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The Paradigm Clock
Stephen Bassett, July 17, 2000
On April 30, 1998, the Paradigm Research Group published to the World Wide Web the “Paradigm Clock.” It includes a chronicle of events that have moved the clock. When the governments of the world, most likely but not necessarily led by the United States, formally disclose to their citizens the presence of extraterrestrial beings, the Paradigm Clock will strike midnight.
Posted on 11/26/2003 3:05:26 PM

Would ET Vote? The Likelihood of Extraterrestrial Democracy
Douglas Vakoch, SPACE.com, 8/15/02
If extraterrestrials some day pick up our radio and television broadcasts, hearing the latest news of political jockeying, will they be flabbergasted by our methods of choosing a leader? Would the idea of one vote per person seem hopelessly quaint to an advanced alien nation? Maybe not. R
Posted on 11/26/2003 3:05:16 PM

What does "The Politics of UFOs" mean?
Stephen Bassett, August 16, 2000
It is a strange phrase - other worldly, ambiguous. It’s also a standing joke which goes like this: the lobbyist/activist is lurking at some soirée or another in Georgetown or Bethesda or the Capitol. Amiable chatting is taking place, harmless banter, until that magic moment occurs when the unsuspecting attendee asks innocently, “Now what is it that you do?”
Posted on 11/26/2003 3:02:55 PM

Why the UFO Mystery Isn't Solved
John F. Schuessler, International Director, MUFON
During the past 50+ years, experts of every kind have tackled the UFO mystery, but to no avail. All have failed in their attempts to supply a plausible answer to the question "what are UFOs?" Every answer given to date has been hypothetical and never proven. I believe that a big part of the problems lies in the fact that UFO investigations are always backward looking. We have dealt with the problem as a history mystery, not a real-time mystery. And nothing is going to change until we become proactive rather than reactive in our approach.
Posted on 11/26/2003 3:02:32 PM

The Disclosure Cookbook
Stephen Bassett, November 1, 2000
It is the question most often asked. “How will it happen?” A more important question is, “How should it happen?” Both deserve an answer. Putting optimism aside for a moment, our first recipe serves up an order of “will.”
Posted on 11/26/2003 3:02:10 PM

The Role of the Media in the Politics of Disclosure
Stephen Bassett, June 2001 UFO Magazine
The greatest scientific discovery in history, the existence of non-human, intelligent life forms with interstellar propulsion technology, has been hidden from the general citizenry for over fifty years. The justification for this has varied from decade to decade and the methodology has at times violated the laws and the Constitution of the nation. R
Posted on 11/26/2003 2:59:21 PM

The Role of the President in the Politics of Disclosure - Part II: The case for and against George W. Bush
Stephen Bassett
Let’s get one thing straight right up front. The politics of UFOs, how the presence of extraterrestrial beings in our world, now, is going to affect you, your government, and every other person on the planet, is not only bipartisan, it’s transcendent.
Posted on 11/26/2003 2:56:39 PM

The Role of the President in the Politics of Disclosure: Part I: The Decline of the Executive
Stephen Bassett
One of the most important political trends in the second half of the 20th Century is the weakening of the American presidency - important because of its role in the intricate, constitutionally structured checks and balance system mentioned in the first column in this series.
Posted on 11/26/2003 2:55:34 PM

The Role of the People in the Politics of Disclosure
Stephen Bassett, April 2000 issue of UFO Magazine
The politics of disclosure is a call to citizens to step forward and assert their will upon their government at a time when many would see little justification to do so. Such an initiative has no chance to succeed unless the public is absolutely clear as to why.
Posted on 11/26/2003 2:54:35 PM

Disclosure and Transformation: Why disclosure of the ET/UFO subject matters
Steven M. Greer, M.D.
Amid the clamor of a world hurtling towards the next century, a great secret has been kept from humanity which may hold the key to our future. This secret is hidden in plain sight and yet remains unacknowledged by most. It is discussed widely in popular culture - but its import and meaning remain elusive. R
Posted on 11/26/2003 2:52:22 PM

Implications of Extraterrestrial Disclosure
Steven M. Greer, M.D.
For nearly three years, I have been having this discussion with national security think tanks, business leaders, CIA officials, UN figures and various world leaders. It is time to put some of these ideas down on paper, at least as a starting point. We need to begin contemplating a future which includes the existence of extraterrestrial life forms, and the early stages of inter-planetary relations. R
Posted on 11/26/2003 2:51:28 PM

