Mr. Luce Fontaine, age 31, a farmer on Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean, was picking some grass for his rabbits when he saw an object 5 meters in diameter, standing on a "glass foot" like a goblet. It was only 25 meters away. It was dark blue and through the window could be seen two small individuals, only 3 feet tall, dressed from head to foot in bulky coveralls, something like the Michelin "tire man." There was a brilliant flash of light and a few seconds later nothing was to be seen. View full report
In April 1968, three fishermen from the French fishing-port of Le Brusc were fairly far out at sea, "when suddenly, in a break in the clouds, a sort of 'thing' appeared--ovalish in shape--which was just hanging there in the sky. It looked like a mirror and it was shining, and it did not move... The thing remained stationary over the sea for two or three minutes and then vanished before our eyes as though swallowed up by the waves." View full report
The details of a Russian UFO crash on or about 1969 are sketchy and somewhat suspect. This case comes from the so-called "Secret KGB Files," which were reportedly smuggled out of the former Soviet Union. Reportedly, $10,000 was paid for the information. The details of these secret files were first offered to the general public on 9-13-98 as part of a TNT special titled "The Secret UFO Files of the KGB." The show featured extraordinary film and still photographs of the UFO recovery, and also a portion of autopsy film on part of an alien body. View full report
Angus Brooks, a former flight administrative officer for British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC), was walking his dogs at Moigne Downs, Dorset, England. He saw what appeared to be a contrail high in the sky. Then the contrail disappeared and in its place, a UFO descended "at lightning speed" to 200 or 300 feet altitude. One of the dogs, back from foraging for game, stood "distraught" beside the witness. View full report
Two children saw a sphere-shaped UFO, 2 meters in diameter, and "four little devils" on the ground. One of the humanoid beings was bending over, apparently busy with something on the ground, and another held a mirror-like object. They were observed to levitate before quickly entering the UFO and flying away. The UFO was said to make a soft whistling sound and smelled of sulphur. View full report
"I could make out some sort of an outline and an enormous object spun into view, looming up large and uncanny out of the sky. It resembled the upper half of a large spinning top and was about the size of a gasometer. There appeared to be a dome on top, inside of which was flashing a strange blue light." View full report
Farmer Maurice Masse was inspecting his field of lavender when he heard a whistling sound, then noticed an egg-shaped object with six thin legs and a central pedestal standing nearby. A classic close encounter case from France. At the same time, he also saw two "small boys," humanoid-looking beings less than four feet tall, dressed in grayish-green one-piece coveralls. View full report
Joan Vincent, County and Restormel Borough Councillor, revealed that she and her husband Roy had observed a mystery craft late at night during 1965 in a then rural area. The matter remained "virtually a family secret" over the years because the couple feared that they would be ridiculed if they told their story. The UFO was "a large, dome-shaped object that looked as if it were made of glass," estimated to be 50-70 feet across and 30-40 feet high. View full report