninfomed or narrow-minded people in complete denial could not know that there are aliens abducting people all over the world... the question is what are they doing this for. What is their plan? Jacobs does an amazing job in The Threat of answering some of these questions.

olrando, FL
5/18/2004 8:20:41 PM


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