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selected ufo cases

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The Alfred Burtoo Encounter Featured Case

August, 12, 1983 - Aldershot, Hampshire, United Kingdom

Alfred Burtoo was fishing along an isolated canal when a disc-shaped UFO landed nearby. The beings were humanoid, 4'6" tall, dressed in green overalls and wore helmets with visors. The beings gestured at the witness to follow them and he went up a stairway into the craft. He was made to stand under an amber light. The beings spoke to him in broken English telling him that he was too old and infirm for their purposes, he was then let go.  View full report

Source: CJ website   ID: 707
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Landing, Witness Sketch, Animal Reaction, Contact, Communication, Witness Photo

Two children encounter UFO and small humanoid beings in Cussac, France Featured Case

August, 29, 1967 - Cussac, France

Two children saw a sphere-shaped UFO, 2 meters in diameter, and "four little devils" on the ground. One of the humanoid beings was bending over, apparently busy with something on the ground, and another held a mirror-like object. They were observed to levitate before quickly entering the UFO and flying away. The UFO was said to make a soft whistling sound and smelled of sulphur.  View full report

Source: Joel Mesnard and Claude Pavy, excerpt from FSR, Sept/Oct 1968   ID: 705
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Children, Landing, Animal Reaction, Smell/Odor

The Gorman Dogfight

October, 1, 1948 - Fargo, North Dakota, United States

On the evening of October 1st, 1948, Lieutenant Gorman was returning from a cross-country flight with his squadron of North Dakota Air National Guard, when he saw an unidentified light source. He closed to within about l,000 yards to take a good look, later saying, “It was about six to eight inches in diameter, clear white, and completely round without fuzz at the edges." For 27 hair-raising minutes, Gorman pursued the light through a series of intricate maneuvers.  View full report

Source: North Dakota Public Radio, Dec. 10. 2003   ID: 704
Case Type: MajorCase    Features:  Pilot/Aircrew

The 1954 Cennina Landing and Encounter with Humanoids Featured Case

November, 1, 1954 - Cennina, Italy

Rosa Lotti was walking into Cennina, when she perceived a big vertical spindle, "like 2 cones joined at their bases." From behind this craft emerged two little men 3 ft tall, who approached her with friendly expressions, the older one laughing. They were speaking a language that sounded like Chinese, 'liu, lai, loi." Approaching Lotti, they snatched from her the carnations and one of her stockings. Lotti ran away. A deep hole in the ground was later found at the site.  View full report

Source: Sergio Conti, excerpt from FSR (Sept/Oct 1972)   ID: 703
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Landing, Physical Trace

Pilot encounters giant pyramid-shaped UFO over Pelotas, Brazil Featured Case

October, 5, 1996 - Pelotas, Brazil

Brazilian pilot Haroldo Westendorf, 39, was flying over Pelotas when he encountered an enormous pyramid or cone shaped UFO, with 8-10 sides; it was 100 meters in diameter and 70 meters high. Westendorf was able to fly around the base of the object three times, at one point coming as close as 40 meters. Then, out of an opening at the top of the craft, a smaller classic disc-shaped UFO emerged and flew off at tremendous speed. Three air traffic controllers and others on the ground also witnessed the event.  View full report

Source: CNI News, Dec. 20, 1997   ID: 699
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Pilot/Aircrew, Multiple UFOs

Filiberto Cardenas Abduction and Contact Case Featured Case

January, 3, 1979 - Hialeah, Florida, United States

In January 3, 1979 a Cuban exile Filiberto Cardenas was abducted in front of his family. Later, he had an encounter introducing his wife to the entities. This may be the first case on record where the original abductee was able to successfuly introduce another person into the contact events and to actually take them aboard a UFO with them.  View full report

Source: Albert Rosales, Humanoid Catalog (1979 Reports)   ID: 695
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Abduction, Contact, Water-Related, Communication, Witness Sketch, Witness Photo

