Are UFOs real? |
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Iam from Slovenia. near Italy....YES, i know that they are here......Why u asking this question?Most of the people doubt related subject,but the other part of the people knew that they are REAL and present here on the Earth. Iam sure because of i`ve seen a UFO 3 x Times CLOSER THAN 500m(one time at 10meters)and i didn`t have a hallucination!!!Iam an electronic engeneer.... and many times at high altitude but i can`t be sure(near the clouds).Was just a glowing bright light that flew over the sky..sometimes made an 90 degree angular turns(those ones were for sure!!)GREAT PART OF THE WORLD HAD SEEN THE UFO and SOME OF THEM ALSO SEEN THE ALIENS!!I dont know about abductions but for Aliens and UFO iam complitely sure of that....that i could testify in the court of law!
8/4/2005 1:24:24 PM
i do belive ufos are real there is something in the sky im just not so sure they are "aliens" but they could be i mean Gods second book is natrue and in genesis the bible speakes of other worlds so they very much could be "aliens"
ps.who came up with this crap that jesus was an "alien whould "alien" die a worable death for you
pps.all these people who make these fake ufo clams your makeing the people who have relly seen them look like frods
john age 13
rocky face ga
8/4/2005 10:35:06 AM
scheisse ia
8/4/2005 10:32:06 AM
yeah they are real.I just wish we could get a machine to kill all the hoaxers.
south africa
8/3/2005 5:28:23 AM
yes i think ufos are real there was a HUGE "V" thing over las vegas, nv any time the goverment would send jets over to see it it would move away until finally it disapeared i saw it with my own eyes!!!!!
north bend,or usa
8/2/2005 7:31:47 PM
my mother, a school teacher in eastern Virginia lived in a house back to the golf course . year late 50s . She told me an airborn ufo silently hovered over a water hazerd pond and sucked all the water out of the pond in a short period of time .
It left as quietly as it came . She checked the pond next morning. It was empty.
Was it hydrogin powered ? Frederick Keith Coffey
Frederick Keith Coffey
8/2/2005 11:23:37 AM
8/2/2005 10:05:56 AM
There is no doubt that ufos are real. from time immemorable sightings from all over the world have been reported and recorded.something strange is indeed going on either in the heavens or under our feet.ufos are a part of a strange phenomena which many classify it as a paranormal one.where ever there is a conspiracy or strange phenomena occuring in our planet there are 2 partys related to it-the skeptics & the non skeptics.usually there is a third party called the neutral party whose members just shut up & watch the show.initially i belonged to the third one but having been completely immereced in this topic i would like to place myself in the nonskeptic category.I firmly believe in ufos. having done a detail research i have come to the conclusion that life indeed exists beyond humans ability to see god's playground(universe).we are beeing visited by alien beings.more comes in from not one ,not two but hundereds of other witnesses who have seen them & their space vehicles in govt. facilities.skeptics usually discard witnesses claims ase a psychological dellusion or a clever hoax for publicity but nine out of ten claims are not psychological dellusions or clever hoaxes . the public is sensible and are indeed aware of their claims.i believe there is an anonymous group (whether alienistic or human)that is dominating this phenomena . A group aware of human psychology ,a group intelligent enough tocreate an invisible cloak to hide the reality ,a group that is creating this mirage of false identity to keep us humans away from knowing the true nature of the is strange so is the turth which is even stranger than fiction . this truth can be revealed only if a joint effort is made .rather than having 2 opposing forces (skeptics ,nonskeptics) we should all work on this problem siglehandedly keeping this point in mind that we see what our eyes see,not our brain.onlly this effort can land us somewhere or else we will remain entangled in this web of confusions for eternity.
sharjah,U.A.E(middle east).
8/2/2005 1:38:55 AM
Yes I do believe that UFO's are real and with all of the evidence ex. very public sighthings which have taken place worldwide it is frustrating that so little attention is givne to them.
Justin Aaron
Birdsboro PA USA
8/1/2005 10:03:15 PM
i believe that UFO is real, because in my religion, there is statement that beside us there is another creature in our world.
8/1/2005 9:20:51 PM