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selected ufo cases

Multiple UFOs

Formation of three black triangle craft hovering over Los Angeles

2000 - Los Angeles, California, United States

"I was driving with my then girlfriend late one afternoon before sunset... I had to lean forward to be able to see up through the windshield to observe 3 identical black triangular objects... The objects were motionless and we could not hear any noise from the objects... The objects were in a loose triangle formation separated from each other by a distance of approximately 5 times their individual width."  View full report

Source: UFOEvidence.org   ID: 899
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Multiple UFOs, Witness Sketch

Noctural light with light beam; animal reactions; satellite objects

March, 4, 1998 - Southgate, Australia

Donna noticed a very bright white light just above the horizon, and an estimated 2km away. During their close observation, the light did some unusual maneuvers and some unexplainable things were observed. There was a 'wedge shaped' beam of light emanating from the object. All witnesses observed an estimated 50 smaller objects entering the main object from the left and right.  View full report

Source: Barry Taylor, Network Update 06.02.98 (AUFORN, Robert Frola)   ID: 1094
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Light Beam, Animal Reaction, Sound, Multiple UFOs

Pilot encounters giant pyramid-shaped UFO over Pelotas, Brazil Featured Case

October, 5, 1996 - Pelotas, Brazil

Brazilian pilot Haroldo Westendorf, 39, was flying over Pelotas when he encountered an enormous pyramid or cone shaped UFO, with 8-10 sides; it was 100 meters in diameter and 70 meters high. Westendorf was able to fly around the base of the object three times, at one point coming as close as 40 meters. Then, out of an opening at the top of the craft, a smaller classic disc-shaped UFO emerged and flew off at tremendous speed. Three air traffic controllers and others on the ground also witnessed the event.  View full report

Source: CNI News, Dec. 20, 1997   ID: 699
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Pilot/Aircrew, Multiple UFOs

Oval-shaped objects with portholes observed in France

September, 16, 1996 - Corme Royal, France

On September 16, 1996 in the 5 hour old neighbourhoods, the witness in his car observes an ovoid [oval-shaped] machine [object] with three port-holes emitting a strong orange light. The object is stationary at an altitude of 30 to 40 meters and between 300 and 400 meters from the road. The somewhat frightened witness continues on the road and subsequently observes two identical objects higher in the sky. The objects observed were dark and their size estimated at ten meters length. No explanation was found with this close observation.  View full report

Source: GEIPAN (French government UFO Program)   ID: 1121
Case Type: SummaryReport    Features:  Portholes/Windows, Vehicle Encounter, Multiple UFOs, Witness Sketch

Three saucer-shaped objects with lights around middle

August, 16, 1994 - Pentacost River, Australia

"They came in quite low and then just stopped and hovered about 200 yards to my left, ovoid in shape (typical saucer shaped) with first red and then green lights travelling horizontally around the middle of the saucer. They were still there at 10.30pm that night, at one stage I felt I could almost touch them. They were completly silent and did nothing at all until they left that night."  View full report

Source: UFO Research (NSW), Australia   ID: 619
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Witness Sketch, Multiple UFOs

Space Case: The Night the Coast Guard Got Buzzed

March, 4, 1988 - Lake Erie, Ohio, United States

This incident involves a football shaped object, "larger than the Goodyear blimp," which released up to a half dozen triangular shaped lights and objects, some of them fyling towards the Perry nuclear power plant and Eastlake coal burning plant.  View full report

Source: UFOs at Close Sight (Patrick Gross)   ID: 8
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Multiple UFOs, Nuclear Facility

Jet Chase Over Brazil

May, 19, 1986 - Brazil

As many as twenty UFOs were seen and tracked by ground radar and at least six airplanes. Unidentified radar returns were tracked by airports in São Paulo and the Integrated Air Defense & Air Traffic Control Center (CINDACTA) in Brasilia. Two F-5E and three Mirage jet fighters were scrambled from Santa Cruz AFB in Sao Paulo State, and Anápolis AFB in Goias State.  View full report

Source: Don Berliner, UFO Briefing Document   ID: 51
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Radar, Pilot/Aircrew, Military, Multiple UFOs

Cigar-shaped UFO and three small discs at Hexam, NSW, Australia

December, 1984 - Hexam, Australia

The witness "observed a large, cigar-shaped object with a brilliant white light at the front it was coming towards them... The cigar had windows along the side... three small disc-shaped objects (3-4 metres across) flew into view moving towards the object...They travelled very quickly, zigzagging to join the larger cigar... Mrs L said that she saw what seemed to be a shadow or outline of a head with a helmet on in one of the smaller discs..."  View full report

