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selected ufo cases

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Amateur astronomer observes large triangle with luminous rings in corners

February, 2, 1990 - Hamburg, Germany

A soundless flying triangle was observed near Hamburg, by the amateur astronomer Gutschke when he looked at the sky to observe the stars. The 70 meters long triangle was surrounded by a luminous dust. In the three corners there were pinkish luminous rings. The altitude was approximately 300 meters. In about 8 seconds the triangle moved from the zenith to the horizon, in the direction of the city of Hamburg, where it vanished in the dust.  View full report

Source: Illobrand von Ludwiger / MUFON-CES (1998)   ID: 655
Case Type: SummaryReport    Features:  Astronomer

Cigar-shaped UFO with smaller objects observed in Jemgum, Germany

March, 7, 1977 - Jemgum, Germany

A 16 year old student, standing in front of his parents house, observed a bright spot in the sky. Through his binoculars, he could see that the object was cigar-shaped and surrounded by an orange-colored halo. This object filled 4/5 of his field-of-view in the binoculars. It appeared reflective, almost glaring. Smaller objects were also observed.  View full report

Source: Illobrand von Ludwiger / MUFON-CES (1998)   ID: 654
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Multiple UFOs, Children

Star-shaped objects observed for several nights over Ingolstadt, Germany

September, 6, 1979 - Ingolstadt, Germany

Star-shaped objects were observed for several nights in September 1979 over the city of Ingolstadt. Since that time members of MUFON-CES, the German UFO research organization, have interviewed several flight controllers, a dozen police officers and numerous other witnesses. They have also analyzed photographs and radar recordings that where made on film.  View full report

Source: Illobrand von Ludwiger / MUFON-CES, (1998)   ID: 653
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Group Sighting, Police, Pilot/Aircrew

Egg-shaped UFO seen from mountain lodge, reacts to firing of signal flare

December, 10, 1973 - Hochries Mountain, Germany

Mr. L., the proprietor of an Alpine lodge on Hochries mountain in Germany, along with the caretaker, noticed a red light on the top of the mountain. Mr. L. fired a red flare signal rocket in the direction of the unidentified object. Soon after, the object started to shine in a much brighter red color and rose-up slowly in the air. It moved in the direction of the Hochries-lodge, and the witnesses now recognized that the object was egg-shaped.  View full report

Source: Illobrand von Ludwiger / MUFON-CES, (1998)   ID: 652
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Interaction/Reaction, Body Lights

Disk-shaped UFO seen by group of teenagers in Messel, Germany

March, 13, 1982 - Messel, Germany

Several 15-17 year olds were at a discotheque in the town of Messel, when they saw outside a steel blue luminous disk with a dome on top which appeared over the woods about 600 meters from where they where standing. It slowly approached the witnesses at very low altitude, a distance of about 100 meters. Its diameter was about 10 meters wide. After a few seconds the disc started to move in spiral curves down to the ground; it stopped for a moment before it flew away at a steep upward angle.  View full report

Source: Illobrand von Ludwiger / MUFON-CES, (1998)   ID: 651
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Group Sighting, Children, Light Beam

Elliptical UFO with portholes observed by architect

May, 4, 1960 - Sarasota, Florida, United States

A yellow, elliptical object with four evenly spaced windowlike openings was observed at ground level by an architect.  View full report

Source: NICAP / Richard Hall, 1964 (from NICAP UFO Investigator, May 1960)   ID: 649
Case Type: SummaryReport    Features:  Portholes/Windows

Cigar-shaped UFO over Mt. Kilimanjaro witnessed by pilot and passengers

February, 19, 1951 - Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

In 1951 a huge cigar-shaped UFO, which hovered over the famous Mt. Kilimanjaro, was photographed from an East African Airways plane flying in the vicinity, and witnessed by the crew and passengers. After remaining motionless for a considerable period of time, the object suddenly climbed steeply and disappeared. The movie film was developed and reportedly showed a clear and sizeable image of the object, according to the Natal Mercury.  View full report

Source: NICAP / Richard Hall, 1964 (citing Nairobi Sunday Post, Feb. 25, 1951)   ID: 648
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Pilot/Aircrew, Group Sighting

Two disc-shaped UFOs seen by marine engineer in Holland

August, 7, 1952 - Kerkrade, Netherlands

On the night of August 6-7, 1952, Will Jansen, a marine engineer and designer, was visiting in Kerkrade, Holland. Just after midnight a disc-shaped craft with visible superstructure swooped down to low altitude, hovered, zigzagged and sped away. A second disc-shaped UFO, similar in outline, was then seen hovering farther away. Finally it tilted up vertically and shot up out of sight.  View full report

Source: NICAP / Richard Hall, 1964 (from letter to CSI of Los Angeles)   ID: 647
Case Type: SummaryReport    Features:  Scientist/Engineer, Multiple UFOs

