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Records 1081 to 1110 of 1973 - Sorted by Most Recent First
Comments On The Extraterrestrial Hypothesis To Explain UFO Data
Mark Cashman, The Temporal Doorway
There are several levels of theorization relating to the ETH. At the first level of theorization, we have the OEH - the objective existence hypothesis, which states: "UFOs are an objectively existent phenomenon, not a subjectively (i.e. psychologically or culturally) existent phenomenon." At the second level of theorization we have the ETH (and others, including the paranormal hypothesis). The basic ETH may be formulated as "UFO sightings are observations of technological objects which derive from an intelligent, non-terrestrial source." At the third level, we have theories of origin and intent. This article considers the second level hypothesis.
Posted on 11/26/2003 11:18:13 PM
Measurements, Calculations And Experiments Related To UFOs
Mark Cashman, The Temporal Doorway
A surprising number of measurements and scientific experiments have been done in relation to UFOs. The function of this document is to categorize this work and make it available to a broader audience.
Posted on 11/26/2003 11:14:52 PM
The Volume Of UFO Reports Over Time
Mark Cashman, The Temporal Doorway
Those who have studied the UFO phenomenon have long been aware that the volume and geography of UFO reports vary over time.
Posted on 11/26/2003 11:13:34 PM
An Analysis of UFO Luminosity
Mark Cashman, The Temporal Doorway
The problem of UFO luminosity is an important one. Of all of the features of the UFO pattern, UFO emissions of visible light are among the most notable and characteristic. An analysis of photographs can reveal important features of UFO luminosity, given that the photos are authentic. In addition, there appears to be a close correlation between luminosity and behavior. The luminosity brightens, dims, changes color, and flashes, often showing a direct relationship to behavior.
Posted on 11/26/2003 11:12:41 PM
The UFO Phenomenon
Mark Cashman, The Temporal Doorway
If the only strange things seen in the sky were a few oddly moving lights, or some specks glinting in the sun, there would be no UFO problem. But there have been many observations of these objects at close range by groups of credible witnesses. In addition, physical traces of various kinds have been left behind, and witnesses have experienced physical and medical effects, including lasting injury.
Posted on 11/26/2003 11:09:58 PM
The Threat, by David Jacobs - Excerpts
David M. Jacobs, Ph.D., Temple University
The critical question still remains: Why are the aliens so secretive? The answer can be found in the motives and purposes of the Breeding Program. Because the fetus must be protected, the most effective method to prevent the abductee from knowing about the pregnancy is to keep it secret from her. In response to Lucy Sanders's questions one alien was uncharacteristically forthcoming.
Posted on 11/26/2003 10:21:16 PM
Poll: U.S. hiding knowledge of aliens (CNN, 1997)
CNN, June 15, 1997
Nearly 50 years since an alleged UFO was sighted at Roswell, New Mexico, a new CNN/Time poll released Sunday shows that 80 percent of Americans think the government is hiding knowledge of the existence of extraterrestrial life forms.
Posted on 11/26/2003 10:18:51 PM
When Disclosure serves Secrecy
Dr. Steven Greer (CSETI), 1999
Ending the secrecy surrounding the UFO/ET subject is a laudable goal. It is long overdue. It would transform the world in ways both simple and profound. And yet it is fraught with danger. There are multiple scenarios attending the disclosure of the UFO subject-and not all of them have the best interests of humanity at heart.
Posted on 11/26/2003 10:18:37 PM
Official UFO Investigations
The Majestic Documents website (Robert Wood, Ryan Wood)
Overview of major, official government UFO investigations and studies, many secret and classified.
Posted on 11/26/2003 9:56:08 PM
Down Down Down with Censorship
By Maj. Donald E. Keyhoe, The TRUE Report on Flying Saucers, 1967
Posted on 11/26/2003 9:51:51 PM
An Engineer Looks at the Project Mogul Hypothesis
Robert A. Galganski
More than three years have passed since I first examined the debris-field issue quantitatively in "The Roswell Debris: A Quantitative Evaluation of the Project Mogul Hypothesis," IUR, March/April 1995. This article updates my initial research.
Posted on 11/26/2003 9:49:38 PM
The TRUE Report On Flying Saucers, 1967
TRUE magazine, 1967
I am pleased and proud to present the articles and photographs
found in this historical issue of TRUE magazine. There are 18 wonderful articles in this rare, special issue. Here's a great big dose of legitimate, pedigreed, accurate, not hypothetical, not imaginary, not crazy, insane, nuts, kooky, weird, (well maybe a bit weird), indisputable UFO history....ENJOY!
