Are UFOs real? |
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i know they are real i had one flying along side of me one night it was only 75 to 100 feet from me it was a bright light with tear drop shaped colored lights inside swirling around it looked like they were gathering energy i dont know thats what it looked like anyway it seemed to play with me speed wise i had a hotrod car i was doing 145 and it took off and made a u turn and came back i a couple of seconds then it was about 2 miles from me and i can see it shooting down red and blue beams of light to the ground going side to side scanning it looked like i watched it for 25 mins then it drifted off,,then another time my wife and i were coming back from a trip we were looking out over some flatlands it was really clear out that night it was weird well we both noticed 3 huge building shaped crafts they had to be atleast a couple of miles long they were coming down throughthe clouds stair steped the only way i can explain it they came down and then wentback up in the clouds and they were gone i a lot of storys i can tell but its hard when no one believes you but i know what the truth is ,,,,
rob keevis
8/13/2005 11:08:06 AM
Yes, but from where do they originate, and what are thier intentions. Could they perhaps be a manifestition of evil?I simply don't know?
Rudy D. Burd
8/13/2005 7:35:18 AM
Yes. I firmly and strongly beleive in them. I have never witnessed one but there is so much evidenc epointing towards them being real. Maybe this site will help open more eyes.
elkton, MD, USA
8/12/2005 7:58:28 AM
&*##^B%#VK#)#T#I_%)I#V_ W#there are 34 classified races known...4 within our galaxy...3 possible hostile..26 co-exist with man-kind. ufo's in our air-space are manned by extra-t's and distrubutes ufos from flying out of restricted air space due to civilian exposure or panic but of course too late for that..we are having a problem with a unclassified race that keeps entering Earth's air space...the reason why we leave the restricted zone is to discover who these extra-t's are...this race is responsible for aductions leading back to travis walton. in conjuntion with our friends..the cf-22 air to space proto-type fighter is in production highly restricted that if a civilian was found near would be shot. the cf-22 space fighter is a space enabled fighter housing fusion propulsion energy. bottom-line aliens exist...34 races so far...its a matter of time when the space era will erupt.&^&$ ^$Y
8/11/2005 12:50:11 PM
Yes....and i want the truth about that imerge! This is nothing new.... the whole world was doubtful about the fact that we are not alone and i hope with all my heart that people will realized as soon as possible! We must accept that and fight for the truth that was been hidden for 50 years! Iam for Disclosure Project and i want know the truth!! I want the dissinformation stops! No more lies... I dont care what they want to do and the black projects...but i just want to know what is all about. We have been visited for all over the human history and we deseve that!!!We are honest civilians....paying taxes and why must the MATERIALIZEM destroy the humanity!!
I know because i saw them.
Be honest !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8/11/2005 12:48:07 PM
they have been around since biblical times and maybe even before that. It seems
to be helping in human evolution & at the same time rebuking humans of using only
their physical attributes to achieve objectives to satisfy their unending quest for
power, materialism, immortality .
K.B. Seah
8/11/2005 7:21:53 AM
gods exist, unfortunately, jesus was not the son of a god. we are all the creation of nature, which is the truth. how can you go by a book? a book is only words. go by what you experience and see with your own eyes. everything should be proven by logic and reason, not faith. trust nothing but yourself and do not rely on blind religious doctrine. believe it or not, there are some 'religions' out there that aren't religions. but rely on only what the mind and true human nature shows you. some people become deluded by things like christianity and use it as an excuse for all the sufferring in the world. but in reality we have to overcome all this. heaven and hell is only what you make it. there is such a thing as astral projection. if you have an open mind towards this, and believe that this possibly might exist, and practice towards achieving it, you will see that many religious novels are fictitious and that the reason why a GOD is from the sky is because we were spawned from something other than this earth. and i don't mean a god. gods have power, therefore they are jealous. jealousy is a negative influcence in life. you submitting to a god, is negative. submit to only that which will show forgiveness and compassion towards all life. even those that kill and decieve. even when maggots eat open a diseased rabbit that's still living, you should still respect the life of the maggot that eats it. all life is prescious. every single living being. even a demon.
douglas sabo
bridgeport, connecticut
8/11/2005 2:44:26 AM
UFOs are real. There is too much evidence and proof to deny the subject. These are alien spacecraft and they are here for the future of hunanity. I believe, through research, that a polar shift will occur in 2012. This maybe what they are trying to prevent. I also believe that Extra Terrestrials have had involvement in the human evolution.
Stephen Blake King
8/10/2005 11:10:21 PM
without question
Doug Schaeppi
st paul park Minnesota usa
8/10/2005 8:43:20 PM
yes they are real !!! i have see over 30 of them and people who have never seen them have never looked or just havent been lucky 2 see one. if you just star gaze 4 an hour every day 4 a week you will see many.
like id tell
8/10/2005 10:33:04 AM