Records 1231 to 1260 of 1973 - Sorted by Most Recent First
The Case for Flying Saucers
Francis Ridge, NICAP
Posted on 10/21/2003 11:32:03 PM
A Short Introduction to Ufology
Dennis Stacy, MUFON UFO Journal
The acronym UFO - for Unidentified Flying Object - is so prevalent and commonplace today, that it's easy to forget the term is not even fully fifty years old yet. There is even some dispute about the acronym's exact origin.
Posted on 10/21/2003 11:31:03 PM
The Speed-of-Light Limit Argument
Bernard Haisch
The speed of light is a universal upper limit. Distances between stars range from 4.3 light years to Alpha Centauri to a hundred thousand light years across the Milky Way galaxy to millions of light years between galaxies. These facts are incompatible with tens of thousands of apparent visitations
Posted on 10/21/2003 11:29:17 PM
Science, Proof And The "UFO
Val Germann
Here is one of the stickiest wickets in the whole field of Ufology. The debunkers all say "where is the proof?" And the "Ufologists" keep trying to turn themselves into physicists and produce it.
Posted on 10/21/2003 11:27:33 PM
The Main Obstacle
Don Berliner, The Fund for UFO Research, Inc., 2002
There are two primary and closely connected reasons why UFOs are not treated seriously by the scientific community and the mainstream press. One is their acceptance of the work of the U.S. Air Force's Project Blue Book UFO investigation of 1948-1969. The other is their acceptance of the report of the University of Colorado's study of UFOs in 1966-1968, paid for by the Air Force.
Posted on 10/21/2003 11:26:17 PM
Is There a Case for UFOs?
Don Berliner, The Fund for UFO Research, Inc.; 2002
About the only point that can be made concerning UFOs without the risk of starting an unpleasant controversy is that they are supremely controversial. Any discussion of their nature, their origins, their significance and, indeed, their very existence, has led to long-term arguments that have yet to reach any generally agreed-upon conclusion.
Posted on 10/21/2003 11:25:36 PM
What UFOs Are and Are Not
Don Berliner, 2002
Posted on 10/21/2003 11:24:39 PM
The Strange Relationship of the U.S. Government and UFOs
Don Berliner, The Fund for UFO Research, Inc.; 2002
For more than a half-century, the U.S. government has been involved in the UFO mystery. It has mixed brilliant tactics with amazing blunders. The result is an intensified mystery and a steady drop in the public's confidence in its government.
Posted on 10/21/2003 11:22:59 PM
Whither UFOlogy?
Richard H. Hall, 2002
Primarily I suggest the organization of a National Public Fact-Finding Commission made up of prominent Americans who would hear presentations of the data over a period of time, and ultimately issue a report making recommendations. I discuss how such a Commission might be organized, how it would operate, and what it might be able to accomplish.
Posted on 10/19/2003 2:19:03 AM
UFOs and the United Nations
We have heard a lot about UFO conspiracy theories and they are always connected to same branch of the military/government, the CIA, FBI, NSA, all those infamous 3-letter organizations. But how about the United Nations?
Posted on 10/19/2003 2:13:03 AM
A United Nations Approach for UFOlogy
John Schuessler
When it comes to UFO research and investigations, the field is horribly divided. Those involved seem to want to destroy each other more than they want to solve the UFO mystery. It is difficult to understand why some people are considered to be the "good guys" while others are the "bad guys," when they are all cut from the same cloth and are all working on the same problem.
Posted on 10/19/2003 2:11:59 AM
UFOs and the United Nations - James McDonald
James McDonald's ideas reached even the United Nations, where Secretary-General U Thant was particularly, but unofficially, very interested in UFOs. The following is an excerpt from McDonald's statement on the international scientific aspects of the problem of UFOs, submitted to the Outer Space Affairs Group at the United Nations on June 7, 1967. This is followed by portions of his letter to U Thant, and of other letters explaining U Thant's later actions on the matter.
Posted on 10/19/2003 2:09:26 AM
Dr. J. Allen Hynek Speaking at the United Nations, Nov. 27th 1978
Dr. J. Allen Hynek
I am delighted to have been invited by Sir Eric Gairy and the
Grenada Mission to speak to this committee on behalf of many of
my scientific colleagues about the subject of Unidentified
Flying Objects.
Posted on 10/19/2003 2:08:04 AM
Signals, Noise, and UFO Waves
Richard Hall, The International UFO Reporter, Winter, 1999
Over the past 50 years a seeming outbreak of UFO sightings has captured public and news media attention on average about every five to eight years. Sometimes the sightings have been sufficiently spectacular that the publicity has led someone to attempt a scientific study, but these studies usually bog down in confusion and controversy, and the interest fades away.
Posted on 10/19/2003 1:56:58 AM
UFO Debunker's Guidebook: How to debunk UFOs and Discredit UFO Proponents
Richard Hall
Posted on 10/19/2003 1:52:15 AM
RADCAT: Radar Catalogue: A Review of Twenty One Ground and Airborne Radar UAP Contact Reports Generally Related to Aviation Safety (Part 1)
Martin Shough, United Kingdom 2002 (and NARCAP)
For the Period October 15, 1948 to September 19, 1976. Electro-magnetic effects that are possibly related to UAP.
