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Records 1051 to 1080 of 1973 - Sorted by Most Recent First
Extra-terrestrials invade Uttar Pradesh (India), says IB
The Times of India, August 17, 2002
With five visuals of what is feared as the muhnochwa `trapped' on video tapes -- three of which were recorded by the team of intelligence sleuths in the state -- the scare does not seem to be unfounded. The sleuths who had worked on muhnochwa do not rule out the possibility of the presence of an extra-terrestrial body (ETB) with electro-magnetic (EM) effect in at least three per cent of the cases. While the Indian agencies were yet to admit the presence of ETB, foreign research agencies, intelligence reports said, have already been to the affected areas, met the victims and collected necessary data.
Posted on 11/27/2003 1:07:02 PM
Crop Circles: Artworks or Alien Signs?
Hillary Mayell, National Geographic News, August 2, 2002
Mel Gibson's new film, Signs, is reviving public interest in the phenomenon of crop circles. It would be unfair to reveal what it is that's scaring Mel so badly in the world of movies. In the real world, the battle to explain the formations is a torrid wrestling match between artists and people who believe in other-worldly influences.
Posted on 11/27/2003 1:00:40 PM
India villagers blame UFO for attacks
Associated Press, August 20, 2002
It comes in the night, a flying sphere emitting red and blue lights that attacks villagers in this poor region, extensively burning those victims it does not kill. At least that's what panic-stricken villagers say. At least seven people have died of unexplained injuries in the past week in Uttar Pradesh state, India.
Posted on 11/27/2003 12:58:35 PM
The existence of UFOs would be nice, but the evidence is lacking
Ben Bova, Naples Daily News, Oct. 13, 2002
Because I write science fiction, many people think I "believe" in UFOs. I do, in a way. I believe that there are many unidentified objects flying through our skies. I do not believe, however, that there is one scintilla of evidence showing that UFOs are the spacecraft of visiting extraterrestrial creatures.
Posted on 11/27/2003 12:56:53 PM
James Gilliland / Mount Adams Investigation - Full Report
Steve Moreno, PSI Applications
In-depth investigation of the ongoing, dramatic Gilliland / Mount Adams contact case. "It seemed a fellow up in Washington State by the name of James Gilliland was making extraordinary claims of 'full blown contact' at his Sattva Sanctuary which was documented with video, photos, physical effects and multiple witnesses. He alleged that this contact had been ongoing and anyone was welcome to experience it for themselves."
Posted on 11/27/2003 3:19:56 AM
Beckoning Contact: James Gilliland / Mount Adams Investigation
Steve Moreno, PSI Applications
Hidden in the Pacific Northwest may lie the key to one of the most intriguing mysteries of our time. An individual named James Gilliland, who lives in Trout Lake, Washington, just southwest of Mt. Adams, is an "experiencer or contactee", and has had ongoing encounters, sightings, and experiences with the Mt. Adams enigma. Psi APPLICATIONS presents the factual findings from its ongoing investigation of this dynamic case. Relevant documentation and expanded information are linked for the reader's review. Video clips of recent activity at the ranch are also included.
Posted on 11/27/2003 3:15:38 AM
Apartment near University of Washington (Seattle) is a UFO clearinghouse
Associated Press, July 29, 2002
News article on the National UFO Reporting Center, based in Seattle, WA.
Posted on 11/27/2003 3:10:49 AM
A Galactic Exchange Univer-City
James Gilliland and John Novak, ECETI
There is ongoing, documented contact with benevolent, spiritually and technologically advanced ultra and extraterrestrials at the Sattva Sanctuary in Trout Lake, Washington. This contact is an ongoing controversy that is met with a variety of responses. Hopefully, the information that follows will clear up some of the many fears and questions concerning the nature and purpose of these contacts and what our motives are in presenting it to you.
Posted on 11/27/2003 3:02:20 AM
UFO/Alien Timeline 1985-2001
Alien ISP
A timeline of recent UFO-related events.
Posted on 11/27/2003 3:00:38 AM
Have we lost our curiosity?
Billy Cox, Florida Today, Jul 30, 2002
In 1953, Page, an astrophysicist, and Durant, a Navy test pilot, participated in a CIA-sponsored study of unidentified flying objects that became known as the Robertson Panel.
