Angel Maria Tonna, a 52-year-old rancher, and his foreman, witnessed a fiery disc like two plates placed face to face hovering a short distance above the ground behind the barn. The cows "were going crazy" and all the dogs were barking. The object approached, and Tonna felt electric shocks which went all through his body and a very intense heat hit him. Three days after the event, Tonna's dog, who had been 15 from the object, was found dead. View full report
Fourteen young hikers of Camp Delaware, including a 24-year-old counselor, said they encountered a whining, saucer-shaped object during an afternoon hike on the 1,460-foot Blueberry Hill. The object was noticed following a high pitched screech, then hovered silently at tree-top level on an angle above the witnesses' heads. View full report
A 39 year-old man in Little Oyster Cove encountered an extraordinary dome-shaped object which had landed. Through the windows of the metallic object, he saw a tall cylindrical object (which he likened to a ship's compass mounting) and 'motionless grey shapes' (like car seats with headrests seen from the rear), perhaps entities. The object rose slowly from the ground, then increased speed and was gone. The next morning, a circular patch of scorched grass was found at the site. View full report
From the witness: "As I was looking out my parents upstairs window, slowly and silently a metallic saucer shape approximately 30 feet across moved into my eyesight from over another apartment complex... It flew just over the tree tops and the building.... The object looked like it was a rough polished metal. Light bronze/silver. Flat on the bottom except for right in the center of the underside." View full report
"Billy" Eduard Albert Meier (born February 3, 1937) is a citizen of Switzerland and contactee. He is also the source of over 1000 photographs of objects claimed to be UFOs. Billy claims regular contact with the Plejaren, a group of extraterrestrials, and presents much spiritual and philosophical information from these meetings. He describes the Plejaran as humans much like the humans of Earth. View full report
"It was less than 100 yards away and about 200-300 feet up, and they could see through the red halo as the bright light "had been swung away" from them. Like a large hamburger bun, the color of "dirty brass" it had a base of about 25 feet, then an outer flange. The diameter of the body of the craft, they feel, was 30 feet. A "belt" of square-shaped windows circled the object." View full report
Antonio Le Pere snapped these two photographs through the driver's window of his car as he was proceeding along route 226 near Balcarce. A disc-shaped metal-looking flying object approached the automobile and kept pace with him from a position only a few hundred meters to his left. Le Pere took the pictures through the rolled down window on the driver's side of the car. View full report
Christer Sundström was lying in his bed, home from school with chickenpox. He was looking out the window of his room towards the neighbour's house. All he could see was a dark grey sky. But then the impossible happened. A dark object, which he at first thought was an eagle, started to circle above the roof of the neighbour's house. View full report
"My sister and myself were driving... when the car suddenly shook violently then completely stopped, nothing worked, not even the radio... That's when I observed this massive circular disc shaped object, it didn't seem to be much higher than the power pole. It was surrounded completely by lights and had a dome in the middle on the top." View full report
Smooth stainless steel disk, right above radio tower one hundred fifty feet up in air. No windows seen, 5 witnesses, 6 counting electrician for radio company. Also had dome top. 100 foot diameter. Causing static on radio transmisson. View full report
On the evening of July 4, 1973, Cecile (age approximately early 70's) was sitting on her patio having a smoke while her husband showered. As she sat, she noticed movement from her left peripheral view (north east). She then observed a large, disk shaped object descending from just above the tree line into the field. It then rose slowly, just high enough to clear trees, moved slowly to the south and disappeared from sight. The witness had an unobstructed view of the object from a distance of 300 feet, in daylight. View full report
On about 25 June, members of the Dorrington family observed a large, disc-shaped UFO for about 15 minutes between 6.30 and 7.00 p.m. The whole of the object was surrounded by a green glow. There appeared to be a rotating, brilliant red light around the middle of the object. A V-shaped green 'solid' beam seemed to oscillate up and down. This sighting occurred during a flap in the area of two small timber towns, Tyringham and Dundurrabin. View full report
