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Are UFOs real? Name, Location, Date

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6/21/2011 2:32:44 AM

Yes, I've seen many throuhgout my life. My parents evev had one follow them in the mountains of northern CA in 1747. They told me it was about 30 ft. in diameter. Yes, they're real, real.

G Sloan
Dade City, FL USA
6/20/2011 8:57:11 PM

Please type "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKmmNJhhGQU" in URL. The language here is Hindi (India's National Language). I hope your investigative team should go to the state of Himachal Pradesh in India with an Indian translator as shown in this Youtube Video.
I hope this will help in uncovering alien presence in India.

Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
6/20/2011 9:34:01 AM

Trick question. Nothing is what it seems. What kind of people would think that they are so special that the only life in the universe was here on earth. Yes there is ufo's . How do I know? For one I have seen with my own eyes, two so has millions of others and three even the ancients have documented this phenomenon. I know the universe is endless so I'm not stupid and neither is other people who believe et's and ufo's are real. The governments of this earth need to be a man and speak the truth about what has been going on for thousands of years.

6/18/2011 8:13:14 PM

UFO are real and they are here from millions of years

they are not extra terrestrial they are owned made and flown by humans like us
by that i don't mean NASA or any present country

the aliens recovered from crashed UFOs(they don't crash they just let u see what is inside them)
are geneticaly altered humans or bilogical robots developed from human embriyo
and altered according to what their purpose of creation is
the big head ones called greys mostly are the most famous they r engineerd for doing calculations n other sutff which require alot of brain drain

UFO r thought control technology the beings who have these UFOs hv so much advanced brain power that with just their thoughts they can move fly or transform things
and thats the basic technology behind UFOs

6/18/2011 12:53:27 AM

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6/17/2011 10:22:25 PM

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6/17/2011 10:22:21 PM

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6/17/2011 10:22:17 PM

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6/17/2011 8:08:12 PM

MAN FEEDS INTO ME BECAUSE HIS LIFE SUPPORT IS DEAD AND WOMAN'S SUPPORT IS ALIVE AT HIS EXPENCE ..SO FEED INTO ME MAN AND TRY AND HIDE WHAT I SAY ..!!!! ..my impersonators dont say such things ...man can only exemplify himself with other males and his languge is always at womans expence shining himself up with his team as he is doomed and woman have become no matter how you throw me down man woman is always above you now not the other way round as your filthy words against woman testify .you world is over man and womans are better than ever ervery time you attack me woman are higher and you man is lower .man is no where ..i own the keys to mans reincarnation for his crimes against woman i am revelations 12 the light i am the bright side i ownmans death and hell i am the second coming the sacrifical lamb of god wo to man for sin against woman ..they only talk after me andnot before ..this is why man is in hell and woman are the future no matter what happens to them ..skeatesy .com ..i am above man and below woman forever more ..

skeatesy the son of man
the new jerusalum canberra australia
6/17/2011 8:07:17 PM


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