Os avistamentos de objetos não identificados não podem mais ser desmentidos pelos governos. Esses fenômenos, cada vez mais freqüentes, não vão além da imaginação. O que eu quero dizer é que o fato de poderem existir outras civilizações além da humanidade não deveria causar tanto espanto. Para mim, as milhares de evidências da existência de OVNIs, através de relatos, fotos, vídeos e outras coisas, nos dão três certezas sobre os nossos visitantes: eles são mais avançados tecnologicamente, pois são capazes de construir objetos voadores; eles nos visitam desde o surgimento da humanidade, já que os avistamentos são revelados desde a antigüidade; e não desejam um contato formal com a nossa civilização, pelo menos por enquanto, pois senão já o teriam feito. Como não sabemos o motivo do nosso isolamento (existem inúmeras hipóteses), devemos continuar prestando atenção em tudo quando o assunto for a ufologia. Só não podemos acreditar nas teorias absurdas que algumas pessoas nos dão sobre determinados vídeos envolvendo OVNIs, como, por exemplo, esse recente e polêmico vídeo filmado no México por pilotos da força aérea desse país. Sobre esse vídeo, vale a pena ressaltar que o próprio secretário de defesa mexicano declarou acreditar que se trata de OVNIs, algo muito raro para um membro do governo de um país. Além disso, um estudioso do fenômeno há mais de 10 anos considerou esse vídeo uma prova da existência de seres extraterrestres. Porém, um cientista mexicano considerou que todas essas luzes arrendondadas que seguiram os aviões por um determinado tempo eram, na verdade, um fenômeno causado por gases na atmosfera, dizendo também que para as pessoas é mais fácil acreditar em fantasias. O problema desse cientista é que ele não considera uma explicação racional a existência de outras civilizações, mas, na minha opinião, irracional é quem, existindo bilhões de galáxias e em cada uma bilhões de estrelas, não acredita que pudesse existir uma civilização em algum planeta. Eu vejo também muitos seguidores de diversas religiões negando a existência de extraterrestres apenas porque a Bíblia não fala sobre isso. Mas eles se esquecem de que em nenhum momento a Bíblia nega esse fato, da mesma forma que ali não são citados os dinossauros e todos nós sabemos que eles existiram. Eu acredito que na Bíblia foi revelado apenas o que a humanidade deveria saber naquela época. Infelizmente, passados muitos séculos, ainda há quem considere os avistamentos de objetos voadores a aparição de demônios. Isso talvez seja um dos motivos pelos quais nossos visitantes secretos não desejem aparecer definitivamente ainda. Mas quem sabe um dia, quando a humanidade menos esperar...
Gustavo Weirich
Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil 5/13/2004 10:18:18 PM
Are UFO’s real? Absolutely YES! When I was a teenager living in southeastern Pa. there was UFO flap during the early 1970’s. It was during one afternoon with a clear sky and a solid bank of clouds to the west that I saw two perfectly round objects moving together and side by side, 100 feet apart or less moving at what seamed like a slow rate of speed for any aircraft. These two objects were self illuminated and had to be at least 50 or 60 feet across or even larger and had what I thought was a jet engine sound to them, but didn’t quite sound the same as a jet engine. I watched them for over 10 minutes and even ran into the house and asked mom if our old black & white box camera had film in it. It turns out that it didn’t, but never the less a day or two later while talking to a friend of mine that lived a block away told me he saw the same thing and was even watching it with a 10 power spotting type telescope. All that he saw were two solid round illuminated disks with no objects protruding from the craft. I watched these two craft slowly fly from east to west and disappear over the top of the cloudbank.
This is not my only experience! I saw the “Lights over Phoenix” 2 years before the big report and videos came out in 1998 or when ever it was. I was sitting out in the desert a few miles out of a town called Apache Junction, AZ. In the winter of 1995, 1996 with a friend, we were new to the area and were taking in the desert in the evening after dark. While sitting in the van looking south and watching shooting stars a row of about 5 or 6 lights appeared in the sky to our southwest over Phoenix. It happened very quickly! I happened to be looking in the right direction when they appeared! They all seemed to light up at the same time, but went out one by one from right to left or left to right. They did have a strange appearance to them and what I though was a sparkler type look to them. As I told my friend sitting there with me, the lights went out before he could get a good look at them. We sat there for 5 or 10 minutes and they reappeared again but in a different area of the sky still to our southwest but still over the Phoenix area. I was surprised this incident wasn’t reported. These are just two sightings I have personally witnessed, and I even have a close friend and his son that claim abduction just about 3 years ago but have never reported it.