Source: UFO Research (NSW), Australia - UFO Reporter, June 1992   ID: 1071
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Multiple UFOs, Humming, Portholes/Windows, Body Lights

UFO follows witnesses home, hovers over driveway

August, 20, 1984 - Mahopac Falls, New York, United States

Mrs. Irene Lunn, the wife of a policeman, and her daughter Erica were driving home when they saw a large object directly over the pond at the Circle A Farm. The object suddenly made a 90-degree left turn and came slowly towards them. It stayed with them as they reached home, until it was directly over their driveway. About one minute after it started hovering, another UFO came out of the west over the driveway.  View full report

Source: APRO Bulletin, Vol. 32 No. 11 (May 1985)   ID: 359
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Multiple UFOs

Cigar-shaped UFO with smaller objects observed in Jemgum, Germany

March, 7, 1977 - Jemgum, Germany

A 16 year old student, standing in front of his parents house, observed a bright spot in the sky. Through his binoculars, he could see that the object was cigar-shaped and surrounded by an orange-colored halo. This object filled 4/5 of his field-of-view in the binoculars. It appeared reflective, almost glaring. Smaller objects were also observed.  View full report

Source: Illobrand von Ludwiger / MUFON-CES (1998)   ID: 654
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Multiple UFOs, Children

Police officer has repeat sighting Featured Case

April, 22, 1976 - Elmwood, Wisconsin, United States

At about 11 p.m., George Wheeler, a relief policeman at the town of Elmwood, WI, encountered a strange glowing object which he estimated was about 500 feet distant and hovering about 100 feet off the ground. There were six bluish-white lights, windows or portholes on the side and he could see shadows as if someone was moving inside of it. This case involves apparent electro-mechanical effects, multiple witnesses, and possible animal reaction.  View full report

Source: APRO Bulletin, Vol. 24 No. 10 (Apr 1976)   ID: 341
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  E-M Effects, Police, Animal Reaction, Multiple UFOs, Witness Photo, Witness Sketch, Portholes/Windows

Hat-shaped UFO with two smaller satellite objects

May, 11, 1975 - Tucson, Arizona, United States

Witnessed by members of the Martinez and Robbins families, the object was described as bright and derby-hat-shaped, and covered a measurement of 5/8 inches at arm's length. Two smaller objects were seen below the main object. These were flat disc-shapes of a dim blue color. The total viewing time for this case was one hour and fifteen minutes.  View full report

Source: APRO Bulletin, Vol. 23 No. 7 (May 1975)   ID: 309
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Multiple UFOs

Five Objects Hover Over Canadian Field Featured Case

September, 1, 1974 - Langenburg, Saskatchewan, Canada

Farmer Edwin Fuhr saw a symmetrical bun-shaped object that was hovering about a foot off the ground. He noted also that the grass underneath was being imparted a clockwise swirling motion. [There were] four additional identical objects...  View full report

Source: APRO Bulletin, Vol. 23 No. 2 (Sept/Oct 1974)   ID: 304
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Physical Trace, Multiple UFOs, Witness Sketch

UFOs 'escort' Mexican aircraft Featured Case

May, 2, 1974 - En route from Guerrero state to Mexico City, Mexico

Carlos Antonio de los Santos Montiel was flying en route from Guerrero state to Mexico city in his Piper Aztec 24, he became aware of three objects positioned extremely close around the plane. He heard a noise from below, as if one of the objects had collided with his plane. He then noticed that the aircraft controls and landing gear were frozen.  View full report

Source: APRO Bulletin, Vol. 24 No. 2 (Aug 1975)   ID: 311
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Radar, Pilot/Aircrew, Vehicle Interference, Multiple UFOs, Witness Photo

Huge ship and three smaller craft seen by salesman in Spain

March, 20, 1974 - Castillo de las Guardas, Spain

A pocketbook salesman, Adrian Sanchez Sanchez, was making the rounds of his customers, when he encountered an airship of gigantic proportions, which he calculated to be between 150 and 200 metres long. "I noticed how a large door opened in the tail end of the ship and how a formation of three smaller ships, in the shape of yo-yos, approximately 8 metres long, proceded to enter the larger one; but the last one turned and came slowly towards me."  View full report

Source: Eileen Buckle, FSR Vol. 20 No. 3   ID: 599
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Multiple UFOs, Witness Sketch

Object emits three discs, responds to light signals

August, 1972 - Minnesota, United States

A family of six was returning from their vacation in the U.S. at night when they observed a UFO, which zoomed straight toward them. They used a flashlight and flashed four times — short flashes — and immediately the object flashed back four times. Three smaller discs were seen leaving the large disc.  View full report

