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selected ufo cases

Cases with Multiple Witnesses

The Bethune / Gandor Air Encounter

February, 10, 1951 - Gandor, Newfoundland, Canada

US Naval Reserve Lieutenant Graham Bethune, copilot of Flight 125, first sighted a huge object [at least] 300 feet in diameter on a near collision course with their aircraft. "A rough estimate would be at least 300 feet in diameter, over 1,000 miles per hour in speed, and approached to within 5 miles of the aircraft."  View full report

Source: Disclosure Project / NICAP website / ufologien.net   ID: 980
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Pilot/Aircrew, Military, Radar, Witness Photo, Witness Sketch

Korean War battlefield UFO encounter; physiological effects

1951 - Chorwon, Korea, Republic

"We suddenly noticed on our right-hand side what appeared to be a jack-o-lantern come wafting down across the mountain... It had an orange glow in the beginning... But then this object approached us. And it turned a blue-green brilliant light... and then, we were attacked. We were swept by some form of a ray that was emitted in pulses... then I saw it shoot off at a 45 degree angle, that quick, just there and gone."  View full report

Source: John Timmerman, J. Allen Hynek Center For UFO Studies (credit: CNI News)   ID: 1076
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Military, Group Sighting, Light Beam, Physiological Effects, Sound

Airline pilots observe fast-moving, disc-shaped UFO over Arkansas

March, 20, 1950 - Stuttgart, Arkansas, United States

Chicago & Southern Airlines Capt. Jack Adams and First Officer G. W. Anderson, Jr., were flying a commercial DC-3, when they saw an object approaching the airliner at high speed. It appeared to be circular (disk-shaped), with a diameter of approximately 100 feet. The bottom side appeared to have 9 to 12 symmetrical oval or circular portholes. Capt. Adams estimated the speed to be in excess of 1000 mph.  View full report

Source: U.S. Air Force Project Blue Book Special Report #14 (Battelle Institute Study), 1955   ID: 677
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Pilot/Aircrew, Portholes/Windows, Witness Sketch, Witness Photo

The Farmington UFO Armada

March, 17, 1950 - Farmington, New Mexico, United States

"Fully half of this town's population still is certain today that it saw space ships or some strange aircraft -- hundreds of them zooming through the skies yesterday. Estimates of the number ranged from & quotes several to more that 500. The objects appeared to play tag high in the air. At times they streaked away at almost unbelievable speeds."  View full report

Source: Farmington Daily Times, March 18, 1950   ID: 880
Case Type: PressReport    Features:  Multiple UFOs, Group Sighting, Mass Sighting

CBS News anchor Walter Cronkite's UFO Encounter in the South Pacific (1950's)

1950 - 

In the 1950s Cronkite was part of a pool of news reporters brought out to a small South Pacific island to watch the test of a new Air Force missile... a large disc-type UFO appeared on the scene. Cronkite guessed that the object was about 50-60 feet in diameter, a dull grey color and had no visible means of propulsion. As Air Force guards ran toward the UFO with their dogs, the disc hovered about 30 feet off of the ground."  View full report

Source: Bill Knell, UFO researcher   ID: 1178
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Military, Witness Photo, Famous Person

Employees of aeronautical laboratory see metallic, disc-shaped object

May, 24, 1949 - Rogue River, Oregon, United States

An employee in the supersonic laboratory of an aeronautical laboratory and some other employees of this lab, were by a river, 2-1/2 miles from its mouth, when they saw an object. The time was about 1700 hours on May 24, 1949. The object was reflecting sunlight when observed by naked eye. It was of metallic construction and was seen with good enough resolution to show that the skin was dirty.  View full report

Source: Dr. Bruce Maccabee / U.S. Air Force Project Blue Book Special Report 14 (Battelle Study), 1955   ID: 728
Case Type: StandardCase

Maneuvering elliptical UFO seen by trained observers at White Sands Proving Ground

April, 24, 1949 - White Sands Proving Ground , New Mexico, United States

"The object was an ellipsoid about 2-1/2 times as long as it was wide. It had a length of about .02 degrees subtended angle and was gleaming white in color. It did not have metallic or reflected shine. Toward the underside near the tail, the gleaming white became a light yellow. The object was seen under conditions of a cloudless sky and no haze. It left no vapor trail or exhaust.  View full report

Source: Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, 1964 (NICAP - National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon)   ID: 1095
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Military, Sound, Group Sighting, Scientist/Engineer

The Gorman Dogfight

October, 1, 1948 - Fargo, North Dakota, United States

On the evening of October 1st, 1948, Lieutenant Gorman was returning from a cross-country flight with his squadron of North Dakota Air National Guard, when he saw an unidentified light source. He closed to within about l,000 yards to take a good look, later saying, “It was about six to eight inches in diameter, clear white, and completely round without fuzz at the edges." For 27 hair-raising minutes, Gorman pursued the light through a series of intricate maneuvers.  View full report

Source: North Dakota Public Radio, Dec. 10. 2003   ID: 704
Case Type: MajorCase    Features:  Pilot/Aircrew