Pennsylvania man encounters UFO hovering over field next to home

March, 29, 1977 - Morgan Run, Pennsylvania, United States

Burton Woods, 45, of Morgan Run, PA, said he saw a craft hovering over a field near his mobile home. Woods suffered from headaches and blurred vision after the sighting. Much excitement was stirred by his UFO encounter, since he was able to get so close to the craft before it veered up and out of sight. The object was described as 170-200 feet in length.  View full report

Source: The Clearfield Progress (Clearfield, PA), Apr. 4, 1977   ID: 694
Case Type: PressReport    Features:  Physiological Effects, Witness Sketch

UFO with 'Michelin man' occupants seen by farmer on Réunion Island Featured Case

July, 31, 1968 - Réunion Island (Indian Ocean), France

Mr. Luce Fontaine, age 31, a farmer on Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean, was picking some grass for his rabbits when he saw an object 5 meters in diameter, standing on a "glass foot" like a goblet. It was only 25 meters away. It was dark blue and through the window could be seen two small individuals, only 3 feet tall, dressed from head to foot in bulky coveralls, something like the Michelin "tire man." There was a brilliant flash of light and a few seconds later nothing was to be seen.  View full report

Source: Excerpt from FSR, Jan/Feb 1969   ID: 692
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Landing, Physical Trace

Two 'Michelin man' beings seen by teacher in Cádiz province, Spain

May, 1960 - Jerez de la Frontera, Cadiz, Spain

Don Miguel Timermans Ceballos, a teacher, was on a motorcycle when he discerned a strange human-like being about 150 meters away. "He was completely red, from head to foot... rather tall, something like two meters (6'-7") or more, having trouble walking, and his walking was like a ... robot, with stiff arms." A second similar but shorter being was seen. They were the classic shape of the "Michelin man," which had been reported in UFO landing cases in different parts of the world.  View full report

Source: Miguel Peyro Garcia, APRO, July 1980   ID: 691
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant

Forester Encounters Mine-Like Entities in Scotland (the Dechmont Woods Encounter) Featured Case

November, 9, 1979 - Livingston, Scotland, United Kingdom

Robert Taylor, a forester from West Lothian, Scotland, encountered a strange object and equally strange smaller objects or "entities". The rounded larger object, 20 feet in diameter, hovered above the ground. Then, two small objects, which were round but had appendages, "rushed" toward him. These objects each attached itself to one (each) of his trouser legs and tugged him towards the larger object, at which time Taylor lost consciousness. Ground marks were discovered at the scene of the encounter.  View full report

Source: APRO, July 1980   ID: 682
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Landing, Humanoid/Occupant, Smell/Odor, Physical Trace, Witness Photo

Landed UFO and humanoid encountered by four hunters in Spain

November, 24, 1978 - Gerena, Seville, Spain

The four witnesses were hunting in the early morning hours near the Guadiamar River, when they encountered a landed object with a humanoid being standing next to it. The UFO looked like a large earthen jar, upside down, with a red light on top. The being seemed strong and tall (some 2 meters or taller), and had on a dark-colored helmet and silvery body suit. The witnesses become frightened when the humanoid approached them, and they left the area running.  View full report

Source: Ignacio Darnaude, APRO, Sept. 1979   ID: 681
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Landing, Physical Trace

Disc-shaped UFO over Lebanon seen by several family members

August, 4, 1972 - Baakline, Lebanon

Mr. Walter Hamady, a professor of art, was one of several witnesses to the presence of a UFO over Baakline, Shuf Province, Lebanon. At about dusk Mr. Hamady, his wife Mary and Mr. Hamady's aunt pulled into the driveway of the house, and Hamady's cousins were very excited, exclaiming they had just seen a "flying saucer". The small company made their way onto the terrace and saw a bright red light moving "straight off into space".  View full report

Source: APRO, Jan/Feb 1973   ID: 680
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Portholes/Windows

