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Astronaut Buzz Aldrin Recounts Apollo 11 UFO Encounter

July, 18, 1969 - 

Buzz Aldrin: "There was something out there that, uh, was close enough to be observed and what could it be? Mike (Collins) decided he thought he could see it in the telescope and he was able to do that and when it was in one position, that had a series of ellipses, but when you made it real sharp it was sort of L shaped. That didn't tell us very much."  View full report

Source: The Science Channel / Dave Stone / Credit: UFO Updates - 9/30/2005   ID: 592
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Astronaut/Space, Famous Person, Witness Photo

President Jimmy Carter's UFO Sighting Featured Case

January, 6, 1969 - Leary, Georgia, United States

Jimmy Carter is one of two U.S. Presidents who have reported seeing a UFO before becoming the President. He later said, "It was the darndest thing I've ever seen. It was big, it was very bright, it changed colors and it was about the size of the moon.. We watched it for ten minutes, but none of us could figure out what it was. One thing's for sure, I'll never make fun of people who say they've seen unidentified objects in the sky."  View full report

Source: Grant Cameron, Presidential UFO   ID: 294
Case Type: MajorCase    Features:  Famous Person, Witness Photo

Disc with dome hovers over car along rural highway in Tennessee

1969 - Paris, Tennessee, United States

The witness was driving back to college with his roommate. Theirs was the only car on a long stretch of rural highway between Paris and McKenzie, Tennessee. Suddenly, they saw streaks of light coming from the top of their windshield; they stopped the car on the road and got out. Directly above their car was a round disc-like object with windows. It had a raised dome "cockpit" in the center of the top half. It was hovering and spinning effortlessly about 200 feet directly above them.  View full report

Source: UFOEvidence.org   ID: 953
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Body Lights, Sound, Vehicle Encounter

Milakovic family encounter, Hanbury, England

November, 20, 1968 - Hanbury, England, United Kingdom

A large, house-sized object witnessed by a family. It had a dark bowl-shaped bottom, with a clear dome on top. In the lit dome area, several humanoid figures were seen moving. Two physiological effects were reported: heat felt as object passed over and burning of the eyes when its light intensity increased.  View full report

Source: NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon), 'Strange Effects from UFOs', by Donald Keyhoe and Gordon Lore   ID: 17
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Physiological Effects, Humanoid/Occupant, Animal Reaction

UFO with 'Michelin man' occupants seen by farmer on Réunion Island Featured Case

July, 31, 1968 - Réunion Island (Indian Ocean), France

Mr. Luce Fontaine, age 31, a farmer on Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean, was picking some grass for his rabbits when he saw an object 5 meters in diameter, standing on a "glass foot" like a goblet. It was only 25 meters away. It was dark blue and through the window could be seen two small individuals, only 3 feet tall, dressed from head to foot in bulky coveralls, something like the Michelin "tire man." There was a brilliant flash of light and a few seconds later nothing was to be seen.  View full report

Source: Excerpt from FSR, Jan/Feb 1969   ID: 692
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Landing, Physical Trace

Terrified witnesses observe near-landing of UFO

July, 30, 1968 - Claremont, New Hampshire, United States

A manufacturing plant worker was carrying two buckets of water toward his garden when he saw "a bright round object float in a gentle arc low in the sky to the northeast." It looked like a full moon but was at an extremely low altitude. Shortly thereafter and just two miles away, a land surveyor and his wife witnessed a dome-shaped object. It was about 20 feet wide and hovered approximately 10 feet above the ground, and was 230 feet away.  View full report

Source: NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon), 'Strange Effects from UFOs', by Donald Keyhoe and Gordon Lore   ID: 576
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Animal Reaction, Witness Sketch, Humming

Navy ship HMAS Hobart hit during Vietnam UFO encounter?

June, 15, 1968 - DMZ, Viet Nam

On Friday, 15 June 1968, Allied forward spotters along the eastern part of the Demilitarised Zone, a 9.6km wide strip separating North and South Vietnam, reported seeing about 30 strange slow-moving 'lights' in the night sky.  View full report

Source: AUFORN Special Report, Issue 34, April 2003   ID: 60
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Military, Physical Trace

Disc-shaped object with dome in Omaha, Nebraska

May, 12, 1968 - Omaha, Nebraska, United States

"Directly over the restaurant's parking lot, at an altitude I estimate at no more than one hundred feet, was a UFO. The object was circular, with a flat bottom and an opaque dome on the top. I estimate the diameter of the object at 35 to 50 feet. It held absolutely still and made absolutely no noise. On top of the dome was a single, steady white light. Around the rim were solid white lights in the shape of rectangles with rounded corners, separated from each other by unlit space. The lights flashed around the rim in a counter-clockwise direction like lights on a theater marquee."  View full report

Source: NUFORC (National UFO Reporting Center), Peter Davenport, Director   ID: 1133
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Body Lights, Silent, Group Sighting

