The witness was driving toward Whitehorse on the Alaska Highway just north-west of MacRae Subdivision when she spotted an object on Haeckel Hill. The object was cigar-shaped, no wings or markings and looked like the body of an aluminum airplane. View full report
"Watching clouds on airplane window, notice a large object moving next to airplane almost same speed. I took my camera and take a picture and soon as possible, suddenly moved upward and when out of sight." View full report
The unidentified object was first noticed as it flew above the city of Skurowa at an extremely high altitude. Then it changed course and flew over a market. The initial photos were taken while the witness was in his garden. View full report
cigar shaped just hovering there - pinpoint lights alongside of it enough to show that it was a cigar shaped. At the ends of the cigar shaped object there were slightly larger red lights. It never moved, made noise, it just hung in there the whole time I watched it. Then suddenly it just took off upright toward the sky so fast and but it seemed like it just disappeared as it zoomed off. View full report
'A triangular craft was moving across the sky above us at an altitude similar to airplanes in this part of the city (near Boeing field, not far from SeaTac Airport). It had a light at each of the points that was a dim orange and the lights seemed striped rather than solid. The craft was completely silent... We realized that [our dog] was trembling and then he became lethargic and lost his balance.' View full report
"I saw a GIGANTIC jet black triangle, with lights, come very slowly twords me (it was heading west) over the trees... Upon seeing this thing, I pulled my truck over to the side of the road approximately 1/4 mile west of the entrance to the high school. It appeared to be no higher than perhaps 75 to 100 feet, and it was IMMENSE." View full report
It was a clear, cold early February morning when Amy Wilbur saw a flying orange orb in the sky. "It was a round orange ball in the sky hovering across the road and field to the west in front of our house," she said. "It was bright and light orange, the edges even brighter, a red-orange." The orange ball moved very slowly, downward and diagonally, said Wilbur. View full report
The witness states that she was outside during the evening and happened to notice lights that passed overhead. She says that her impression was the lights were from a balloon, which should be noted, but the photographs that she took seem to depict something other than a hot-air balloon or dirigible. View full report