Posted on 10/19/2003 1:50:01 AM
RADCAT: Radar Catalogue: A Review of Twenty One Ground and Airborne Radar UAP Contact Reports Generally Related to Aviation Safety (Part 2)
Martin Shough, United Kingdom 2002 (and NARCAP)
For the Period October 15, 1948 to September 19, 1976. Electro-magnetic effects that are possibly related to UAP.
Posted on 10/19/2003 1:49:57 AM
RADCAT: Radar Catalogue: A Review of Twenty One Ground and Airborne Radar UAP Contact Reports Generally Related to Aviation Safety (Part 2)
Martin Shough, United Kingdom 2002 (and NARCAP)
For the Period October 15, 1948 to September 19, 1976. Electro-magnetic effects that are possibly related to UAP.
Posted on 10/19/2003 1:49:13 AM
RADCAT: Radar Catalogue: A Review of Twenty One Ground and Airborne Radar UAP Contact Reports Generally Related to Aviation Safety (Part 1)
Martin Shough, United Kingdom 2002 (and NARCAP)
For the Period October 15, 1948 to September 19, 1976. Electro-magnetic effects that are possibly related to UAP.
Posted on 10/19/2003 1:48:05 AM
Rash of UFO sightings in China - Government Pays Attention to Phenomenon
The Associated Press (The Edmonton Journal (Canada), Sunday, January 2, 2000)
At the beginning of the new year, China is astir with sightings of otherworldly visitors and the sightings are treated with unexpected seriousness in a country led by no-nonsense communist officials. China has a bimonthly magazine - circulation 400,000 - devoted to UFO research. The conservative state-run media report UFO sightings.
Posted on 10/19/2003 1:42:19 AM
An Open Letter to the United Nations - October 2, 1992
HUFON REPORT Newsletter, December 1992
we urge the United Nations to implement its GA /426 of December 18, 1978, by establishing an agency of the UN for undertaking, coordinating, and disseminating the results of research into unidentified flying objects and related phenomena
Posted on 10/19/2003 1:34:52 AM
UFOs, THE U.N. AND GA 33/426
John F. Schuessler, HUFON REPORT Newsletter - December 1992
Late in 1978, prominent UFO researchers approached the United Nations with the suggestion to set up some type of international clearing house whereby investigators and researchers would be able to coordinate on an international level scientific research into unidentified flying objects, and to inform the Secretary-General of the observations, research, and evaluation of such activities. The UN General Assembly responded favorably by adopting Decision GA /426. Unfortunately, nothing was done to bring the decision to fruition and it lies dormant to this very day.
Posted on 10/19/2003 1:31:10 AM
Aircraft / UFO Encounters Prior to 1942
Jan Aldrich, Project 1947
Aviators reported few encounters with unusual aerial phenomena prior to 1942. After consulting much of the literature, talking to UFO historians, and visiting Dr. Richard Haines, here are the few known cases. Some are of very doubtful reliability.
Posted on 10/19/2003 1:05:00 AM
Catalogue of Australian and New Zealand Abduction and Potential Abduction Cases
Keith Basterfield
A collection of abduction and possible abduction cases from Australia and New Zealand.
Posted on 10/19/2003 1:01:00 AM
A Catalogue of Australian and New Zealand Abduction and Potential Abuction Cases
Keith Basterfield, Oct 1997
A collection of abduction and possible abduction cases from Australia and New Zealand.
Posted on 10/19/2003 1:00:09 AM
Amazing Soviet-Era UFO Sightings In & Over Water Bodies
Paul Stonehill
The Russian Ufology Research Center has a collection of "hydrosphere aspect" sightings The secret files of the Soviet Navy contain much valuable information on UFO sightings. Soviet military researchers quite thorough. The files have been largely inaccessible, even after the fall of the USSR. But I was able to collect some interesting information.
Posted on 10/19/2003 12:55:39 AM
Amazing Soviet-Era UFO Sightings In & Over Water Bodies
Paul Stonehill
The Russian Ufology Research Center has a collection of "hydrosphere aspect" sightings The secret files of the Soviet Navy contain much valuable information on UFO sightings. Soviet military researchers quite thorough. The files have been largely inaccessible, even after the fall of the USSR. But I was able to collect some interesting information.
Posted on 10/19/2003 12:55:07 AM
Close Encounters (by Airplanes) With Unknown Missiles
Clas Svahn and Anders Liljegren, AFU Newsletter #37, Jan. '92 - Dec '93 , Archives for UFO Research, Sweden
On several occasions civilian aircraft with hundreds of passengers have encountered unknown cigar- or missile-shaped objects. A few unexplained collisions in the air have resulted in the loss of human life. AFU Newsletter reviews a dozen incidents from the last decade. All indications point to the reported cases being just a tip of an iceberg.
Posted on 10/19/2003 12:47:58 AM
The Attitudes of Canadians Toward the Existence of Extra-Terrestrial Life and UFOs
Geoff Dittman
Survey of several major opinion polls taken of Canadian's beliefs on UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Over the years, a consistently large portion of the Canadian population has expressed a belief in UFOs and aliens. I did manage to locate four professional polls and an informal survey conducted by ufologists. The first poll goes back to 1974, the last to 1997.
Posted on 10/19/2003 12:43:45 AM
UFO flap in tsarist Russia 1892
By Stefan Roslund/UFO-Sweden
An ambitious ufologist in St. Petersburg by the name of Mikhail Gerstein has read a great number of newspapers from that time and has found many reports concentrated to the period March-April 1892.
Posted on 10/19/2003 12:41:07 AM
Records 1231 to 1260 of 1973