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The Villa Santina Case (two humanoids encountered by Italian artist) Featured Case

August, 14, 1947 - Villa Santina, Italy

Italian artist R. L. Johannis was out painting when he noticed a 30 ft. disc-shaped object landing nearby. Next, Signor Johannis saw two child-sized beings standing alongside the object. The artist hailed the creatures. It is possible that this was interpreted as a hostile gesture, for one of the beings touched the centre of its belt and projected a thin vapour which caused the artist to fall dazed onto his back. The creatures approached, picked up the artist's easel, then returned to the craft. The object then rose, hovered, and disappeared.  View full report

Source: Charles Bowen (ed.), The Humanoids, Flying Saucer Review Special Issue (1966)   ID: 751
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Landing, Witness Sketch

Man encounters humanoids at Varese, Italy (the Bruno Facchini case) Featured Case

April, 24, 1950 - Varese, Italy

Bruno Facchini heard and saw sparks coming from a dark, hovering object, near which a man dressed in tight-fitting clothes and wearing a helmet seemed to be making repairs. Three other men were seen near the craft. The full realization of what he was witnessing sent Bruno into a full run away from the frightening encounter, at which point one of the beings projected a "light" from a tube and the witness fell to the ground. When the work was finished, a trap through which light had been shining was closed and the craft took off.  View full report

Source: Ezio Bernardini, excerpt from FSR 1987 No. 4   ID: 746
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Physiological Effects, Physical Trace, Artifact, Witness Photo

Two skiers encounter humanoid at Imjärvi, Finland Featured Case

January, 7, 1970 - Imjärvi, Finland

Aarno Heinonen and Esko Viljo were out skiing, when they encountered a 10-foot wide UFO that approached and hovered near them. A bright light beam was the emitted, and a thin, 3-foot tall humanoid creature appeared, carrying a black box with a pulsating yellow light. Severe and extensive physiological effects were suffered by the witnesses after the encounter. Two years later, Heinonen had a series of contacts with a female extraterresrial being.  View full report

Source: Kim Hansen, in Evans and Spencer (1987)   ID: 741
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Physiological Effects, Light Beam, Contact, Witness Photo, Witness Sketch

Danish police officer has two close encounters (the Maarup sightings) Featured Case

August, 13, 1970 - Hadersley, Denmark

Danish police officer Evald Maarup was driving through the countryside near Hadersley, when he encountered a brilliantly lit UFO. Suddenly there was a fierce light beaming down on him, his car engine cut out, and the car lights and his radio stopped working. Above him, Maarup could make out a large circular object which he watched for about five minutes, before it moved away rapidly. Three years later, Maarup had another encounter with the same or a similar object at exactly the same place.  View full report

Source: UFOs at Close Sight - Ufologie.net   ID: 734
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Vehicle Encounter, Vehicle Interference, E-M Effects, Police, Light Beam, Witness Sketch, Witness Photo

Car-stop UFO encounter near Velje, Jutland (Denmark)

September, 29, 1995 - Vejle, Jutland, Denmark

A 24-year-old man was driving to visit his parents in Vejle in Jutland, Denmark, when he experienced a dramatic stopping of his car when a disc-shaped UFO with a powerful light hovered over his vehicle. The object was only 3-4 meters above the car, and he could see a number of circular lamps on the underside. After a short time the intensity of the light from the UFO diminished, and it slowly moved away and out of sight; he was able to start the car again normally.  View full report

Source: Kim Moller Hansen, in Evans and Stacey (1997)   ID: 733
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Vehicle Encounter, Vehicle Interference, Animal Reaction, E-M Effects

Father and two sons witness object with lights travelling slowly

October, 8, 1996 - North Croydon & Wonga Park, Australia

The object was then at its closest point to us. It had a large bright light at either end, with 4 Possibly 5 smaller lights in between. At either end, behind the large lights there were very small red and blue lights that were not easily visible. These smaller lights looked like portholes. The large light on the leading end went out and there was a dimmer light coming from inside, similar to an interior light of a car shining out the windscreen.  View full report

Source: VUFORS (Victorian UFO Research Society), Australia   ID: 732
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Witness Sketch, Body Lights, Portholes/Windows

