On two occasions on Monday night the 17-year-old spotted strange lights in the skies over Swindon. "There was this oval-shaped object, quite bright, hanging in the sky. It was really odd. "As I turned my head to look at it, it reacted like it had been seen, and it zoomed off." Chris is confident what he saw was not an aircraft, helicopter or an astronomical object such as a shooting star. View full report
At 3 AM on Sept. 15, 1998, witness Chris Rock stepped outside and fired his laser pointer into the sky toward west-southwest in the general direction of Jupiter. Within a minute or two, a gray, spherical object, with an apparent 7" diameter at arm's length appeared in the western sky, hovering over an adjacent building at a (measured) distance of 260 feet from the witness and 40 feet above the ground. The object sat motionless for 2 to 3 seconds, before passing over the witness and out of sight. View full report
On October 1,1996, a small Rapid Mobilization Investigative Team (RMIT) was activated by CSETI's director and founder, Steven Greer M.D. The team journeyed to the Bonnybridge, Scotland area - scene of continuing, persistent UFO activity since the current wave began in 1994. View full report
The following is an account of events that occurred during a CSETI investigative team activation to Monterrey, Mexico in Decemer of 1994. - Witnesses saw a large disc with a sloped dome on top. View full report
CSETI allowed a crew from CBS's 48 Hours "news show" to accompany an RMIT, March 20, 1994 to show its audience CSETI, doing real-time research in an area of known UFO/ET activity at Mount Popocatepetl in central Mexico. View full report
Two Jefferson County air unit police officers — described by their lieutenant as "solid guys" — swear they had a two-minute dogfight with a UFO during a routine helicopter patrol Friday night. Two officers on the ground said they, too, spotted the object. The UFO — a glowing pear-shaped object about the size of a basketball — literally flew circles around the helicopter, even though the fliers say they were moving at speeds approaching 100 mph. View full report
Convinced that a truly significant Extraterrestrial event was continuing in the volcanic zone of Mexico, CSETI's Director activated the RMIT to investigate directly these events. View full report
In 1993 Dr. Steven Greer, director of the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI), led a Rapid Mobilization Investigative Team (RMIT) to Mexico to study the ongoing wave of UFO sightings there. A large triangular shaped craft with a white light at each corner and a red beacon in the center was observed. View full report