Dr. Steven Greer Disclosure Project Talk - Sept 2001, Portland, Oregon
Dr. Steven Greer, Director, Disclosure Project - Sept 2001, Portland, Oregon
I often say, unless we change directions, we're likely to end up where we're going. For years we've been talking about some of the fundamental structural problems in our society. One of the fundamental problems is the issue we're dealing with tonight. I will connect the dots for you of why this issue is relevant to the events of yesterday. I'll do it as delicately as I can. R
Posted on 11/26/2003 2:37:48 PM

UFOs reported over Suriname
Associated Press, Oct 18, 2001
Dozens of people in the South American country of Suriname have reported seeing an unidentified flying object near its capital, police and military officials said. R
Posted on 11/26/2003 2:33:38 PM

UFO Disclosure Crusader Dr. Steven Greer Challenges Media Establishment on Its Home Turf
Len Kasten, writer for Atlantis Rising Magazine
The momentum for full disclosure of the truth from the government about the UFO phenomenon seems to fluctuate almost like the stock market. It goes through periods of intense enthusiasm usually initiated by one or more dedicated individuals or groups, followed by times of relative discouragement and disinterest after it has become abundantly clear that a solid stone wall has been encountered, and it is an exercise in futility. R
Posted on 11/26/2003 2:31:18 PM

Anti-gravity propulsion comes ‘out of the closet’
Nick Cook, JDW Aerospace Consultant, London - Jane's Defense Weekly
Boeing, the world’s largest aircraft manufacturer, has admitted it is working on experimental anti-gravity projects that could overturn a century of conventional aerospace propulsion technology if the science underpinning them can be engineered into hardware. R
Posted on 11/26/2003 2:28:52 PM

Inconstant Speed of Light May Debunk Einstein
Michael Christie, Reuters - Aug 7, 2003
A team of Australian scientists has proposed that the speed of light may not be a constant, a revolutionary idea that could unseat one of the most cherished laws of modern physics -- Einstein's theory of relativity. R
Posted on 11/26/2003 2:27:32 PM

Stanford Scientists Say UFOs May Warrant a Second Look
Buck Wolf, ABCNEWS.com
Stanford Scientists Say UFOs May Warrant a Second Look. A panel of scientists is conducting the first independent UFO investigation in nearly 30 years. R
Posted on 11/26/2003 2:26:25 PM

Jimmy Carter’s UFO Close Encounter
Buck Wolf, ABCNEWS.com
When a President Says He’s Seen a UFO, You Really Have to Wonder if the Truth Is Out There. President Carter filed two formal reports when he was governor of Georgia describing his observation of an unidentified flying object to organizations that collect and promote UFO sightings as unexplained phenomena. R
Posted on 11/26/2003 2:24:22 PM

China: "The Truth is Out There"
La Voz de Galicia (newspaper-Spain), November 24, 2003
Half of the Chinese population believes in the existence of UFOs according to the results of a survey made known by the Outer Space Investigation Organization. R
Posted on 11/25/2003 1:42:01 PM

Curious, Creative and Critical Thinking
Peter Sturrock, Center for Space Science and Astrophysics, Stanford University
In this essay, I will argue that scientists need at least three modes of thought that I call "curious," "creative" and "critical." These requirements, though they may be quite general in their applicability, come sharply into focus when one deals with anomalies within mainstream science or with anomalous phenomena that seem to reside outside of science as we know it.
Posted on 11/8/2003 4:37:50 PM

The Incommensurability Problem and The Fermi Paradox
Eric Davis, astrophysicist at the National Institute for Discovery Science
I would like to focus on an important, very key comment made in the second paragraph of Fermi's Paradox and the Preparation for Contact Hypothesis. I refer in particular to the passage: "...a second common objection to the UFO phenomenon by scientists: that the observations indicate such utterly nonsensical, bizarre behaviour that it just could not possibly be real. Intelligent visitors just would not pull such disreputable antics as have been reported." R
Posted on 10/21/2003 11:53:19 PM