Four UFO sightings occur in Elk River area of Minnesota

September, 1992 - Elk River, Minnesota, United States

Since a woman told police that she spotted a UFO in her Elk River neighborhood, three more sightings of UFOs in the Elk River area occurred in mid-September, 1992. One man in Albertville saw a saucer-shaped object, 5-6 feet across. Then, a person who works for him, Terry Townsend, saw a UFO the size of a passenger jet that was ringed with lights. And a cab driver witnessed a UFO with 10 porthole-type lights.  View full report

Source: Joni Astrup, Star News (Elk River, MN), Sept. 30, 1992   ID: 730
Case Type: PressReport    Features:  Portholes/Windows, Body Lights

County councillor reveals sighting of dome-shaped UFO in Cornwall, UK

1965 - Karslake, Cornwall, United Kingdom

Joan Vincent, County and Restormel Borough Councillor, revealed that she and her husband Roy had observed a mystery craft late at night during 1965 in a then rural area. The matter remained "virtually a family secret" over the years because the couple feared that they would be ridiculed if they told their story. The UFO was "a large, dome-shaped object that looked as if it were made of glass," estimated to be 50-70 feet across and 30-40 feet high.  View full report

Source: Ian Shepherd, Cornish Guardian (Bodmin, England), Nov. 26, 1998   ID: 729
Case Type: PressReport    Features:  Portholes/Windows, Witness Sketch, Witness Photo

Employees of aeronautical laboratory see metallic, disc-shaped object

May, 24, 1949 - Rogue River, Oregon, United States

An employee in the supersonic laboratory of an aeronautical laboratory and some other employees of this lab, were by a river, 2-1/2 miles from its mouth, when they saw an object. The time was about 1700 hours on May 24, 1949. The object was reflecting sunlight when observed by naked eye. It was of metallic construction and was seen with good enough resolution to show that the skin was dirty.  View full report

Source: Dr. Bruce Maccabee / U.S. Air Force Project Blue Book Special Report 14 (Battelle Study), 1955   ID: 728
Case Type: StandardCase

United Airlines Flight 105 pilots witness formation of disc-shaped objects

July, 4, 1947 - Emmet, Idaho, United States

On the evening of July 4th at Boise, Idaho, Captain Smith was walking up the ramp to board his plane, flight 105, for a trip to Seattle when someone mentioned the massive wave of saucers taking place all day over the northwest. Captain Smith joked: "I'll believe in those discs when I see them." Shortly after takeoff five disc-like objects, one larger than the rest, approached Captain Smith's DC-3 head on.  View full report

Source: James McDonald, Statement to US Congressional Hearings/UFO Symposium, 1968   ID: 723
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Interaction/Reaction, Pilot/Aircrew, Witness Photo, Multiple UFOs

Police constable Alan Godfrey's abduction in West Yorkshire, England

November, 28, 1980 - Todmorden, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Police officer Alan Godfrey was on routine patrol when he encountered a metallic disc with a dome and a row of windows. Suddenly, there was a burst of light, and he found himself 100 yards farther down the road, and the UFO was gone. Under hypnosis later, Godfrey recalled being struck by a beam of light which floated him into the craft, and meeting a human-like being named Joseph, whose clothing was very Biblical in nature. Aboard the craft, he was physically examined and asked questions.  View full report

Source: Jenny Randles   ID: 722
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Abduction, Missing Time, Police, E-M Effects, Portholes/Windows, Witness Sketch, Witness Photo

Woman observes disk-shaped object moving over field in daylight

July, 4, 1973 - West Springfield, Massachusetts, United States

On the evening of July 4, 1973, Cecile (age approximately early 70's) was sitting on her patio having a smoke while her husband showered. As she sat, she noticed movement from her left peripheral view (north east). She then observed a large, disk shaped object descending from just above the tree line into the field. It then rose slowly, just high enough to clear trees, moved slowly to the south and disappeared from sight. The witness had an unobstructed view of the object from a distance of 300 feet, in daylight.  View full report

Source: Investigated by Bruce Tilden and Tony Douglas, Western Massachusetts MUFON   ID: 721
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Witness Sketch