Posted on 11/27/2003 2:14:25 AM
A Trip as Far Away as Space-Time Will Allow: Scientists Contemplate Ideas, Impossibilities of Interstellar Transit (SCI FI UFO Symposium)
Guy Gugliotta, Washington Post, November 18, 2002
Earlier this month, George Washington University and the Sci-Fi Channel sponsored a symposium at the university where serious people took up these two topics. Scientists agreed that we won't be doing star trips anytime soon, but "soon" may not mean much in the context of the cosmos.
Posted on 11/27/2003 2:06:50 AM
The Great UFO Wave: October, 1973 - What Happened?
Kenny Young, UFO Research, Cincinnati
Perhaps one day through future revelation or discovery, history may acknowledge the bizarre blitz of UFO sightings across America which happened in the shadows of Watergate. But for today, most people are unaware of the extraordinary UFO Wave of 1973.
Posted on 11/27/2003 1:57:11 AM
Carter White House Denied UFO Info
Disclosure Project (Mar 2002)
A former Defense Intelligence Agency official, a senior Stanford Research Institute policy analyst and famed constitutional attorney Daniel Sheehan have all confirmed that President Carter's attempts to obtain UFO information was thwarted by illegal actions by rogue military and intelligence entities.
Posted on 11/27/2003 1:54:20 AM
The Great UFO Wave: October,1973
UFO Research Cincinatti
This site is dedicated to presenting details of a most inflammatory UFO happening: a nationwide rash of UFO sightings climaxing in October of 1973. Appearing on the internet 25-years afterwards , this informational resource will recount these stirring events through newspaper articles, journalistic reports and investigative essays.
Posted on 11/27/2003 1:47:38 AM
The Greatest Secret in Modern History: UFOs and a Solution to the Environmental and Energy Crisis (Disclosure Project Witness Testimony Excerpts)
Steven Greer, Disclosure Project
Posted on 11/27/2003 1:28:31 AM
UFOs - Is There A Middle Ground Between Skepticism
And Belief? (Canada)
Susan McClelland and John Betts, Macleans Magazine, Canada, 9-9-2001
Posted on 11/27/2003 1:25:26 AM
Historical Artwork & UFOs - UFOArtwork.com - Matthew Hurley
Matthew Hurley, UFOArtwork.com
For a number of years I have been intrigued by old artwork that appears to depict UFOs. The artwork in my collection consists of frescos, tapestries, illustrations, oil paintings and early photographs. Although some of the artwork represents actual sightings, others feature UFOs in a religious context. Whatever the truth is, there are UFOs in these pieces of artwork and one can ponder and reflect on this truth. I hope this collection will give gravitas to the idea that we have been visited by UFOs for thousands of years and whose occupants may have had an effect on our own genesis & evolution.
Posted on 11/27/2003 1:21:02 AM
Uncovering the big UFO cover-up: An Interview with Dr. Steven Greer
Share International / Lightnet / The Informer - 19th September 2000
An interview with Dr Steven Greer, a physician and founder of CSETI (the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence), calling for public hearings on the military-industrial cover-up of UFO events world wide.
Posted on 11/27/2003 1:18:51 AM
Seen a UFO? Seattle reporting center wants to know
The Associated Press, 07/27/2002
Proof that we are not alone? Almost certainly, says Peter Davenport, a former biotech executive and self-described “alien hunter” who has posted those and 1,124 other sightings already this year on the Web site of the Seattle-based National UFO Reporting Center.
Posted on 11/27/2003 1:15:52 AM
The CIA's UFO History
Mark Rodeghier, CUFOS (Center for UFO Studies)
After the Cold War ended, the culture of secrecy and the operational style of the CIA began to change. Its director appeared on a radio talk show, and it became possible for citizens to pressure the CIA in ways unheard of during that earlier era. Ufology has been a beneficiary of these changes.
Posted on 11/27/2003 1:10:09 AM
The Problem with "Disclosure"
Michael Brownlee, May 7, 2001, Awakenings
Beginning May 9, at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., Dr. Steven Greer’s long-held dream of bringing about public disclosure of the reality of extraterrestrial visitors to earth will reach its zenith. On that day, Greer – founder and international director of the non-profit Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (http://www.cseti.org/) – will host a major press conference featuring presentations by twenty-some “first-hand military and government witnesses to UFO events.”