A domed disc near cargo airliner, confirmed by the airplane's airborne radar. The object was disc-shaped with a transparent dome on top, and a silvery, highly polished surface. The object reacted to the sweep of the plane's radar. Pilots from the airliner saw two or three shadowy entities moving around inside the object. View full report
Elizabeth C was driving along the South Coast of NSW with four other people, when the group encountered a UFO which began to travel alongside the car. The object was large, disc-shaped, and there appeared to be a distinct 'searchlight' beam effect that rotated around its bottom. At least one of the witnesses was certain that figures could be seen in the windows of the object. After following the car for 24 km, the object seemed to suddenly relocate and headed out to sea. View full report
Mr. Walter Hamady, a professor of art, was one of several witnesses to the presence of a UFO over Baakline, Shuf Province, Lebanon. At about dusk Mr. Hamady, his wife Mary and Mr. Hamady's aunt pulled into the driveway of the house, and Hamady's cousins were very excited, exclaiming they had just seen a "flying saucer". The small company made their way onto the terrace and saw a bright red light moving "straight off into space". View full report
On 5 July 1972, 27-year-old Maureen Puddy saw a ufo on the Alooraduc Road near Frankston, in Victoria, Australia. The object was a huge blue disc, which hovered above, her car as she returned from visiting her son in hospital. Twenty days later, at almost the same spot, it returned. This time it seemed to drain power from the car, causing it to stop; indeed, the car appeared to steer itself to the roadside. A voice in her head told her, 'All your tests will be negative.' It then said: 'Tell media, do not panic. We mean no harm..' View full report
Photo was taken by a Costa Rican government mapping plane during an aerial mapping mission. No member of the crew stated that they saw anything unusual during the routine flight. Much analysis has been undertaken using the original negative. View full report
When Hector Rufino Delgado saw a strange, disc-shaped craft approaching him, flying on its side, he grabbed his camera - and shot a series of six pictures when the object changed its position and passed him and disappeared in the opposite direction. View full report
Walking through a large, open field, a boy with his dog observed a glowing "thing" over a pond located in the open field. The object moved towards the youth, finally stopping near the youth, and slowly settled to the ground. After the craft landed, a door opened straight down toward him and a "man" walked out. According to the witness's description, the creature was "powerfully huge." The being returned to the object, and about ten minutes later the craft "just lifted off." View full report
Two young men, P. Aliranta and E J Sneck, were working in the woods when Aliranta noticed a 15 foot UFO descending in a clearing 50 feet away. As it landed, a little entity just under 3-foot tall glided to the ground from an opening in the underside. Through 3 windows on the UFO, 3 more entities could be seen. As the humanoid was rising into the air one of the men grabbed it by the heel of its boot with its bare hand; he found it burned like a hot iron, and he had to let go at once. View full report
Danish police officer Evald Maarup was driving through the countryside near Hadersley, when he encountered a brilliantly lit UFO. Suddenly there was a fierce light beaming down on him, his car engine cut out, and the car lights and his radio stopped working. Above him, Maarup could make out a large circular object which he watched for about five minutes, before it moved away rapidly. Three years later, Maarup had another encounter with the same or a similar object at exactly the same place. View full report
"We saw 2 UFOs same design size with pulsing flame or lights yellowish flashing from underneath "exhaust" at about a second between each flash the distance was about only 300 yards from our position at about eye level with an above ground level altitude of only several hundred feet." View full report
The witness, who was an employee at a TV station, saw a "UFO in broad daylight hovering on top of the [TV] tower, [and then] ran back inside the station to get the news director, Mr. Bill Fields." The craft was metallic, round, with a round cupola on top of the craft. It was about 100 feet across and about 25 feet tall. The encounter lasted for more than four hours, during which the object moved and stopped a couple of times before shooting off at "blinding speed." View full report
Aarno Heinonen and Esko Viljo were out skiing, when they encountered a 10-foot wide UFO that approached and hovered near them. A bright light beam was the emitted, and a thin, 3-foot tall humanoid creature appeared, carrying a black box with a pulsating yellow light. Severe and extensive physiological effects were suffered by the witnesses after the encounter. Two years later, Heinonen had a series of contacts with a female extraterresrial being. View full report