It would be near impossible for out of the billions of galaxies in 1 out of an infinite amout of universes for us to be the only life out there. just the thought of being alone is ridiculous.
Franklin,TN USA 8/10/2005 7:58:02 AM
I am born again christian, and my brother was a ufo fantatic, The books and all the proofs of ufos contacts and thier existence he had collected and showed me. In my mind there was no doubt at all, that all the pictures he showed me were real and yes real events that occured with human beings and thier testimonies I read.
My faith in Lord is very strong and In my thought, I did think that if God has created any other aliens and why, because Jesus came as a HUMAN FORM to die for the sins of the world and God says that he made men, out of his own image, so why then would aliens come to Earth and what for?
So I asked God to reveal this mystery to me and give me wisdom of what or who these UFOS and the aliens maybe.
The answer from God was made very clear to me, in the wisdom that the lord gave me, and it is in the book of Genesis chapter 3. verse 6.
It says that the SONS OF GOD married the daughters of the earth and sin spreaded.
Sons of God in the bible are ANGELS. who rebelled against God before the world was created, as they are supernatural beings and we all know that humanly we are helpless and it is only by the blood of Jesus and in the Name of Jesus that Demons tremble and fear.
When God saw the Sons of God marrying the daughters of the Earth.
Sin was spreading through the whole human race, in which God had to do something, and that was just the time of Noah in which God was going to destroy the world and God chose Noah, his servent and his family to build the ark as he is going to destroy the human race that were having sex
with these Angelic beings. (demons)
Todays world, why are these beings coming here on earth, and causing distractions amongs human race again?
Anyone who has had a encounter with any aliens or entities have all had a sexual minupliations from these beings, and when they have come out, they are haunted day and night that they are being visited in thier bodies.
We know that those impacts are exactly in what demons do when they are possessed in ghost enviroments.
The Lord Jesus is coming back again, soon as the word of God says in his holy bible. IT says in Matthew 24 that SO IT WAS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH, SO IT WILL BE LIKE IN THE DAYS OF THE COMING OF THE SON OF MAN.
Because now this is the final assult on human beings, by demons, that will come as light, into forms of ufos, to sedduce the world, and take people away from the TRUTH, WHICH IS OUR LORD JESUS BEFORE HE RETURNS BACK TO THIS EARTH. JUST AS JESUS SAID THAT AS IT WAS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH, SO IT WILL BE IN THE DAYS FOR THE RETURN OF THE SON OF MAN. Mathew 24.
Midlands, West united kindom 8/10/2005 12:01:25 AM
YesUFOs are real Ive saw one a few nights ago it was a cicle of multi colored lights hovering over trees
Sean hudson
louisville KY 8/9/2005 11:20:43 AM
YesUFOs are real Ive saw one a few nights ago it was a cicle of multi colored lights hovering over trees
Sean hudson
louisville KY 8/9/2005 11:18:22 AM
Yeas UFOs are real Ive saw one a few nights ago it was a cicle of multi colored lights hovering over trees
Sean hudson
louisville KY 8/9/2005 11:16:51 AM
i don't think they are real,but i belive there's an othr life scientificly it's possible cause if you see in a claire sky just by your ayes you can see more than 3000 stars,imagine that evry star followen by 5 planets at least(the sun is followed by 10 planets),so we have 15.000 planets,and let's imagine between those 15.000 planets there's at least 1 is it conditions are the same as the earth,don't you think that's possible,but what kind of life we can find therenthat's the question,i don't think they are human are super human,but they are maybe plants are animals,who know they are maybe just microbs and microscopic life,but (human) who fly to our planet,i don't think so.
Having read many cases and observed many photo's on your site I am quite confident that we are being visited by an EBE or multiple EBE. The most compelling research I have seen to date has been classified documents released by Dan Burisch who has a P.H.D in microbiology and whom, also has had strong ties working at Pampoose Lake S4 in Neveda and the Dulce facility. I believe his claims that he was a key player in the Lotus Staarflower Project, development of the Ganesh Particle, and several treaty agreements including Tau-9 Conference. I am surprised you guys have not included the documents on this site ;-d. Who possible could be operating those metalllic disc shaped objects? J-rod's quite possibly? and were exactly do the Nordics fit into this equation? We still have much to learn. I remain optimistic though.
Boston, MA 8/7/2005 9:59:20 PM
I would like to add some hint which might have been overseen by physicst reasearching on this matter. Lets say we human beings aare made of solid matter we move by ouselves at certain speed which is not same for everybody due to bodily fitness and training. So our bodies are made of solid matter yet our speed of movement can vary on personal strength and environment through which we move. Lets suppose entities or creatures made of light itself like the angels or spirits will also move at varying speed according to their own inherent strengths and environment through which they move. If the speed of light is 186,000 miles per sec for material light then how fast can move beings of light having in mind that we are material entities and yet we move faster then the solid matter around us. Now there is another speed which is not taken into serious pondering by the physicist and that is the speed of thought. In thought you can travel almost instantenously from the earth onto the end of universe or universes. Our material world has material propulsion spaceships which can achieve much greater speeds than our own bodies. Let say we have light beings with the light propulsion spaceships, now can you even imagine how fast they could move through the space?! To top it all you have mind and its power of thought in the tought spaceship and this can not even be imagined in the present way of science thinking that is imprisoned by material way of looking into the reality of existence. For thought speed there is no measurement in science because in a moment you are here and then at the furthest point in the universe. I had an experience about travelling with the speed of thought and I can tell you this it takes you even out of space time boundaries. I dont think I am the first who experienced this phenomena for I have found that some very profound spiritual human beings have travelled with speed of thought which is much faster then speed of light. There are things within this realm of existence that I am not allowed to expose for we as human beings tend to misuse every new power that is discovered in science labs. Pity if we are moral and pure beings how much we could harnest from the knowledge treasure that is outhere or rather within us. Discovery of atom brought us atomic bombs and much misery imagine what would brings us discovery of thought power. However it is divinely protected and invested only into pure human beings who will never misuse it. Science has reached its peak for the state we are in now. If we want to move further first we have to purify our inner being from negative energies and inclinations. Let me indicate that in a muslim Holy Book The Qur'an it is mentioned in chapter Ants how servant of Solomon teleported a throne of Queen of Shiba from Yemen to the Jerusalim in an instant with the power of thought. Mind you where was science laboratory in those times...they had much more knowledge about reality of existence than we have know but we are full of pride and vanity to admit it. Aliens are using solid light to teleport or move material bodies through space but they dont have the mastery over the power of thought. they know that such power is vested in human beings and therefore so many abductions and experiments to discover it. Funny as it is they think it is something you can steal from human beings. None of those human beings know what power of thouht is let alone to give it to alien doctors. Those who have been gifted with that divine secret can not be abducted and even approached by aliens for they would perish in all consuming flames before they reach them. I hope this helps you broaden your horison on the reality of existence and guides you towards more humble and positive approach in the quest for knowledge. Forgive me on grammatical lapses but I hope you will understand what I was hinting at. God bless...
Jasmin son of Light
Melbourne 8/6/2005 11:01:08 AM
ufos are real to say that we are alone in the universe is completey egocentric the amount of ufo sightings reported per year can not be dissmissed and those who report the sihgting be told they were seeing stars
joshua macdonald
tea tree gully,south australia ,australia 8/6/2005 4:47:49 AM