"It's kind of like a Frisbee, two Frisbees on top of another, like an orange in the middle," he said. "And they were turning at an incredible rate. It was just like you could see the windows turning one way and the ship, the bottom part, turning the other way. And whatever way on top it was like glowing. I don't know what it was but it was beautiful." Lapratt said he saw several objects landing on the lake, then zipping away at high speed toward the treeline. View full report
Witnesses saw "a large oval shaped object that was domed at the top and slightly rounded on the bottom. It was supported by legs and from a central door- way, or hatch, about a dozen figures could be seen going up and down a ladder-like stairway. The Occupants appeared to be slightly shorter than the average man, and were all dressed in what appeared to be silver colored suits or uniforms. All appeared to be wearing helmets or ski caps, and all were busy running around ""repairing,, the craft. " View full report
I WITNESSED A Dark Triangle, with 3 soft RED lights at each of its points, which, (for whatever reason) would suddenly pulse brightly. It came up from behind the top of the apartment building across the alley and traveled over the course of the sighting left to right. This TRIANGLE was moving through the sky point up. There was no noise as I watched this Dark Triangle move slowly from the EAST to the WEST. If I had to describe its movements, I would say it was meandered, slowly with no seeming purpose. View full report
The details of a Russian UFO crash on or about 1969 are sketchy and somewhat suspect. This case comes from the so-called "Secret KGB Files," which were reportedly smuggled out of the former Soviet Union. Reportedly, $10,000 was paid for the information. The details of these secret files were first offered to the general public on 9-13-98 as part of a TNT special titled "The Secret UFO Files of the KGB." The show featured extraordinary film and still photographs of the UFO recovery, and also a portion of autopsy film on part of an alien body. View full report
And in a clear sky overhead and to the south was a black object in the oval shape of a rugby ball! It was not moving and stayed exactly where it was as we approached. It seemed to be about 2000 feet above the ground near our Central Park and about the size of a 747. Many people pulled off the highway to look at it, including 2 policemen. It did not move at all and was not a balloon or kite. View full report
From the witness: "Off in the distance I spotted what I took to be an airplane flying towards us, off to the left, about 75 or 100 feet above the telephone lines. As it got closer I saw that it wasn't a plane at all, but a disk shaped craft. It was copper in colour and had a ridged section coming down below the main body. There was a soft red glow coming from all around this section. I would estimate the diameter to have been no more than 100 feet." View full report
In early July 1947 an incident occurred in the desert just outside of Roswell, NM. Many people have heard of the Roswell UFO crash, but very few people know the details of the incident. The following account of the 1947 UFO incident was taken from public records, from information provided by the International UFO Museum and from the press release for UFO Encounter 1997. View full report
"Directly over the restaurant's parking lot, at an altitude I estimate at no more than one hundred feet, was a UFO. The object was circular, with a flat bottom and an opaque dome on the top. I estimate the diameter of the object at 35 to 50 feet. It held absolutely still and made absolutely no noise. On top of the dome was a single, steady white light. Around the rim were solid white lights in the shape of rectangles with rounded corners, separated from each other by unlit space. The lights flashed around the rim in a counter-clockwise direction like lights on a theater marquee." View full report