UFO with humanoid encountered by two forestry workers in Finland

February, 5, 1971 - Kinnula, Finland

Two young men, P. Aliranta and E J Sneck, were working in the woods when Aliranta noticed a 15 foot UFO descending in a clearing 50 feet away. As it landed, a little entity just under 3-foot tall glided to the ground from an opening in the underside. Through 3 windows on the UFO, 3 more entities could be seen. As the humanoid was rising into the air one of the men grabbed it by the heel of its boot with its bare hand; he found it burned like a hot iron, and he had to let go at once.  View full report

Source: Tapani Kuningas, excerpt from FSR 1971 no. 5   ID: 718
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Landing, Physical Trace, Physiological Effects

UFO with occupants encountered by former mayor in Hasselbach, Germany Featured Case

July, 9, 1952 - Hasselbach, Germany

Oscar Linke, former Wehrmacht major, and his daughter Gabrielle, 11, had to leave their motorcycle when they had a flat tire. Inside the woods the girl noticed two men in silvery suits examining the ground in a clearing near a pink disk-shaped object, 13-15 meters in diameter, showing a double row of openings around the rim and a black turret on top. One of the men had a flashing box. Both men went inside, and the disk vibrated, rose along the turretlike cylinder, then spun faster and rose out of sight.  View full report

Source: Kathimerini newspaper (Athens, Greece), 1952, found in declassfied CIA files   ID: 715
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Landing, Portholes/Windows, Humming, Physical Trace

UFO lands to repair hole in its hull (Transvaal, South Africa) Featured Case

March, 30, 1995 - Transvaal, South Africa

When a local farmer from Groot Marico in the western Transvaal plains region first observed the saucer-shaped object on Thursday morning, he noticed that it had a distinctly visible hole in its hull. The farmer, Mr. Jan Pienaar (45), is of the opinion that this "vehicle" landed on a remote country road between Coligny and Brakspruit to have its damaged hull repaired. However, his arrival probably prompted the "vehicle's" hasty retreat and rapid ascent into the sky.  View full report

Source: Afrikaanse Sonntagzeitung Rapport (South Africa), Apr. 2, 1995   ID: 713
Case Type: PressReport    Features:  Landing, Vehicle Interference, Portholes/Windows, Physiological Effects, Physical Trace, Smell/Odor

Eagle River Close Encounter (man given 'pancakes' by UFO occupants) Featured Case

April, 18, 1961 - Eagle River, Wisconsin, United States

Mr. Paul Simonton, a chicken farmer in Eagle River, Wisconsin saw a disc-shaped craft land vertically on his farm. A hatch opened, and when he approached he saw three human-looking men inside. They asked him for some water. They appeared to be cooking pancakes on a griddle, and in exchange for the water they gave him four of the pancakes from griddle. The episode survived a rigorous assessment by the U.S. Air Force and is carried in their files as "unexplained."  View full report

Source: Jay Rath   ID: 708
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Landing, Artifact, Witness Photo, Witness Sketch, Communication

The Alfred Burtoo Encounter Featured Case

August, 12, 1983 - Aldershot, Hampshire, United Kingdom

Alfred Burtoo was fishing along an isolated canal when a disc-shaped UFO landed nearby. The beings were humanoid, 4'6" tall, dressed in green overalls and wore helmets with visors. The beings gestured at the witness to follow them and he went up a stairway into the craft. He was made to stand under an amber light. The beings spoke to him in broken English telling him that he was too old and infirm for their purposes, he was then let go.  View full report

Source: CJ website   ID: 707
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Landing, Witness Sketch, Animal Reaction, Contact, Communication, Witness Photo

Two children encounter UFO and small humanoid beings in Cussac, France Featured Case

August, 29, 1967 - Cussac, France

Two children saw a sphere-shaped UFO, 2 meters in diameter, and "four little devils" on the ground. One of the humanoid beings was bending over, apparently busy with something on the ground, and another held a mirror-like object. They were observed to levitate before quickly entering the UFO and flying away. The UFO was said to make a soft whistling sound and smelled of sulphur.  View full report