Saucer-shaped object photographed in Zion National Park, Utah Featured Case

September, 7, 2004 - Zion National Park, Utah, United States

"While on a road trip through Arizona and Utah on Labor Day weekend, 2004, my son and I visited several national parks. We stopped for a very brief visit in Zion National Park near Cedar City, Utah. I took 27 photographs in the park on the morning of September 7. I didn't realize that I had imaged a UFO until I was back home that evening."  View full report

Source: UFOEvidence.org   ID: 678
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Photo

Airline pilots observe fast-moving, disc-shaped UFO over Arkansas

March, 20, 1950 - Stuttgart, Arkansas, United States

Chicago & Southern Airlines Capt. Jack Adams and First Officer G. W. Anderson, Jr., were flying a commercial DC-3, when they saw an object approaching the airliner at high speed. It appeared to be circular (disk-shaped), with a diameter of approximately 100 feet. The bottom side appeared to have 9 to 12 symmetrical oval or circular portholes. Capt. Adams estimated the speed to be in excess of 1000 mph.  View full report

Source: U.S. Air Force Project Blue Book Special Report #14 (Battelle Institute Study), 1955   ID: 677
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Pilot/Aircrew, Portholes/Windows, Witness Sketch, Witness Photo

Electrician and wife in Indianapolis see domed disc shaped object

July, 31, 1948 - Indianapolis, Indiana, United States

Vernon Swigert, an electrician, was standing by the bathroom window of his home when he first sighted an object. He ran to his kitchen where he pointed out the cymbal shaped or domed disc object to his wife. It was about 20 ft across, and 6-8 ft thick. Total time in sight was approximately 10 seconds, during which the object flew on a straight and level course from horizon to horizon, west to east.  View full report

Source: U.S. Air Force Project Blue Book Special Report #14 (Battelle Institute Study), 1955   ID: 675
Case Type: SummaryReport

Technician watches glowing white UFO near Larson AFB

December, 22, 1952 - Larson AFB, Moses Lake, Washington, United States

An instrument technician, while driving from a large city toward an Air Force base on December 22, 1952, saw an object from his car at 1930 hours. It suddenly moved up toward the zenith in spurts from right to left at an angle of about 45°. It then moved off in level flight at a high rate of speed, during which maneuver it appeared white most of the time, but apparently rolled three times showing a red side.  View full report

Source: U.S. Air Force Project Blue Book Special Report #14 (Battelle Institute Study), 1955   ID: 674
Case Type: SummaryReport

Several groups of UFOs fly over witnesses in Flint, Michigan

April, 20, 1952 - Flint, Michigan, United States

A naval aviation student, his wife, and several others were at a drive-in movie, during which time they saw several groups of objects fly over. There were from two to nine objects in a group and there were about 20 groups. The objects were shaped like conventional aircraft. The unaccountable feature of the objects was that each had a red glow surrounding it and was glowing itself, although it was a cloudless night.  View full report

Source: U.S. Air Force Project Blue Book Special Report #14 (Battelle Institute Study), 1955   ID: 671
Case Type: SummaryReport    Features:  Multiple UFOs, Group Sighting

The RB-47 UFO Encounter

July, 17, 1957 - Gulf Coast Area, United States

An Air Force RB-47, equipped with electronic countermeasures (ECM) gear and manned by six officers, was followed by an unidentified object for a distance of well over 700 mi. and for a time period of 1.5 hr., as it flew from Mississippi, through Louisiana and Texas and into Oklahoma. The object was, at various times, seen visually by the cockpit crew as an intensely luminous light, followed by ground-radar and detected on ECM monitoring gear aboard the RB-47.  View full report

Source: Loy Lawhon   ID: 665
Case Type: MajorCase    Features:  Pilot/Aircrew, Military, Radar

UFO hovers over Russian military base near nuclear test site of Kapustin Yar Featured Case