Source: APRO Bulletin, Vol. 25 No. 2 (Aug. 1976)   ID: 347
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  E-M Effects, Vehicle Interference, Interaction/Reaction, Multiple UFOs

Three scientists see two circular UFOs with cabin on top

August, 1970 - Tanami Desert , Australia

"We saw 2 UFOs same design size with pulsing flame or lights yellowish flashing from underneath "exhaust" at about a second between each flash the distance was about only 300 yards from our position at about eye level with an above ground level altitude of only several hundred feet."  View full report

Source: AUFORN (Australian UFO Research Network) - Diane Frola   ID: 451
Case Type:     Features:  Scientist/Engineer, Multiple UFOs, Portholes/Windows

Formation of orange, rectangular objects over Algeria (Africa)

January, 1970 - Algiers, Algeria

"I was playing soccer with my brother and practicing head passes, next thing I see are these large bright objects in the sky moving together. They flew as a matrix-like unit with the back row crafts moving AT RIGHT ANGLES to come to the front of the fleet (see picture). Each craft in the back row would exit the back row to the left or to the right depending on which edge of the fleet it was closest."  View full report

Source: UFOEvidence.org   ID: 843
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Multiple UFOs

Chilean Navy ship encounters large UFO; tracked on radar

October, 24, 1969 - Chile

The incident involved a Chilean Naval destroyer and was witnessed by crew members and the commander of the vessel. Up to six UFOs, including one large object, were observed. The objects were verified on radar and observed visually. As the main object moved over the ship, the vessel's power went out."  View full report

Source: Bill Chalker   ID: 1016
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Military, Water-Related, Radar, Multiple UFOs, Humming, E-M Effects, Body Lights, Group Sighting

Idaho 'Mining UFOs'

1965 - Spring Creek Ridge, Idaho, United States

Two men were camped on a bluff overlooking a valley. When they awoke in the early morning they noticed a shiny spot on the ore dump of a Spring Creek Mine across the valley. Using the scopes affixed to their rifles, they observed the "shiny object" which actually was one of four which were hovering over the ore dump. Protruding from the top of the objects were four hose-like devices which were inserted into the slag piles and were moving around.  View full report

Source: APRO Bulletin, Vol. 22 No. 2 (Sept/Oct 1973)   ID: 300
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Portholes/Windows, Multiple UFOs

Disc landing in reservoir, part of series of sightings in New Jersey

September, 15, 1962 - Oradell, New Jersey, United States

A series of New Jersey police sightings after a reported disc landing in a reservoir. The action began on September 15, when two shiny discs were seen by multiple independent witnesses. On September 21, four Hawthorne police officers watched a device with two beams like headlights. Just after midnight, September 24, the same or a similar device was seen over the quarry by over a dozen Hawthorne police officers and the chief reporter of the N. J. State Press, George Della Penta.  View full report

Source: Waterufo.net / NICAP UFO Investigator, Oct/Nov 1962   ID: 796
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Police, Water-Related, Multiple UFOs

The Cressy Cigar (Cigar-shaped object w/ satellite objects witnessed by Anglican minister and wife)

October, 4, 1960 - Cressy, Tasmania, Australia

The Cressy sighting remains as one of Tasmania's best known UFO sightings. The cigar shaped 'mothership' and attendant discs were witnessed by the local Church of England minister, the Reverend Lionel Browning and his wife. The case was investigated by the Royal Australian Air Force, details were taken by the Victorian UFO Society, whilst Prof: James E McDonald interviewed Rev Browning in 1967.  View full report

Source: Keith Roberts, TUFOIC (Tasmanian UFO Investigation Center)   ID: 897
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Clergy, Multiple UFOs

The Monon Railroad UFO Incident

October, 3, 1958 - Monon, Indiana, United States

A Monon railroad train crew reported seeing multiple UFOs in north central Indiana. The objects were 40 feet in diameter and about 10 feet thick, and followed the train for over an hour.  View full report

Source: Frank Edwards / UFO Casebook   ID: 26
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Multiple UFOs

Strategic Air Command Officers Watch UFO With Satellite Objects

September, 8, 1958 - Offutt Air Force Base, Omaha, Nebraska, United States

At SAC headquarters in 1958, a group of officers, airmen and missile engineers observed an elongated UFO with satellite objects for about 20 minutes. The case was reported to NICAP by Major Paul A. Duich, USAF (Ret.). Until recently, Major Duich was an Air Force Master Navigator, accumulating 4000 flying hours and 300 combat hours.  View full report

Source: Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, 1964   ID: 1098
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Military, Multiple UFOs, Group Sighting
Cases per page:  8   16   24