Source: Joel Mesnard and Claude Pavy, excerpt from FSR, Sept/Oct 1968   ID: 705
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Children, Landing, Animal Reaction, Smell/Odor

The Gorman Dogfight

October, 1, 1948 - Fargo, North Dakota, United States

On the evening of October 1st, 1948, Lieutenant Gorman was returning from a cross-country flight with his squadron of North Dakota Air National Guard, when he saw an unidentified light source. He closed to within about l,000 yards to take a good look, later saying, “It was about six to eight inches in diameter, clear white, and completely round without fuzz at the edges." For 27 hair-raising minutes, Gorman pursued the light through a series of intricate maneuvers.  View full report

Source: North Dakota Public Radio, Dec. 10. 2003   ID: 704
Case Type: MajorCase    Features:  Pilot/Aircrew

The 1954 Cennina Landing and Encounter with Humanoids Featured Case

November, 1, 1954 - Cennina, Italy

Rosa Lotti was walking into Cennina, when she perceived a big vertical spindle, "like 2 cones joined at their bases." From behind this craft emerged two little men 3 ft tall, who approached her with friendly expressions, the older one laughing. They were speaking a language that sounded like Chinese, 'liu, lai, loi." Approaching Lotti, they snatched from her the carnations and one of her stockings. Lotti ran away. A deep hole in the ground was later found at the site.  View full report

Source: Sergio Conti, excerpt from FSR (Sept/Oct 1972)   ID: 703
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Landing, Physical Trace

Pilot encounters giant pyramid-shaped UFO over Pelotas, Brazil Featured Case

October, 5, 1996 - Pelotas, Brazil

Brazilian pilot Haroldo Westendorf, 39, was flying over Pelotas when he encountered an enormous pyramid or cone shaped UFO, with 8-10 sides; it was 100 meters in diameter and 70 meters high. Westendorf was able to fly around the base of the object three times, at one point coming as close as 40 meters. Then, out of an opening at the top of the craft, a smaller classic disc-shaped UFO emerged and flew off at tremendous speed. Three air traffic controllers and others on the ground also witnessed the event.  View full report

Source: CNI News, Dec. 20, 1997   ID: 699
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Pilot/Aircrew, Multiple UFOs

Filiberto Cardenas Abduction and Contact Case Featured Case

January, 3, 1979 - Hialeah, Florida, United States

In January 3, 1979 a Cuban exile Filiberto Cardenas was abducted in front of his family. Later, he had an encounter introducing his wife to the entities. This may be the first case on record where the original abductee was able to successfuly introduce another person into the contact events and to actually take them aboard a UFO with them.  View full report

Source: Albert Rosales, Humanoid Catalog (1979 Reports)   ID: 695
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Abduction, Contact, Water-Related, Communication, Witness Sketch, Witness Photo

Pennsylvania man encounters UFO hovering over field next to home

March, 29, 1977 - Morgan Run, Pennsylvania, United States

Burton Woods, 45, of Morgan Run, PA, said he saw a craft hovering over a field near his mobile home. Woods suffered from headaches and blurred vision after the sighting. Much excitement was stirred by his UFO encounter, since he was able to get so close to the craft before it veered up and out of sight. The object was described as 170-200 feet in length.  View full report

Source: The Clearfield Progress (Clearfield, PA), Apr. 4, 1977   ID: 694
Case Type: PressReport    Features:  Physiological Effects, Witness Sketch

UFO with 'Michelin man' occupants seen by farmer on Réunion Island Featured Case

July, 31, 1968 - Réunion Island (Indian Ocean), France

Mr. Luce Fontaine, age 31, a farmer on Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean, was picking some grass for his rabbits when he saw an object 5 meters in diameter, standing on a "glass foot" like a goblet. It was only 25 meters away. It was dark blue and through the window could be seen two small individuals, only 3 feet tall, dressed from head to foot in bulky coveralls, something like the Michelin "tire man." There was a brilliant flash of light and a few seconds later nothing was to be seen.  View full report

Source: Excerpt from FSR, Jan/Feb 1969   ID: 692
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Landing, Physical Trace
Cases per page:  8   16   24