White and a friend were driving from Denver to Las Vegas, when they witnessed an object that was about 100 yards in front of him, he said, "and it was huge ... absolutely huge." As the craft flew away, White said, he noticed an orange light falling to the ground. He recovered the object, which is about 7-1/2 inches long and shaped like a teardrop. View full report
On Oct. 16,1984, a mysterious craft was seen over Keene near Route 12. Keene police Sgt. John C. Zeller got the call and drove out to the highway to see what was going on. He caught sight of something in the sky and shined his cruiser's spotlight on a white, dirigible-shaped object before it moved off. The following night it was back, hovering above Keene again. A lot of people reported something strange during those two nights. View full report
In August of 1976, four young art students in their early twenties left for a canoe and camping trip in Maine's Allagash Wilderness. On one night during the trip, they encountered a huge oval, glowing object rising above the trees nearby, and were soon engulfed in a beam of light from the craft. As discovered in hypnosis sessions years later, it was at this point that all four were abducted into the craft and subjected to physical examinations. View full report
Santiago Pulido Romero, 46, was going to his father's farm when he saw an object flying at low level. It was "round on the bottom and with a sort of cone-shaped tower on top." When he switched his car lights on, the object came towards him at very high speed, only to move away from he turned out the lights. Inside the craft, Santiago could see three tall men, "who seemed to be holding on to some sort of control levers" and wearing helmets. View full report
Mr. L., the proprietor of an Alpine lodge on Hochries mountain in Germany, along with the caretaker, noticed a red light on the top of the mountain. Mr. L. fired a red flare signal rocket in the direction of the unidentified object. Soon after, the object started to shine in a much brighter red color and rose-up slowly in the air. It moved in the direction of the Hochries-lodge, and the witnesses now recognized that the object was egg-shaped. View full report
A family of six was returning from their vacation in the U.S. at night when they observed a UFO, which zoomed straight toward them. They used a flashlight and flashed four times — short flashes — and immediately the object flashed back four times. Three smaller discs were seen leaving the large disc. View full report
Miss Doreen Kendall, a practical nurse at the Cowichan District Hospital on Vancouver Island, was looking out the window of the ward, when she saw 60 feet away an "object so big and bright I could see everything clearly." There were two male-like figures in the craft, one behind the other. One of the "men" eventually looked right at Doreen, and the craft started to move away, but not before Freida Wilson, a registered nurse, also saw the object. View full report
"I happened to look up and there was that UFO right above the cornfield, it was just hovering right up above the power lines" about 200 feet in the air, Mathews said. The craft, which Mathews described as white and about 30 feet in diameter, made hardly a sound and emitted no light. "It was just like the ones you see on TV," Mathews said. View full report
Marilyn Chenarides and Mrs. Mildred Anderson were vacationing at their cabin on Lake Movil in northern Minnesota when they saw a red glowing object which was hovering over the boat dock 50 feet from the cabin. In two of the windows of the object, the women could see the silhouettes of three man-shaped beings. After a few minutes of observation, Mrs. Anderson switched off the lights in the cabin, whereupon the lights on the object immediately went out. View full report
William B. Gill, an Anglican priest with a mission in Bosinai, Papas New Guinea, observed craft-like UFOs -- one with Humanoid figures on top -- on two consecutive evenings, June 26-27, 1959. About twenty-five natives, including teachers and medical technicians, also observed the phenomena. They "signaled" the humanoids and received an apparent response. This was one of sixty UFO sightings within a few weeks in the New Guinea area. View full report
On the evening of July 4th at Boise, Idaho, Captain Smith was walking up the ramp to board his plane, flight 105, for a trip to Seattle when someone mentioned the massive wave of saucers taking place all day over the northwest. Captain Smith joked: "I'll believe in those discs when I see them." Shortly after takeoff five disc-like objects, one larger than the rest, approached Captain Smith's DC-3 head on. View full report