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Large cylindrical object with cupola and portholes in Duclair, France

January, 12, 1989 - Duclair, France

On January 12, 1989, a woman at the wheel of her car observes with approximately 30 meters with the top of the marshes an “enormous” cylindrical form comprising at the top a cupola emitting a yellow light and a series of red luminescent port-holes and white at its base. With its passage, the object disappeared and reappeared a few seconds later much higher in the sky. The observation lasted a total of only a few seconds. The investigations did not make it possible to collect other information nor to identify the phenomenon.  View full report

Source: GEIPAN (CNES, France) (French gov't UFO program)   ID: 1116
Case Type: SummaryReport    Features:  Portholes/Windows, Vehicle Encounter, Witness Sketch

Space Case: The Night the Coast Guard Got Buzzed

March, 4, 1988 - Lake Erie, Ohio, United States

This incident involves a football shaped object, "larger than the Goodyear blimp," which released up to a half dozen triangular shaped lights and objects, some of them fyling towards the Perry nuclear power plant and Eastlake coal burning plant.  View full report

Source: UFOs at Close Sight (Patrick Gross)   ID: 8
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Multiple UFOs, Nuclear Facility

Knowles Family UFO Encounter in Mundrabilla, Australia

January, 21, 1988 - Mundrabilla , Australia

The Mundrabilla incident of a few years ago received much media publicity. The Knowles described how the UFO shot over their car and lifted it off the road. Their voices changed in pitch, the family dog in the car went crazy, and the car started shaking. The news media described the incident as a 'UFO attack' and reported that the car was covered by strange dust.  View full report

Source: UFO Research Queensland (Australia)   ID: 1090
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Vehicle Encounter, Physiological Effects, Animal Reaction, Vehicle Interference, Physical Trace, Humming, Light Beam

Gulf Breeze Sightings Featured Case

November, 11, 1987 - Gulf Breeze, Florida, United States

"Ed Walters was working in his home office when he noticed a light moving outside, partially obscured by the pine tree in his yard. To get a better look Ed went out of the front door, and could see that the light was in fact a glowing bluish-gray craft like none he had seen before... Edwould go on to photograph it many time"  View full report

Source: Ed Walters and Frances Walters, The Gulf Breeze Sightings   ID: 325
Case Type: MajorCase    Features:  Photo, Humanoid/Occupant, Polygraph Test, Humming

Abduction on the North Canol Road - Yukon, Canada Featured Case

September, 3, 1987 - Yukon Territory, Canada

Witness saw cigar-shaped object of green color, with portholes along side of it, flying low. Soon after, 2 beings/creatures were seen briefly nearby on the ground, and then abduction experience followed. Scoop marks found on hands afterwards.  View full report

Source: Martin Jasek, M.Sc., P. Eng.   ID: 100
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Abduction, Humanoid/Occupant, Humming, Portholes/Windows, Physiological Effects, Witness Sketch

Cone-shaped object with light beam in Farmville, NC

1987 - Farmville, North Carolina, United States

From the witness: "I grabbed the binoculars and looked at it. This time I could see a distinct shape. It was like an ice-cream cone pointing upward. The flat part of the cone was facing the earth. On the back of the cone was what looked like a small hull or house or hut of some kind. It was about a fifth of the size of the cone itself. Out of this hut came a very faint blue light. It passed directly over our heads at about 15 MPH. That’s how slow it was going."  View full report

Source: UFOCasebook.com (B.J. Booth, editor)   ID: 1059
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Light Beam, Vehicle Encounter

Japan Air Lines Flight 1628 Over Alaska Featured Case

November, 17, 1986 - Alaska, United States

In November, 1986, a Japanese crew of a jumbo freighter aircraft witnessed three unidentified objects while flying over Alaska, USA. This sighting gained international attention when the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announced that it was going to officially investigate this sighting because the Air Route Traffic Control Center in Anchorage, Alaska, had reported that the UFO had been detected on radar. The UFOs in this case were tracked on both ground and airborne radar, witnessed by experienced airline pilots, and confirmed by a FAA Division Chief.  View full report

Source: Loy Lawhon   ID: 287
Case Type: MajorCase    Features:  Pilot/Aircrew, Radar

Bright, glowing disc-shaped object hovers over cabin in Old Crow, Yukon

September, 20, 1986 - Old Crow , Yukon Territory, Canada

From the witness: "I looked outside and there was this UFO right over the trees! It was bright blue, almost too bright to look at and was rotating fairly fast... I continued to watch the UFO for about 5 minutes, then it just slowly descended down towards the river bank and away from us, started speeding up going cross river, then it just shot off rapidly into the distance!"  View full report

Source: Martin Jasek   ID: 1011
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Rotary/Spin Motion, Sound
Cases per page:  8   16   24