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Large UFO illuminates lake

February, 26, 1975 - Lake Sorell, Australia

Two men sighted two UFOs at Lake Sorell in Tasmania. "It was about 2-1/2 miles away when we saw it move - and then it was right there only about 1,000 yards away and 500 feet above the lake." The size of the object was no less than 200 feet in diameter. During the next few minutes the object turned on a "monstrous light" which was directed down toward the lake.  View full report

Source: APRO Bulletin, Vol. 24 No. 1 (July 1975)   ID: 269
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  E-M Effects, Light Beam

Rotating disc with white lights

July, 1977 - Anderson, Indiana, United States

"I was staying in a motel in Anderson, Indiana, in the month of July of 1977, when my travelling companion burst in through the door to summon me outside. Once in the parking lot, I gazed up above the rooftop to witness a great disc gliding gently across our field of view, moving slowly and tilted at an angle."  View full report

Source: APRO Bulletin, Vol. 32 No. 7 (September 1984)   ID: 268
Case Type: RawReport

Close encounter with huge object, 20-30 occupants seen inside

February, 3, 1983 - Mobile, Alabama, United States

Huge object witnessed by Pat Norris of Mobile, Alabama. "As the craft appeared Mrs. Norris' attention was drawn to a top deck with a long window which she estimates 53 feet and through which she viewed 20 to 30 persons, apparently oblivious of her presence, walking about as if they were changing shift."  View full report

Source: APRO Bulletin, Vol. 32, No. 2 (May 1984)   ID: 267
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Portholes/Windows

Triangular Craft Sighting

May, 13, 2005 - Kirkland, Washington, United States

Perfect black triangle with 9 orange/yellowish lights on two sides of triangle, one on tip four following each leading edge, with none on stern/back end of triangle. The craft made barely, if any noise, and seemed to be defying the laws of gravity and aviation as it was floating and banking left  View full report

Source: Mr. Reboare / National UFO Reporting Center (Seattle)   ID: 266
Case Type: RawReport

Mexican Air Force Pilots Film 11 UFOs

March, 2004 - Over Campeche state, Mexico

Mexican Air Force pilots filmed 11 unidentified flying objects in the skies over southern Campeche state in Mexico, a Mexican Defense Department spokesman confirmed. A videotape was made widely available to the news media. The lights were filmed using infrared equipment. They appeared to be flying at an altitude of about 3,500 meters (11,480 feet), and allegedly surrounded the Air Force jet.  View full report

Source: Associated Press / Jaime Maussan   ID: 263
Case Type: MajorCase    Features:  Radar, Military, Pilot/Aircrew, Photo, Multiple UFOs, Witness Photo

Unknown object photographed in Canada

November, 14, 2001 - Resolute Bay, Canada

"I took several shots of the surrounding airport terrain and when I got back to the office a week later I went through the 100 plus photos. To my surprise picture number 97 had an object in the background."  View full report

Source: Brian Vike, HBCC UFO Research   ID: 262
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Photo

UFO seen and photographed in Poland Featured Case

July, 26, 2003 - Brzostek, Poland

The unidentified object was first noticed as it flew above the city of Skurowa at an extremely high altitude. Then it changed course and flew over a market. The initial photos were taken while the witness was in his garden.  View full report

Source: UFO Casebook / Tomek Wierszalowicz / Brian Vike, HBCC UFO Research   ID: 261
Case Type: PressReport    Features:  Photo

Weyauwega UFO Photographs Featured Case

February, 2003 - Weyauwega, Wisconsin, United States

The witness states that she was outside during the evening and happened to notice lights that passed overhead. She says that her impression was the lights were from a balloon, which should be noted, but the photographs that she took seem to depict something other than a hot-air balloon or dirigible.  View full report

Source: UFO Wisconsin Report   ID: 260
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Photo
Cases per page:  8   16   24