Posted on 11/27/2003 1:06:48 AM
The History Of The Disclosure Project
Dr. Steven Greer, Director, Disclosure Project
Beginning in 1993, I started an effort that was designed to identify firsthand military and government witnesses to UFO events and projects, as well as other evidence to be used in a public disclosure. From 1993, we spent considerable time and resources briefing the Clinton Administration, including CIA Director James Woolsey, senior military officials at the Pentagon, and select members of Congress, among others.
Posted on 11/27/2003 1:03:30 AM
The Rockefeller UFO Report: Or, How a Millionaire and a Socialite New Ager are Trying to Influence World Leaders about UFOs
Paul B. Thompson, Nebula Editor
As might be guessed by his name, Laurence Rockefeller has a lot of money. He's the grandson of John D. Rockefeller, founder of the dynasty, and brother of John D. III, Nelson, Winthrop, and David Rockefeller. Now 86 years old, Laurance Rockefeller has long listened to his own personal, internal drummer. He's also been interested in UFOs for a long time, and often puts his money where his mind is. For example:
Posted on 11/27/2003 1:00:11 AM
The Covert Organization Responsible for the UFO/ET Issue: PI-4O
Steven Greer, M.D., Director CSETI, 1996
PI-40 is a quasi-governmental, USAPS related, qu`asi-private entity operating internationally/transnationally. The majority of operations are centered in private industrial 'work for others' contract projects related to the understanding and application of advanced extraterrestrial technologies. Related compartmentalized units, which are also USAPS, are involved in disinformation, public deception, active disinformation, so-called abductions and mutilations, reconnaissance and UFO tracking, space-based weapons systems, and specialized liaison groups (for example to media, political leaders, the scientific community, the corporate world etc). Think of this entity as a hybrid between government USAPS and private industry.
Posted on 11/27/2003 12:51:48 AM
Astrobiology Magazine: Search for Life in the Universe
Posted on 11/27/2003 12:08:18 AM
Doing Science On UFOs
Mark Cashman, The Temporal Doorway
If we are ever to know whether or not UFOs exist, we must do science on the subject[footnote 5]. If we accept that UFOs are objectively existent, based on the evidence to date, then establishing the nature of the phenomenon and its technology (if any), will require science to be done on the subject. If we do not accept that UFOs are objectively existent, there is still much fascinating scientific work to be done in the areas of determining the genesis of these reports and the determinants of their structure, content, and the correlations between reports widely dispersed in time and space.
None of this has been undertaken in any broad sense to date.
Posted on 11/26/2003 11:37:52 PM
UFO Occupant Contact Behavioral Classification System
Mark Cashman, The Temporal Doorway
Close Encounters of The Third Kind[footnote 1], the designation coined by Dr. J. Allen Hynek for UFO reports where animate beings are observed in connection wth an unidentified object, are an important part of the phenomenon. Recently, another type of case, the abduction case, has also attained prominence in UFO research. The following is an attempt to impose order on CE3 and abduction reports by classifying them as members of categories.
Posted on 11/26/2003 11:27:04 PM
A Behavioral Classification System for UFO Sightings
Mark Cashman, The Temporal Doorway
Sufficient catalogs and literature exist to distinguish a limited repertoire of UFO behaviors. In fact, what is fascinating is that these behaviors fit into a set of categories which at least appear to represent intelligent actions, and which are certainly of a countable number. This classification system is an "event" oriented system. In other words, it should be used to classify a UFO event, rather than an object.
Posted on 11/26/2003 11:25:26 PM
Determining The Truth Or Falsity Of The Misperception/Hoax/Hallucination Hypothesis (MHH)
Mark Cashman, The Temporal Doorway
It is my contention that the MHH (Misperception/Hoax/Hallucination Hypothesis) can, indeed, be proven or disproven. This document discusses the discriminators which I believe exist for this hypothesis.
Posted on 11/26/2003 11:23:23 PM
A Critique of the Paranormal UFO Theories of Vallee and Keel
Mark Cashman, The Temporal Doorway
In the study of UFOs, two theories of the origin of UFOs stand out - the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (ETH) and the paranormal hypothesis (PNH). While I do not currently find that the data is sufficient to support either theory, I believe that paranormal theories of UFO origin have had a significant effect, and that, in general, that effect has not been beneficial to the advancement of the study of UFOs. I would not claim that paranormal theories of UFOs are invalid, but I would tend to say that they are unprofitable, in the sense that they predict everything, and, thus, nothing.
Posted on 11/26/2003 11:21:35 PM
Records 1051 to 1080 of 1973