I will live with these images for the rest of my life, and I say the UFO debunkers that don’t believe do not have open minds or are working on the big overall cover-up from the public!
Missouri 5/13/2004 7:11:22 AM
Are UFO’s real? Absolutely YES! When I was a teenager living in southeastern Pa. there was UFO flap during the early 1970’s. It was during one afternoon with a clear sky and a solid bank of clouds to the west that I saw two perfectly round objects moving together and side by side, 100 feet apart or less moving at what seamed like a slow rate of speed for any aircraft. These two objects were self illuminated and had to be at least 50 or 60 feet across or even larger and had what I thought was a jet engine sound to them, but didn’t quite sound the same as a jet engine. I watched them for over 10 minutes and even ran into the house and asked mom if our old black & white box camera had film in it. It turns out that it didn’t, but never the less a day or two later while talking to a friend of mine that lived a block away told me he saw the same thing and was even watching it with a 10 power spotting type telescope. All that he saw were two solid round illuminated disks with no objects protruding from the craft. I watched these two craft slowly fly from east to west and disappear over the top of the cloudbank.
This is not my only experience! I saw the “Lights over Phoenix” 2 years before the big report and videos came out in 1998 or when ever it was. I was sitting out in the desert a few miles out of a town called Apache Junction, AZ. In the winter of 1995, 1996 with a friend, we were new to the area and were taking in the desert in the evening after dark. While sitting in the van looking south and watching shooting stars a row of about 5 or 6 lights appeared in the sky to our southwest over Phoenix. It happened very quickly! I happened to be looking in the right direction when they appeared! They all seemed to light up at the same time, but went out one by one from right to left or left to right. They did have a strange appearance to them and what I though was a sparkler type look to them. As I told my friend sitting there with me, the lights went out before he could get a good look at them. We sat there for 5 or 10 minutes and they reappeared again but in a different area of the sky still to our southwest but still over the Phoenix area. I was surprised this incident wasn’t reported. These are just two sightings I have personally witnessed, and I even have a close friend and his son that claim abduction just about 3 years ago but have never reported it.
I will live with these images for the rest of my life, and I say the UFO debunkers that don’t believe do not have open minds or are working on the big overall cover-up from the public!
Missouri 5/13/2004 7:03:13 AM
Why do millions believe in a god they've never seen, but millions of people see ufo's and nobody believes it...I and friends saw something we will all never forget one night, I dont just believe in them ,I know they exist, hopefully many like me will know one day, and hopefuily before I die.I feel the truth is....we still have not matured enough to handle this knowledge never mind "join" their species in anyway, and maybe we never will...sometimes knowing something you can't widely share...sucks.Growing up I had a typical interest in the unknown and all things spacey,but I never imagined I'd expieriance a sighting one day and live out my days with this secret.I was angred that "they" would alter my life so drastically and without regard for me.Distracting to say the least.But in the end I dont think I would change anything I've seen for anything.
Why do millions believe in a god they've never seen, but millions of people see ufo's and nobody believes it...I and friends saw something we will all never forget one night, I dont just believe in them ,I know they exist, hopefully many like me will know one day, and hopefuily before I die.I feel the truth is....we still have not matured enough to handle this knowledge never mind "join" their species in anyway, and maybe we never will...sometimes knowing something you can't widely share...sucks.Growing up I had a typical interest in the unknown and all things spacey,but I never imagined I'd expieriance a sighting one day and live out my days with this secret.I was angred that "they" would alter my life so drastically and without regard for me.Distracting to say the least.But in the end I dont think I would change anything I've seen for anything.
ufos are real. there are other worlds and creatures living in this universe and the term universe might be better be called pluriverse. but man can know directly the universe we see with our senses.There could be other multi dimensional worlds beyond our dimension.
st loius mo usa 5/8/2004 9:23:13 AM
sorry, wrong e-mail adress
Wigan, England 5/6/2004 12:47:53 PM
Yes, I know there's alot of hoaxes but there's too many enexplainable events for them to be jokes/pranks/fakes