On the night of March 13, 1975, many sightings of bright aerial objects were made in the vicinity of Ashland, Wisconsin, which is located on Lake Superior. However, the most interesting of the reports comes from the Philip N. Baker family of Mellen, Wisconsin, some 20 miles south of Ashland. View full report
On August 16, 1974, at about 8:00 PM, three small boys were returning to their homes on the outskirts of Port Coquitlam, a community about 20 miles east of Vancouver, BC. The boys saw an object approach over the trees... The UFO began to settle down for a landing. View full report
Mr. L. was preparing to go to bed when he heard a strange sound like "bum bum bum" outside. He lifted the curtain in the living room and saw a reddish-orange round object hovering over the field to the northeast side of his house trailer. When he looked outside he saw what he described as a robot like creature, about 6 feet tall, within 15 feet of the trailer. View full report
16 year old Ronald Johnson was tending the sheep, accompanies by his dog, when the sighting happened. What he suddenly saw was a mushroom shaped object, illuminated by multicolored lights over its entire surface and hovering 25 yards away. Johnson and his family went around the house to the site of the near landing and were surprised... to observe a glowing ring in the ground. This is considered as one of the very best physical trace cases involving a UFO landing. View full report
Walking through a large, open field, a boy with his dog observed a glowing "thing" over a pond located in the open field. The object moved towards the youth, finally stopping near the youth, and slowly settled to the ground. After the craft landed, a door opened straight down toward him and a "man" walked out. According to the witness's description, the creature was "powerfully huge." The being returned to the object, and about ten minutes later the craft "just lifted off." View full report
A large, house-sized object witnessed by a family. It had a dark bowl-shaped bottom, with a clear dome on top. In the lit dome area, several humanoid figures were seen moving. Two physiological effects were reported: heat felt as object passed over and burning of the eyes when its light intensity increased. View full report
A manufacturing plant worker was carrying two buckets of water toward his garden when he saw "a bright round object float in a gentle arc low in the sky to the northeast." It looked like a full moon but was at an extremely low altitude. Shortly thereafter and just two miles away, a land surveyor and his wife witnessed a dome-shaped object. It was about 20 feet wide and hovered approximately 10 feet above the ground, and was 230 feet away. View full report
Angus Brooks, a former flight administrative officer for British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC), was walking his dogs at Moigne Downs, Dorset, England. He saw what appeared to be a contrail high in the sky. Then the contrail disappeared and in its place, a UFO descended "at lightning speed" to 200 or 300 feet altitude. One of the dogs, back from foraging for game, stood "distraught" beside the witness. View full report
Two children saw a sphere-shaped UFO, 2 meters in diameter, and "four little devils" on the ground. One of the humanoid beings was bending over, apparently busy with something on the ground, and another held a mirror-like object. They were observed to levitate before quickly entering the UFO and flying away. The UFO was said to make a soft whistling sound and smelled of sulphur. View full report
"I happened to look up and there was that UFO right above the cornfield, it was just hovering right up above the power lines" about 200 feet in the air, Mathews said. The craft, which Mathews described as white and about 30 feet in diameter, made hardly a sound and emitted no light. "It was just like the ones you see on TV," Mathews said. View full report
The Tully "saucer nest" has a very special place in UFO lore. The famous Tully "UFO nest" affair of 1966 is one of the best known accounts of an apparent UFO landing report. It is the focus of a very important nexus in the pivotal question of UFO reality. 1966 was a major year for UFO activity in Australia. View full report
"I could make out some sort of an outline and an enormous object spun into view, looming up large and uncanny out of the sky. It resembled the upper half of a large spinning top and was about the size of a gasometer. There appeared to be a dome on top, inside of which was flashing a strange blue light." View full report
Norman Muscarello, a teenage Navy recruit, was walking down a quiet country highway at night, when suddenly, a huge object loomed above him. Thus began the "Incident at Exeter," a series of sightings officially qualified as "unidentified." The encounters that night took special precedence over other UFO sightings because of the credibility of two Exeter police officers who also saw the UFO, as well as that of the dispatcher and supervising officer who first heard Muscarello's account. View full report
Sixteen year old Harold Butcher was milking the cows in his father's barn in Cherry Creek, N.Y. Harold heard one of the bulls outside make a noise "like I have never heard come from an animal before." Simultaneously he saw a metallic-looking, football-shaped UFO about 50 feet long and approximately 20 feet thick hovering just above the trees an estimated 450 feet from the barn. View full report
Disc-shaped object glowed as it sat on a beach. As witness approached the object, the object lifted off from the ground, quickly climbed in the air, and disappeared. Investigation revealed landing traces and effects on the nearby plant life. View full report
James Flynn was camping when he saw an object with a large cone-shaped structure hovering near the ground; it was some 75 feet wide and 25 feet high. As he approached the object a beam of light struck him in the forehead, knocking him unconscious and temporarily leaving him partially blinded. There were physical traces on trees and vegetation, and animal reactions from Flynn's dogs. View full report