Fermi's Paradox and the Preparation for Contact Hypothesis
Bernard Haisch
The famous physicist, Enrico Fermi, was referring to such an argument when he asked: "Where are they?" Since he was a prominent (and very smart) scientist, his simple question has been given a duly profound name: Fermi's paradox. The paradox is resolved, of course, if the answer is: "Well, they are already here!" R
Posted on 10/21/2003 11:51:51 PM

You Don't Have To 'Believe' In UFOs Any Longer
James Neff
Whenever I hear the question "do you believe in UFOs?" there often arises an instant feeling of frustration which quickly rolls over into fatigue and a sense of pity. To most of those who have devoted even a reasonable portion of time to acquiring an understanding of the phenomenon, the term "belief" simply doesn't, and should never, apply. R
Posted on 10/21/2003 11:49:14 PM

UFOs: Proving the Phenomenon is Real - The Case against Debunkers
By Will Hart
In a recent exchange with a UFO lawyer I was assured that he could prove the existence of UFOs in a court of law. This brings up a very important point regarding the history of UFO investigations that raises questions about the rules of evidence used to judge whether UFOs are a real phenomenon or not. The lawyer could justifiably make that claim, however, scientists routinely say there is not enough evidence to prove the existence of the phenomenon. What gives? R
Posted on 10/21/2003 11:46:48 PM

UFO Debunkers Have To Get It Right Every Time
Ives Lewis
The UFO mystery provides a good subject for examining how we decide we "know" something, as opposed to simply believing something. A little time reading the UFO literature and perusing the Internet establishes that while there are countless belief systems about UFOs, overall there seem to be two basic camps of people who spend some time contemplating the subject R
Posted on 10/21/2003 11:45:49 PM

Twenty-one Years of UFO Reports
J. Allen Hynek, UFO Symposiu, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 134th Meeting
My role here today is that of reporter; to report to you on my score or so years of experience with UFO reports (note that I do not say UFO's, for I myself have never had a UFO experience) and with those who make such reports, from this and many other countries. R
Posted on 10/21/2003 11:43:29 PM

The Emerging Picture of the UFO Problem
Joseph Allen Hynek, AIAA 13th Aerospace Sciences Meeting Pasadena, Calif., January 20-22, 1975
This paper intends to present the elements of the UFO problem, today. Truly unidentified reports of events in the air, and close to the ground, exist, events worldwide in origin and appearing to fit a relatively small number of patterns. The data, amenable to study of an interdisciplinary nature, involving a number of scientific disciplines and probably necessitating new departures in methodology, have been imperfectly studied in the past and have been virtually ignored by science. R
Posted on 10/21/2003 11:40:58 PM

UFO, Ufology and Institutional Recognition
Gildas Bourdais, Symposium on UFOs and related Phenomena at San Marino, march 9-10 2002
Skepticism about the mere existence of UFOs still prevails in many countries, among scientists and intellectuals. For many of them, UFOs belong to the "irrational" beliefs of "pseudo sciences." This attitude is still very present in France, where "rationalism" has been predominant for at least two centuries. On the other hand, UFOs are studied officially at the National Center of Space Studies (CNES/SEPRA). So, the situation has never been completely blocked in France. R
Posted on 10/21/2003 11:39:09 PM

The UFO Phenomenon: Laugh, Laugh, Study, Study
J. Allen Hynek, Technology Review, July 1981, pp. 50-58.
The phenomenon of "unidentified flying objects" (UFOs), though few would call it part of science, is also both shocking and paradoxical. UFO reports are often an outrage to common sense. The persistent flow of reports, from all parts of the world, of an object or a luminosity in the sky or on or near the earth defies rational explanation even when made by persons of acknowledged responsibility. (I exclude here the popular interpretations of the phenomenon -- such as "little green men from outer space" -- as quite distinct.) Indeed, if these observations are even partially true, understanding them may require a breakthrough -- at least in our thinking about the world around us. R
Posted on 10/21/2003 11:37:32 PM

UFOs - Extraterrestrial Probes?
James McDonald, Astronautics and Aeronautics, August 1967, p. 19-20
On the basis of an intensive study of the UFO problem, I believe that the extraterrestrial-origin hypothesis must now be given extremely serious scientific attention. There is, in my opinion, no sensible alternative to the utterly shocking hypothesis that the UFOs are extraterrestrial probes. R
Posted on 10/21/2003 11:32:42 PM

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