Choose one or more statements from each numbered category:
1. UFO’s,
They are not hiding, but keeping their distance.
They have a widely varied appearance.
They are not communicating in any fashion that we can comprehend, that is, in any logical way.
They defy various laws of physics.
2. The government, or some group in power
Using and disseminating disinformation about the phenomenon since WWII.
They have denied access to information about the phenomenon to a sitting President (Bush denied Carter).
They are interested in the mind control aspect of the phenomenon.
3. Where are UFO’s from?
Here, they have always been with us (Vallee).
Here, a different dimension, or dark matter/energy.
The future, they are time travelers.
From another planet, beings using advanced science.
4. What are UFO’s?
A form of intelligence, not based on an organic life-form (machine-like).
Us, from the future.
“Probes” from one of the above.
A natural phenomenon, one we do not yet understand.
Misidentified phenomenon, normal but rare.
A result of electromagnetic forces that affect our minds, i.e. hallucinations.
Jacques Poinski
Akron, OH USA
7/10/2011 3:28:43 PM