Electrician and wife in Indianapolis see domed disc shaped object

July, 31, 1948 - Indianapolis, Indiana, United States

Vernon Swigert, an electrician, was standing by the bathroom window of his home when he first sighted an object. He ran to his kitchen where he pointed out the cymbal shaped or domed disc object to his wife. It was about 20 ft across, and 6-8 ft thick. Total time in sight was approximately 10 seconds, during which the object flew on a straight and level course from horizon to horizon, west to east.  View full report

Source: U.S. Air Force Project Blue Book Special Report #14 (Battelle Institute Study), 1955   ID: 675
Case Type: SummaryReport

The Chiles-Whitted Case

July, 24, 1948 - Montgomery, Alabama, United States

Another one of the famous airline sightings of earlier years is the Chiles-Whitted Eastern Airlines case. An Eastern DC-3, en route from Houston to Atlanta, was flying at an altitude of about 5,000 ft.. near Montgomery. ...The object was some kind of vehicle. They saw no wings or empennage, but both were struck by a pair of rows of windows or some apparent openings from which there came a bright glow "like burning magnesium."  View full report

Source: Dr. James E. McDonald, U.S. House Hearings, 1968   ID: 116
Case Type: MajorCase    Features:  Pilot/Aircrew, Witness Sketch, Portholes/Windows

Disc Zooms Down Snake River Canyon, Idaho

August, 13, 1947 - Snake River Canyon, Idaho, United States

A farmer and his two sons, were at his fishing camp on August 13, 1947. He noticed an object some 300 feet away, 75 feet above the ground. It was edge hopping, following the contour of the ground, was sky blue, about 20 feet in diameter and 10 feet thick, and had pods on the side from which flames were shooting out. It made a swishing sound.  View full report

Source: Twin Falls Times News, (Twin Falls, Idaho) August 15th, 1947   ID: 415
Case Type: PressReport

United Airlines Flight 105 pilots witness formation of disc-shaped objects

July, 4, 1947 - Emmet, Idaho, United States

On the evening of July 4th at Boise, Idaho, Captain Smith was walking up the ramp to board his plane, flight 105, for a trip to Seattle when someone mentioned the massive wave of saucers taking place all day over the northwest. Captain Smith joked: "I'll believe in those discs when I see them." Shortly after takeoff five disc-like objects, one larger than the rest, approached Captain Smith's DC-3 head on.  View full report

Source: James McDonald, Statement to US Congressional Hearings/UFO Symposium, 1968   ID: 723
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Interaction/Reaction, Pilot/Aircrew, Witness Photo, Multiple UFOs

Roswell UFO Incident (Crash and Recovery) Featured Case

July, 3, 1947 - Roswell, New Mexico, United States

In early July 1947 an incident occurred in the desert just outside of Roswell, NM. Many people have heard of the Roswell UFO crash, but very few people know the details of the incident. The following account of the 1947 UFO incident was taken from public records, from information provided by the International UFO Museum and from the press release for UFO Encounter 1997.  View full report

Source: Roswell Online   ID: 1134
Case Type: MajorCase    Features:  Crash/Retrieval, Humanoid/Occupant, Military, Witness Sketch, Witness Photo

New Mexico UFO Crash Encounter In 1945 Featured Case

August, 16, 1945 - San Antonio, New Mexico, United States

Reme Baca and Jose Padilla were young boys living in San Antonio, New Mexico in August 1945 when, they say, they literally stumbled across the remains of what they believe to have been an alien spacecraft. Their personal account of the case displays many of the key ingredients of crashed UFO lore.  View full report

Source: Ben Moffett, The Mountain Mail, Socorro NM, Nov. 2, 2003   ID: 852
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Crash/Retrieval, Humanoid/Occupant, Children, Witness Photo

The 1942 'Battle of Los Angeles'

February, 25, 1942 - Los Angeles, California, United States

Imagine a visiting spacecraft from another world, or dimension, hovering over a panicked and blacked-out LA in the middle of the night just weeks after Pearl Harbor at the height of WWII fear and paranoia. Imagine how this huge ship, assumed to be some unknown Japanese aircraft, was then attacked as it hung, nearly stationary, over Culver City and Santa Monica by dozens of Army anti-aircraft batteries in full view of hundreds of thousands of residents. Imagine all of that and you have an idea of what was the Battle of Los Angeles.  View full report

Source: Jeff Rense, Rense.com   ID: 509
Case Type: MajorCase    Features:  Photo, Mass Sighting

1933 UFO stops for repairs in Sasketchwan, Canada

1933 - Nipawin, Saskatchewan, Canada

Witnesses saw "a large oval shaped object that was domed at the top and slightly rounded on the bottom. It was supported by legs and from a central door- way, or hatch, about a dozen figures could be seen going up and down a ladder-like stairway. The Occupants appeared to be slightly shorter than the average man, and were all dressed in what appeared to be silver colored suits or uniforms. All appeared to be wearing helmets or ski caps, and all were busy running around ""repairing,, the craft. "  View full report

Source: John Brent Musgrave (FSR Vol 22 # 6 1976)   ID: 1143
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Physical Trace
Cases per page:  8   16   24