"I saw a GIGANTIC jet black triangle, with lights, come very slowly twords me (it was heading west) over the trees... Upon seeing this thing, I pulled my truck over to the side of the road approximately 1/4 mile west of the entrance to the high school. It appeared to be no higher than perhaps 75 to 100 feet, and it was IMMENSE." View full report
Young Japanese schoolchildren watched a UFO touched down on February 23, 1975. The landing took place near Kofu City, Yamanshi Prefecture, Japan. An occupant allegedly emerged and touched one child on the shoulder, temporarily paralyzing him. The occupant then walked around the craft and reboarded. The boys, in hysterics, ran home to their parents, who observed a large, orange-red light hovering over the vineyard. View full report
Gold prospector "Albert Smith" noticed three lights in the sky, which moved down toward him and then nestled in a clump of trees near his camp. He saw figures emerge amid dazzling lights. Thus began the most incredible, two days in the life of 47-rear-old Albert, in which he claims he was visited by people from another world at his lonely camp on the Bulloo River in far southwest Queensland. View full report
An 18-year-old woman saw a pair of bright "headlights" flashing from an oval object moving silently through the skies over Walcott, Iowa, where she worked as a security guard. Her radio and walkie-talkie stopped working, and cows and crickets in a nearby field stood silent. A television in a nearby farm house went blank, she learned later. View full report
Barbara Siewell of Springfield, OR and her family witnessed a UFO hovering over Camas, WA on Christmas Eve, 1977. Two other adult witnesses reported seeing the same thing on the same date, also in Camas, WA. View full report
A Pittsburgh construction worker and his girlfriend claimed they saw a massive disc-shaped object settle about 2,000 feet over Highland Reservoir. He estimated its size as larger than the reservoir itself. Paul Oles, program director for Buhl Planetarium, also saw a bright light which he "can't explain," about one hour earlier. View full report
A 48-year-old San Antonio sheet metal worker claims he had a close encounter of the third kind with two occupants of a UFO. He was driving his pickup truck just south of San Antonio when he "was approached, spotlighted and, nearly buffeted off the road by an unidentified craft," investigators report. View full report
"The most dramatic sighting of an UFO to be reported in this part of Mississippi took place near Jayess Saturday, February 5, and was seen at close quarters by at least six adults. Another sighting was reported in Madison County Wednesday, February 3, and was seen there by a constable and a deputy sheriff." View full report