July, 28, 1989 - Kapustin Yar, Russian Federation

In 1989, at a military base near the nuclear test site of Kapustin Yar, members of two army units noticed a UFO which hovered for hours over the arsenal of the base. The KGB files contained the handwritten reports of the sighting. It flew over the stores of the unit and moved in the direction of the missile arsenal. When it hovered over the arsenal, a bright ray appeared on its underside.  View full report

Source: Michael Hesemann, 1998   ID: 663
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Military, Nuclear Facility, Light Beam, Witness Sketch

Two police officers in UK encounter UFO (researcher Tony Dodd's sighting)

December, 12, 1978 - Skipton, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom

At 4:30 a.m., a lonely police patrol car was driving on a remote country road along the Cononley Moor. In the car were Sgt. Anthony Dodd and Constable Alan Dale. They saw a bright white light that seemed to be diving towards them in a glide. a big shining disc which flew over their heads at a speed of about 40 mph. At its closest, it was hardly 100 feet away from them, so that they could see a number of details. "It was a huge thing, about 100 feet in diameter, and it made no noise whatsoever."  View full report

Source: Michael Hesemann   ID: 662
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Police, Body Lights, Silent, Portholes/Windows, Witness Sketch, Witness Photo

Police Officer Herbert Schirmer Abduction Featured Case

December, 3, 1967 - Ashland, Nebraska, United States

Sgt. Schirmer was on patrol when he encountered a UFO hovering above the road, which shot up when he flashed his high beams at the object. Soon, Schirmer realized he had experienced "missing time", and a red welt appeared on his neck. Hypnotic sessions revealed that the occupants of the landed craft came and took Schirmer aboard, and communicated with him through some form of mental telepathy. They told him that they would visit him twice more and that some day he would "see the universe".  View full report

Source: Brent Raynes   ID: 659
Case Type: MajorCase    Features:  Abduction, Police, Missing Time, Contact, Physiological Effects, Artifact, Polygraph Test, Witness Sketch, Witness Photo

The Buff Ledge Abduction (two teenagers abducted in Vermont) Featured Case

August, 7, 1969 - Buff Ledge Camp, Vermont, United States

"Michael" and "Janet", two teenage employees at Buff Ledge summer camp were sitting on a boat dock, when a UFO approached them. Two occupants were visible inside the craft. When it was directly over them, a beam of light shone from the craft. The next thing they remembered was sitting on the dock watching the now distant light. Ten years later under hypnosis, Michael and Janet each recounted a similar detailed story of abduction, a medical examination, and being taken on board a "mother ship."  View full report

Source: Loy Lawhon, About.com   ID: 658
Case Type: MajorCase    Features:  Abduction, Witness Sketch, Water-Related, 'Dyad Scout Craft', Children

Man has close encounter with UFO occupants (the Dawson encounter)

August, 6, 1977 - Pelham, Georgia, United States

Retired automobile salesman Tom Dawson, 63, was walking with his two dogs from his trailer home to a nearby farm when a "circular shaped space ship" with a dome and portholes, 40-50 ft in diameter and 12-14 ft high, set down in a field in front of him. He found he was unable to move a muscle. A hatch in the object opened, a ramp was extended, and 7 strange looking humans 5 ft tall emerged, five men and two women.  View full report

Source: Billy Rachels / Ronald Story (2001)   ID: 657
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Landing, 'Dyad Scout Craft'

TWA airline pilot sees round metallic object with portholes

July, 4, 1981 - South central Lake Michigan, United States

On a clear day in 1981, Captain Schultz was piloting TWA flight 842 from San Francisco to John F. Kennedy Airport over Lake Michigan. In his written report, he described seeing a "large, round, silver metal object" with six jet black "portholes" equally spaced around the circumference, which "descended into the atmosphere from above."  View full report

Source: Richard Haines, 2000 (Credit: CFI / NARCAP)   ID: 656
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Pilot/Aircrew, Portholes/Windows
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