Posted on 11/26/2003 9:45:22 PM
Steven Greer and the Disclosure Project
Richard M. Dolan, October/November 2001 issue of UFO Magazine
The arrival of Dr. Steven Greer in the world of ufology signifies a marriage of sorts between two antipodes of thought. On the one hand, Greer has raised the banner – trampled and abandoned – that was carried years ago by Donald Keyhoe. This is the fight to end UFO secrecy. Like Keyhoe, Greer has given it an extraordinary effort for more than ten years, focusing on "nuts and bolts" cases, briefing high level government officials, pressing for Congressional hearings, and gathering many people from the military who are willing to put their careers (and worse, some say) on the line to discuss it. This is his Disclosure Initiative, culminating in the press conference of May 9, 2001. For better or worse, it was a historic – that’s right, historic – event in the history of ufology.
Posted on 11/26/2003 9:42:36 PM
Someone's Watching Over Us
Maj. Donald E. Keyhoe, USMC (Ret.), The TRUE Report on Flying Saucers, 1967
Since January 1950, when TRUE published my first article on UFO's (see page 6), there has been a tremendous change in the public attitude toward Unidentified Flying Objects. Before, the "flying saucers" were ridiculed by most Americans. Only a small number knew the dramatic evidence - confirmed reports by veteran pilots and other competent witnesses. Even fewer knew of the Air Force Top Secret Estimate of the Situation - that the Flying Saucers - officially Unidentified Flying Objects - were interplanetary vehicles engaged in a long observation of the earth.
Posted on 11/26/2003 9:41:08 PM
Stan Friedman on UFOs & Roswell
Glenn Danforth, GatorBytes magazine
Nuclear Physicist Stanton Friedman is, arguably, the world's most respected and well-known UFO researcher. Friedman believes two alien spaceships crashed in New Mexico in 1947. He offers what many people feel is proof the U.S. Government has conducted a continuing cover-up of the truth behind what newspaper headlines at the time called the crash of a flying saucer (now known as the Roswell incident).
Posted on 11/26/2003 9:37:43 PM
The CUFON Interview of Richard F. Haines Ph.D.
CUFON (Computer UFO Network) 12-September-1995
Includes background info / bio information about Dr. Richard Haines.
Posted on 11/26/2003 9:35:28 PM
The Lost Opportunity: 1966 in Retrospect
Richard M. Dolan
As we look back at 1960s ufology standing at the city gates, we might ask ourselves: was there ever a true chance for success? The military and intelligence "handlers" of the UFO problem had resources and capabilities far beyond that of NICAP or any civilian researcher. Fifty years of ufology have shown time and again how civilians have underestimated the resources and resolve of the military-intelligence community to manage this problem. If we today cannot be confident that even the president is fully informed of UFO reality (who can say how much he really knows?), is it realistic to think that private organizations in the 1960s could have done any better? And what about today?
Posted on 11/26/2003 9:34:02 PM
Synopsis of 'Unconventional Flying Objects': JSE Review
H.E. Puthoff, Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin, TX - Journal of Scientific Exploration
To the degree that the engineering characteristics of UFOs can be estimated by empirical observation, in my opinion the above-referenced, recently-published book by Paul Hill provides the most reliable, concise summary of engineering-type data available. [1] The data were compiled over decades of research by a Chief Scientist-Manager at NASA's Langley Research Center [2] who acted as an informal clearinghouse for UFO-related data.
Posted on 11/26/2003 9:30:41 PM
What Kind of Science Is The Study Of Unidentified Flying Objects?
Mark Cashman, The Temporal Doorway
One of the complaints frequently raised by those who are skeptical of the existence of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) as an objective physical phenomenon is the nature of UFO data and the method by which UFOs are investigated. These complaints are based on a specific view of science and its data which is not necessarily appropriate to phenomena like UFOs. This is not to suggest, in any way, that UFOs are not amenable to scientific study. It simply means that the methods which work in one field of science are not necessarily appropriate to another.
