Ms. Lois Stovall was sitting on her couch when she noticed a light, like a bright star. It curved toward her house, approaching at a low level. Lois and her grandmother went out into the yard, less than 50 feet from the hovering object and watched. The object was almost capsule-shaped. Inside crouched a human-shaped figure, all over gray in color, that looked puffed up, like a balloon. View full report
Madison County Sheriff's Deputy Kenneth Creel and Constable James Luke were on a routine patrol drive when they witnessed a 30 to 40 foot UFO which approached them at close range. "The thing came right over the car," said Creel. "...The thing just hovered over us, about 20 or 30 feet up, for more than a minute." View full report
The first two months of 1977 brought heavy UFO activity to the state of Louisiana and eastward. On Tuesday, February 8, Mrs. Gayle Rodriguez and her son, Brian, were driving east on St. Bernard highway they saw a brightly lit silvery colored craft which flew across the highway in front of them and began a course parallel to the road. View full report
"The most dramatic sighting of an UFO to be reported in this part of Mississippi took place near Jayess Saturday, February 5, and was seen at close quarters by at least six adults. Another sighting was reported in Madison County Wednesday, February 3, and was seen there by a constable and a deputy sheriff." View full report
Lee Parish, 19, experienced missing time after seeing a UFO. Through hypnosis, he recovered the lost memory of his experience aboard the ship. "Before him stood three objects which he instinctively felt or sensed were sentient beings, although they were definitely not human: a "black one," a "red one," and a "white one."" View full report
Nine-year-old Jose Cantu of Harrah woke his mother up at about 6:30 a.m. asking her to explain the little "man" he saw outside. According to the boy, he had seen two greenish creatures about three feet tall, who rotated on a base instead of having feet, and two "steely" crafts in which 2 other creatures were sitting. View full report
Object was an inverted triangle of an aproximate size of two meters in the base. It was hovering silently at one meter or less of the top of the roof. View full report
"It sat in one place in midair for approximately 45 minutes. It had a red light on top and green on the bottom. The position of these lights changed. There was a very bright white light in the center." All of the witnesses in this case were interviewed separately. All reported seeing the same type object as described. View full report