Three fishermen in Le Brusc, France observe oval, mirror-like object at sea

April, 1968 - Le Brusc, Var, France

In April 1968, three fishermen from the French fishing-port of Le Brusc were fairly far out at sea, "when suddenly, in a break in the clouds, a sort of 'thing' appeared--ovalish in shape--which was just hanging there in the sky. It looked like a mirror and it was shining, and it did not move... The thing remained stationary over the sea for two or three minutes and then vanished before our eyes as though swallowed up by the waves."  View full report

Source: Waterufo.net / Flying Saucer Review Case Histories #14   ID: 795
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Water-Related

Russia UFO crash and recovery, 1968 Featured Case

March, 1968 - Berezovsky , Russian Federation

The details of a Russian UFO crash on or about 1969 are sketchy and somewhat suspect. This case comes from the so-called "Secret KGB Files," which were reportedly smuggled out of the former Soviet Union. Reportedly, $10,000 was paid for the information. The details of these secret files were first offered to the general public on 9-13-98 as part of a TNT special titled "The Secret UFO Files of the KGB." The show featured extraordinary film and still photographs of the UFO recovery, and also a portion of autopsy film on part of an alien body.  View full report

Source: UFOCasebook.com (editor, B. J. Booth)   ID: 1138
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Military, Crash/Retrieval, Alien Photograph, Photo, Humanoid/Occupant

Two-hundred people observe and hear disk-shaped object overhead (Redlands Sighting)

February, 4, 1968 - Redlands, California, United States

On February 4, 1968, about two hundred residents of Redlands, California, either saw or heard what was apparently the same huge, low-flying, disk-shaped object as it passed overhead. A minister conducting services in a church in Redlands was recording his sermon at the time and obtained a recording of the sound, which many people present described as a high-pitched, modulated whining sound.  View full report

Source: APRO / Ronald Story, 1980 / NICAP website (nicap.org)   ID: 777
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Mass Sighting, Group Sighting, Clergy, Body Lights, Rotary/Spin Motion, Sound

Two craft flew over mobile home and landed in remote area near home

December, 31, 1967 - Bithlo, Florida, United States

Watched UFO glide over mobile home without sound. UFO was joined by another craft that came from another angle. Both crafts landed in a remote area less than a quarter-mile from mobile home. Moments later, a formation of helicoptors and two jets began flying over the general area of where the two crafts had landed.  View full report

Source: UFO Evidence   ID: 72
Case Type: RawReport

Circular object with dome and two 'figures' inside

December, 8, 1967 - Idaho Falls, Idaho, United States

The object was circular in shape, "about as big as a car." She was able to see that it had a domed top. In the dome, which was transparent, she could make out the indistinct outlines of two figures. At its closest, the object was no more than 100 yards away, and from 50 to 100 feet above the ground.  View full report

Source: NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon),   ID: 560
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, 'Dyad Scout Craft'

Police Officer Herbert Schirmer Abduction Featured Case

December, 3, 1967 - Ashland, Nebraska, United States

Sgt. Schirmer was on patrol when he encountered a UFO hovering above the road, which shot up when he flashed his high beams at the object. Soon, Schirmer realized he had experienced "missing time", and a red welt appeared on his neck. Hypnotic sessions revealed that the occupants of the landed craft came and took Schirmer aboard, and communicated with him through some form of mental telepathy. They told him that they would visit him twice more and that some day he would "see the universe".  View full report

Source: Brent Raynes   ID: 659
Case Type: MajorCase    Features:  Abduction, Police, Missing Time, Contact, Physiological Effects, Artifact, Polygraph Test, Witness Sketch, Witness Photo

Small, domed UFO with two occupants seen inside Featured Case

November, 2, 1967 - Ririe, Idaho, United States

Guy Tossie and Will Begay, two Indian youths, were driving south on Highway 26 just outside Ririe on November 2, 1967, when, about 9:30 p.m., there was a sudden blinding flash of light in front of their car, followed by the abrupt appearance of a small, domed UFO. The dome was transparent and in it were seen two small, strange-looking occupants.  View full report

Source: NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon),   ID: 561
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, 'Dyad Scout Craft'

'Flying Cross' shaped UFO hovers near witness and dogs (Moigne Downs / Angus Brooks case)

October, 26, 1967 - Moigne Downs, United Kingdom

Angus Brooks, a former flight administrative officer for British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC), was walking his dogs at Moigne Downs, Dorset, England. He saw what appeared to be a contrail high in the sky. Then the contrail disappeared and in its place, a UFO descended "at lightning speed" to 200 or 300 feet altitude. One of the dogs, back from foraging for game, stood "distraught" beside the witness.  View full report

Source: NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon), 'Strange Effects from UFOs', by Donald Keyhoe and Gordon Lore   ID: 566
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Animal Reaction
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