"Witness reports that on September 17, 2003, he and his wife were out jogging near their home, approximately 12-14 miles north of downtown Atlanta, GA, when their attention was suddenly drawn by a bizarrely lighted "panel of lights" in the evening sky. They witnessed the object for only an estimated 3-6 seconds as it silently glided across the night sky. The husband, who prepared the graphic, has 20/10 vision, having undergone laser eye surgery to improve his distant vision." View full report
Looked like an airliner (but too many lights), banking then dropping down ( about 1 mile out). The bottom of the craft was only about 20'-25' above the road surface to my right and the leftmost white light (1 of 3) was just to the right of the truck cab. What I could see clearly were three brilliant white circular disc shaped lights about 4' in diameter forming an equilateral triangle about 4'-6' apart 2 leading and 1 trailing center. A single bright red circular disc of lights approximate 3' in diameter located in the center of the 3 white lights. View full report
The witness was driving toward Whitehorse on the Alaska Highway just north-west of MacRae Subdivision when she spotted an object on Haeckel Hill. The object was cigar-shaped, no wings or markings and looked like the body of an aluminum airplane. View full report
"Watching clouds on airplane window, notice a large object moving next to airplane almost same speed. I took my camera and take a picture and soon as possible, suddenly moved upward and when out of sight." View full report
cigar shaped just hovering there - pinpoint lights alongside of it enough to show that it was a cigar shaped. At the ends of the cigar shaped object there were slightly larger red lights. It never moved, made noise, it just hung in there the whole time I watched it. Then suddenly it just took off upright toward the sky so fast and but it seemed like it just disappeared as it zoomed off. View full report
'A triangular craft was moving across the sky above us at an altitude similar to airplanes in this part of the city (near Boeing field, not far from SeaTac Airport). It had a light at each of the points that was a dim orange and the lights seemed striped rather than solid. The craft was completely silent... We realized that [our dog] was trembling and then he became lethargic and lost his balance.' View full report
"I saw a GIGANTIC jet black triangle, with lights, come very slowly twords me (it was heading west) over the trees... Upon seeing this thing, I pulled my truck over to the side of the road approximately 1/4 mile west of the entrance to the high school. It appeared to be no higher than perhaps 75 to 100 feet, and it was IMMENSE." View full report
It was a clear, cold early February morning when Amy Wilbur saw a flying orange orb in the sky. "It was a round orange ball in the sky hovering across the road and field to the west in front of our house," she said. "It was bright and light orange, the edges even brighter, a red-orange." The orange ball moved very slowly, downward and diagonally, said Wilbur. View full report
The witness states that she was outside during the evening and happened to notice lights that passed overhead. She says that her impression was the lights were from a balloon, which should be noted, but the photographs that she took seem to depict something other than a hot-air balloon or dirigible. View full report
"I couldn't believe my eyes; it was a black equilateral triangle right ahead of me above the road. The triangle was exactly even and equal in length on all three sides and each of the three angles. There was a large white dome light steadily 'glowing' at each of the three points... As it passed over my car I got a very good look at the bottom of the craft." View full report
From the witness: "It was a metal saucer shape with about 5 legs with these large metal balls under the legs but not attached to the legs. These balls were idle spinning very fast. It was almost like the spinning balls were keeping the UFO in mid air with the force. Then the balls started moving in a counter clockwise direction (still spinning) underneath the object in a circle." View full report
At 5:30 A.M. the witness arose and went downstairs to the kitchen and opened the blinds to look for deer on the lake on her and her husband's property, when she saw a bronze metallic octagon-shaped object about 20 feet across which seemed to float on the lake. She heard no sound but watched the object for about a minute, then ran upstairs to call her husband to look. By the time the two returned the object had disappeared. View full report
From the witness: "When we got to our home, at the end of our drive was a black triangle with 3 dimly lit lights. The triangle made no sound and was just barely clearing the trees. The triangle traveled very slowly so its ability to maintain altitude was not due to aerodynamics. The next day my son and I took these photographs and added in a black triangle graphic to show what we saw." View full report
Elaine from Burnett Heads, dropped into the ABC Wide Bay studios (in Austrlia) with a photo she took in winter, 2002. "My husband and I probably took five photos or so over an hour... When we got the photos back one had a round thing in the picture that we couldn't explain!" View full report
And in a clear sky overhead and to the south was a black object in the oval shape of a rugby ball! It was not moving and stayed exactly where it was as we approached. It seemed to be about 2000 feet above the ground near our Central Park and about the size of a 747. Many people pulled off the highway to look at it, including 2 policemen. It did not move at all and was not a balloon or kite. View full report
The witness described a "really large, plate like, fluorescent lit airborne craft" floated silently and slowly to the right, revealing itself for its size and brilliance as it continued to drift into view. The 100 foot wide glowing craft tilted slightly and came to a stop just beyond the trees some 60 feet away and 50 feet up. View full report
A man came home from work to find that his daughter was very excited to tell him about a strange sight that she and others had seen early that morning. The daughter saw a massive, wing-like thing, slowly flying over, southeast. "All I know is that it was not a plane !" she added as an ending note. View full report
"I took several shots of the surrounding airport terrain and when I got back to the office a week later I went through the 100 plus photos. To my surprise picture number 97 had an object in the background." View full report
The witness was driving home after a high school football game when he saw an enormous rectangular "aircraft" hovering above a golf course at close range. The craft gave off an incredible amount of white light. It was just above treetops (maples) within 600 yards, and had an estimated size of 150 to 200 feet long. No sound was heard. Two people standing outside their house were also looking in the direction of the object. View full report
"Saw a huge black triangle with glowing red port holes in the Arizona desert. It was moving slowly along a river where i was camping. It was blacker than night with 6 large glowing red port holes along the side that I could see. The red portholes glowed but did not emit light. They did not brighten up the area or any of the surroundings. The craft was just sort of "gliding" along. Like anti-gravity." View full report
"The object was unmistakably triangle-shaped and extended beyond the width of both north and south bound lanes of M-39, at an altitude approximated between 500 and 1,000 feet. Mr. J. told me that his years of experience working around aircraft (including the military), left him with the feeling that this aerial object was not an airplane." View full report
"Sitting on the passenger side of the car the witnesses were traveling in, witness 1 noticed a lighted, triangular object to his right. The object appeared to be about 250 ft on a side. The witness reported the triangle was equalateral, though his (inexact) drawing shows it as isosceles. It was not possible to discern a texture to the surface of the object. A bright white light was at each apex of the triangle underneath the craft." View full report
Immense, triangular shaped object hovering motionless and silently, witnessed by four hunters camping in Idaho. The triangle was estimated to be at least the size of a football field, several hundred feet on all sides. The object then moved away silently, and was seen to have a white light at each of its corners and a red strobing light from the middle. View full report
They both saw a large boomerang-shaped craft in the northern sky, travelling west. It was big, silent and moving fast. Pete said that the first things that caught his eye were the seven wide triangles - one in the center and 3 down each side (see drawings). View full report