Circular object, appearing as a flaming ring, seen by architect

April, 26, 1954 - Newburyport, Massachusetts, United States

Russell M. Peirce, architect, reported a circular object which made a right-angle turn. "I was standing at the rear of the local High School building talking with two friends... Suddenly we all heard a very loud deep roar as of many motors... The object as I first saw it appeared as a flaming ring. The color was a little on the whitish tone but also had some suggestion of the orange-yellow of the common flame of burning wood, say."  View full report

Source: NICAP / Richard Hall, 1964 (from NICAP case file)   ID: 646
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Sound, Witness Sketch

Disc-shaped UFO, larger than full moon, seen by police officers and others

September, 26, 1963 - Sunnyvale, California, United States

During the early morning of September 26, 1963, a UFO was sighted by people in scattered locations around the San Francisco Bay area. Officer Galen Anderson of Sunnvale Police Dept. observed the UFO for 45 seconds and submitted a particularly detailed report. This object appeared larger than a full moon, according to Officer Anderson, about basketball size at about 8 feet away.  View full report

Source: NICAP / Richard Hall, 1964 (reported in San Jose Mercury News and SF Chronicle)   ID: 645
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Police, Group Sighting

Cigar-shaped UFO with portholes seen by Honeywell metallurgist

November, 22, 1961 - Near Grafton, Nebraska, United States

A Minneapolis Honeywell metallurgist, Melvin C. Vagle, Jr., and his wife saw a cigar-shaped UFO while driving along U.S. Highway 81. "At the lower end. . . there was a bright 'flashing white light ann at the upper end there was a steady red light. Along the length of the fuselage there was a row of square-appearing ports, illuminated with a white yellowish light."  View full report

Source: NICAP / Richard Hall, 1964 (original case in "The Honeywell World," Jan. 1962)   ID: 644
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Scientist/Engineer, Portholes/Windows

Sighting by zoologist and UFO researcher Ivan T. Sanderson

October, 2, 1958 - Near Blairstown, New Jersey, United States

Shortly after 5:00 p.m., noted Zoologist Ivan T. Sanderson observed a disc- shaped UFO maneuvering over the Delaware Water Gap. The flat disc looped back and forth, appearing sometimes edge-on (as a very thin line), sometimes oval to circular. It vanished once, but quickly reappeared, and continued its rapid gyrations, finally speeding away to the west.  View full report

Source: NICAP / Richard Hall (1964)   ID: 643
Case Type: SummaryReport    Features:  Scientist/Engineer, Witness Sketch

UFO descends, then speeds away, near Walworth, Wisconsin

January, 8, 1959 - Walworth, Wisconsin, United States

Gordon Higgins, a draftsman who has had two years USAF experience as control tower operator and flight controller, watched a UFO descend and then speed away horizontally. The object glowed bright white, before changing to orange as it sped away, leaving a trail of sparks.  View full report

Source: NICAP / Richard Hall (1964)   ID: 642
Case Type: SummaryReport    Features:  Witness Sketch

Strategic Air Command officers watch UFO with satellite objects

September, 8, 1958 - Offutt AFB, Omaha, Nebraska, United States

At SAC headquarters in 1958, a group of officers, airmen and missile engineers observed an elongated UFO with satellite objects for about 20 minutes. According to the report filed by Major Paul A. Duich, USAF (Ret.), "all except a few of the airmen were seasoned, veteran flyers or highly trained missile engineers. We concluded that what was seen by all was no conventional vehicle, nor was it an atmospheric phenomenon."  View full report

Source: NICAP / Richard Hall (1964) from NICAP case file   ID: 641
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Military, Group Sighting, Witness Sketch

Formation of round UFOs maneuver near ship in 1904

February, 28, 1904 - Pacific Ocean off San Francisco, California, United States

Three members of the crew of the USS Supply, at 6:10 a.m. local time, sighted an echelon formation of three objects which appeared near the horizon below clouds, moving directly toward the ship. As they approached, the UFOs began soaring, rose above the cloud layer, and were observed climbing into space, still in echelon. The lead object was egg-shaped and about the size of six suns, and the other two were smaller and round.  View full report

Source: NICAP / Richard Hall (1964) citing "Monthly Weather Review" (1904)   ID: 640
Case Type: SummaryReport    Features:  Multiple UFOs, Water-Related

Two patrolmen see glowing red UFO in New Jersey

December, 20, 1958 - Dunellen, New Jersey, United States

Patrolmen LeRoy A. Arboreen and B. Talada were on night patrol when they saw an object coming from the west. "At first it looked like a red hot piece of coal about the size of a quarter held at arm's length. In a matter of seconds it was as large as a ruler held at arm's length... The body of the object was solid bright red and it gave off a pulsating red glow... The object hovered a few seconds, then made a left turn and again hovered for a few seconds, then went straight up like a shot."  View full report

Source: NICAP / Richard Hall (1964) from NICAP case report   ID: 639
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Police, Witness Sketch
Cases per page:  8   16   24