When I looked up there was a very large square-possibly triangular, depends if I was seeing it at an angle, machine/craft whatever you want to call it. It seemed to be spinning from right to left and making slow banking maneuvers.... To describe the object I would have to say it looked like a huge pizza box with lights on two of its seemingly 4 side panels that were opposite of each other. View full report
"I saw an immense triangular object... I can tell you [and compare it] to the size of a ball park or two enormous ball parks. It was going very slowly and passed directly over me... It made no noise whatsoever and was going slowly, very slowly, and thats when the van's engine and lights went out completely... I managed to capture the craft and photograph it. View full report
In the early morning hours of 21 November, 2003, Robert Williams and his mother Christine Williams, observed an extremely bright light hovering over Bennett Lake at an altitude of about 50-60 feet. As the object approached to within 250-300 yards of the witnesses, the intense white light began to dim, and both witnesses were able to make out a defined structure. They agreed that the object had a definite "frisbee" shape, and was complete with individual white lights around the perimeter. View full report
'A triangular craft was moving across the sky above us at an altitude similar to airplanes in this part of the city (near Boeing field, not far from SeaTac Airport). It had a light at each of the points that was a dim orange and the lights seemed striped rather than solid. The craft was completely silent... We realized that [our dog] was trembling and then he became lethargic and lost his balance.' View full report
A team of forestry workers allegedly had been witness to an incident on Thursday, February 25, 1999, during which time an elk was lifted off the ground and carried away by a very peculiar, disc-shaped object. View full report
Donna noticed a very bright white light just above the horizon, and an estimated 2km away. During their close observation, the light did some unusual maneuvers and some unexplainable things were observed. There was a 'wedge shaped' beam of light emanating from the object. All witnesses observed an estimated 50 smaller objects entering the main object from the left and right. View full report
The witness "went outdoors for a look and there out over her septic field about 50 meters away this object hovering just a meter or two above the ground. It was a pale, pale green, almost white and had a bright glow to it. It was about the diameter of a frisbee and about 10 centimetres (4 inches) thick. When it flew by her deck, she estimated it to be travelling slightly slower than a thrown frisbee. She continued to watch the object for about 20 minutes just hovering back and forth." View full report
"A local radio station and newspaper received six different photos from an anonymous source that show a capsule-shape UFO hovering over a farm pasture. In a letter accompanying the photos, the source claims to have taken the remarkable UFO photographs on the 16th of September, 1996, in Valley, Alabama, USA." View full report