Donna noticed a very bright white light just above the horizon, and an estimated 2km away. During their close observation, the light did some unusual maneuvers and some unexplainable things were observed. There was a 'wedge shaped' beam of light emanating from the object. All witnesses observed an estimated 50 smaller objects entering the main object from the left and right. View full report
In 1989, at a military base near the nuclear test site of Kapustin Yar, members of two army units noticed a UFO which hovered for hours over the arsenal of the base. The KGB files contained the handwritten reports of the sighting. It flew over the stores of the unit and moved in the direction of the missile arsenal. When it hovered over the arsenal, a bright ray appeared on its underside. View full report
The Mundrabilla incident of a few years ago received much media publicity. The Knowles described how the UFO shot over their car and lifted it off the road. Their voices changed in pitch, the family dog in the car went crazy, and the car started shaking. The news media described the incident as a 'UFO attack' and reported that the car was covered by strange dust. View full report
From the witness: "I grabbed the binoculars and looked at it. This time I could see a distinct shape. It was like an ice-cream cone pointing upward. The flat part of the cone was facing the earth. On the back of the cone was what looked like a small hull or house or hut of some kind. It was about a fifth of the size of the cone itself. Out of this hut came a very faint blue light. It passed directly over our heads at about 15 MPH. That’s how slow it was going." View full report
Several 15-17 year olds were at a discotheque in the town of Messel, when they saw outside a steel blue luminous disk with a dome on top which appeared over the woods about 600 meters from where they where standing. It slowly approached the witnesses at very low altitude, a distance of about 100 meters. Its diameter was about 10 meters wide. After a few seconds the disc started to move in spiral curves down to the ground; it stopped for a moment before it flew away at a steep upward angle. View full report
At least ten people in Corona, Queens, said they saw a bell-shaped UFO with flashing multi-colored lights making a beeping noise on Sept. 5, 1981, at 10:00 p.m. Reportedly, as the UFO hovered over a tenement block, a triangular-shaped ray of green light shot out from the bottom of the object and shone on the face of a teen-aged girl observing the object from the window of her friend's house. View full report
In August of 1976, four young art students in their early twenties left for a canoe and camping trip in Maine's Allagash Wilderness. On one night during the trip, they encountered a huge oval, glowing object rising above the trees nearby, and were soon engulfed in a beam of light from the craft. As discovered in hypnosis sessions years later, it was at this point that all four were abducted into the craft and subjected to physical examinations. View full report
Two men sighted two UFOs at Lake Sorell in Tasmania. "It was about 2-1/2 miles away when we saw it move - and then it was right there only about 1,000 yards away and 500 feet above the lake." The size of the object was no less than 200 feet in diameter. During the next few minutes the object turned on a "monstrous light" which was directed down toward the lake. View full report