From the witness: "I looked up and saw the object, hovering, over the field behind our house. I estimate it was no farther than 250 yards away from me, hovering about 200 to 300 feet in the air. It was metallic and disk-shaped...and all along the rim it exhibited colors changing from red-orange-white-blue... it was [making] a loud-vibrating-humming low pitched tone..." View full report
On April 19, 1978, police officer Mark Coltrane was on patrol in the vicinity of Colfax. He then noticed a metalic looking disc raising towards the the sky at a short distance from the parking space. While the object seemed to move towards him, Coltrane picked up his Polaroid camera, came out of the car and snapped some photographs. The object was so close in one of the images that it is possible to notice some details of its lower surface. View full report
A Pittsburgh construction worker and his girlfriend claimed they saw a massive disc-shaped object settle about 2,000 feet over Highland Reservoir. He estimated its size as larger than the reservoir itself. Paul Oles, program director for Buhl Planetarium, also saw a bright light which he "can't explain," about one hour earlier. View full report
Mrs. Ethel May Field, 62, a housewife, had gone out to the back garden to take in washing from the clothes-line, when she heard a humming sound which prompted her to look at the sky. She encountered a round object with a dome on top. Standing inside the windows of the object were two humanoid occupants, one at each window. View full report
Retired automobile salesman Tom Dawson, 63, was walking with his two dogs from his trailer home to a nearby farm when a "circular shaped space ship" with a dome and portholes, 40-50 ft in diameter and 12-14 ft high, set down in a field in front of him. He found he was unable to move a muscle. A hatch in the object opened, a ramp was extended, and 7 strange looking humans 5 ft tall emerged, five men and two women. View full report
This was a saucer type "ship" with multi colored lights on the edge that landed in the back yard after appearing behind some trees 20 yards behind the house. I woke up in my girlfriend an my bedroom on the second floor, looked out the window and saw the lights. View full report
"I was staying in a motel in Anderson, Indiana, in the month of July of 1977, when my travelling companion burst in through the door to summon me outside. Once in the parking lot, I gazed up above the rooftop to witness a great disc gliding gently across our field of view, moving slowly and tilted at an angle." View full report
On the night of May 20, 1977, three Contra Costa County boys say they saw an object resembling a flying saucer land in West Pittsburg. They fled in terror when strange creatures came toward them, walking like stiff robots surrounded by smoke or steam vapor. The Center for UFO Studies, directed by J. Allen Hynek, considered this to be one of only three credible humanoid encounter cases of the year. View full report
Angel Maria Tonna, a 52-year-old rancher, and his foreman, witnessed a fiery disc like two plates placed face to face hovering a short distance above the ground behind the barn. The cows "were going crazy" and all the dogs were barking. The object approached, and Tonna felt electric shocks which went all through his body and a very intense heat hit him. Three days after the event, Tonna's dog, who had been 15 from the object, was found dead. View full report
Fourteen young hikers of Camp Delaware, including a 24-year-old counselor, said they encountered a whining, saucer-shaped object during an afternoon hike on the 1,460-foot Blueberry Hill. The object was noticed following a high pitched screech, then hovered silently at tree-top level on an angle above the witnesses' heads. View full report
A 39 year-old man in Little Oyster Cove encountered an extraordinary dome-shaped object which had landed. Through the windows of the metallic object, he saw a tall cylindrical object (which he likened to a ship's compass mounting) and 'motionless grey shapes' (like car seats with headrests seen from the rear), perhaps entities. The object rose slowly from the ground, then increased speed and was gone. The next morning, a circular patch of scorched grass was found at the site. View full report
From the witness: "As I was looking out my parents upstairs window, slowly and silently a metallic saucer shape approximately 30 feet across moved into my eyesight from over another apartment complex... It flew just over the tree tops and the building.... The object looked like it was a rough polished metal. Light bronze/silver. Flat on the bottom except for right in the center of the underside." View full report
"Billy" Eduard Albert Meier (born February 3, 1937) is a citizen of Switzerland and contactee. He is also the source of over 1000 photographs of objects claimed to be UFOs. Billy claims regular contact with the Plejaren, a group of extraterrestrials, and presents much spiritual and philosophical information from these meetings. He describes the Plejaran as humans much like the humans of Earth. View full report
"It was less than 100 yards away and about 200-300 feet up, and they could see through the red halo as the bright light "had been swung away" from them. Like a large hamburger bun, the color of "dirty brass" it had a base of about 25 feet, then an outer flange. The diameter of the body of the craft, they feel, was 30 feet. A "belt" of square-shaped windows circled the object." View full report
Antonio Le Pere snapped these two photographs through the driver's window of his car as he was proceeding along route 226 near Balcarce. A disc-shaped metal-looking flying object approached the automobile and kept pace with him from a position only a few hundred meters to his left. Le Pere took the pictures through the rolled down window on the driver's side of the car. View full report
Christer Sundström was lying in his bed, home from school with chickenpox. He was looking out the window of his room towards the neighbour's house. All he could see was a dark grey sky. But then the impossible happened. A dark object, which he at first thought was an eagle, started to circle above the roof of the neighbour's house. View full report