Posted on 11/26/2003 9:27:53 PM
'The UFO Evidence' by Richard Hall - Introduction
Richard Hall
Over thirty years ago I compiled this documentary report (The UFO Evidence - 1964) for the leading UFO investigation group, the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) in Washington, D.C. Few people at that time were aware of the scope and consistency of UFO reports by credible witnesses such as scientists, professional pilots, police officers, and even U.S. Air Force personnel. The Air Force was officially charged with conducting a UFO investigation, but maintained that nothing of any importance was being observed.
Posted on 11/26/2003 9:23:47 PM
Power Outages (Blackouts) and UFOs
UFO Symposium, House Committee on Science & Astronautics, July 29, 1968
Below is the part of the testimony by Dr. James E. McDonald before the House Committee on Science & Astronautics, July 29, 1968, on the subject of power outages and UFOs.
Posted on 11/26/2003 9:17:47 PM
UFOs: Ignorance Is Bliss
Paul Nahay, June 1, 1999
"I don't believe in UFOs or aliens." So expounded a guest at a recent social gathering I attended. It seems they felt obliged to state this, even though not one word had been spoken on the subject throughout hours of polite Memorial Day weekend conversation. The comment was clearly proffered for my benefit, since this person knew that I am a student of the phenomenon, and an activist in working towards open public disclosure of our government's considerable, unconstitutional, and easily documentable involvement with it. The comment, and the completely unprovoked context in which it was stated, solidified for me the amazing degree to which ignorance is worn as a shield of pride by people in our culture.
Posted on 11/26/2003 9:14:21 PM
Wilbert Smith: Canada's UFO Pioneer
Grant Cameron, Presidential UFO
Director, Project Magnet -The Canadian Government UFO Study (1950-1954).
Posted on 11/26/2003 9:09:23 PM
UFOFacts - Mailing List
by Richard Dolan
A factual information reports and sharing of personal
experiences list related to UFOs, Star Visitors, personal
encounters with Star People, and the personal and societal
changes resulting from encounters and public awareness of
visitation from the cosmos.
Posted on 11/26/2003 9:07:53 PM
Recommendation to Establish UN Agency for UFO Research - UN General Assembly decision 33/426, 1978
United Nations
At its 87th plenary meeting, on 18 December 1978, the UN General Assembly, on the recommendation of the Special Political Committee recommended the establishment of an agency or a department of the United Nations for undertaking, co-ordinating and disseminating the results of research into unidentified flying objects and related phenomena.
Posted on 11/26/2003 8:27:35 PM
SEAT's (UN Society for Enlightenment And Transformation) Second Symposium on Extraterrestrial Intelligence and Human Future - Comments
Antonio Huneeus, from Dec. 1993 Issue of the United Nations' SEAT newsletter
Posted on 11/26/2003 8:21:49 PM
The UN Gets a Warning About UFOs
Flying Saucers and UFOs 1969, Page 64, Vol. 3, 1969
Ever since June 30th, 1965, UN Secretary-General U Thant had been in possession of a grave warning concerning the potential threat posed by the phenomena of Unidentified Flying Objects. This dire warning was issued by Colman VonKeviczky, Director of the Intercontinental UFO Research and Analytic Network. It clearly sounded a call for the United Nations to look to its defenses against an invasion from outer space, or else suffer the consequences of a failure to heed such a warning.
Posted on 11/26/2003 8:18:40 PM
What Are the Flying Triangles?
James Oberg, special to Space.com, Jan 14, 2000
The December 1999 issue of Spaceflight magazine carried two letters from writers looking for explanations of a curious celestial phenomenon: a triangle of lights crossing the night sky.
Posted on 11/26/2003 7:29:59 PM
Sky Dragons Behind the Media Curtain: UFOs in China (skeptical)
James Oberg, special to Space.com, Jan 14, 2000
Whenever scientists studying a phenomenon suspect that the data have become contaminated by preconceptions or otherwise compromised, they seek new samples from farther afield. It's often their only hope to make any further progress. At first glance, UFO reports from China offer a similar advantage to the modern study of ufology.
Posted on 11/26/2003 7:26:29 PM
The Role of the President in the Politics of Disclosure - Part II: The case for and against George W. Bush
Stephen Bassett
Let’s get one thing straight right up front. The politics of UFOs, how the presence of extraterrestrial beings in our world, now, is going to affect you, your government, and every other person on the planet, is not only bipartisan, it’s transcendent.
Posted on 11/26/2003 7:10:04 PM
Records 1081 to 1110 of 1973