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selected ufo cases

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Large triangular object hovers near campers in Patapsco State Park

March, 22, 1978 - Patapsco State Park, Maryland, United States

Gary Oickle, 24, his brother David, 22, and two friends were camping in Patapsco State Park, when they encountered a huge triangular shaped object with large windows and three white lights at the corners. The object moved very slowly, hovering at times. When it appeared above them it was very low, approximately 200-250 feet, and made a sound like a "quiet wind" or "quietly rushing waterfall".  View full report

Source: APRO, April 1978   ID: 828
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Group Sighting

Fragment of unidentified object lands in Kallavesi Lake, Finland

August, 1964 - Kallavesi Lake, Finland

Mr. Raimo Blomqvist was visiting with his parents at their summer cottage, when he suddenly noticed a strange, colourful light ball coming from the sky. The light came nearer and turned out to be an oval glowing object. While the object was hovering above the shallow water of the island he saw something falling from the object. Mr. Blomqvist recovered a 3-4 cm long piece of stone.  View full report

Source: Finnish UFO Research Association   ID: 826
Case Type: .    Features:  Artifact

Dog dies after close encounter on ranch in Uruguay

February, 18, 1977 - Salto, Uruguay

Angel Maria Tonna, a 52-year-old rancher, and his foreman, witnessed a fiery disc like two plates placed face to face hovering a short distance above the ground behind the barn. The cows "were going crazy" and all the dogs were barking. The object approached, and Tonna felt electric shocks which went all through his body and a very intense heat hit him. Three days after the event, Tonna's dog, who had been 15 from the object, was found dead.  View full report

Source: APRO, August, 1977   ID: 825
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Animal Reaction, Physiological Effects

Maureen Puddy's close encounter in Victoria, Australia, 1972

July, 5, 1972 - Frankston, Victoria, Australia

On 5 July 1972, 27-year-old Maureen Puddy saw a ufo on the Alooraduc Road near Frankston, in Victoria, Australia. The object was a huge blue disc, which hovered above, her car as she returned from visiting her son in hospital. Twenty days later, at almost the same spot, it returned. This time it seemed to drain power from the car, causing it to stop; indeed, the car appeared to steer itself to the roadside. A voice in her head told her, 'All your tests will be negative.' It then said: 'Tell media, do not panic. We mean no harm..'  View full report

Source: Judith Magee, VUFORS   ID: 814
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Vehicle Encounter, Vehicle Interference, Communication

Round object with rotating lights around edge

July, 1993 - Clarendon, Texas, United States

"I saw an round flying object in plain view in the night sky around 2am. It was close enough to see round lights around the edges and the lights were rotating in one direction. The ufo was traveling at a low speed and close enough to notice it was not a human made object. There was no engine noise."  View full report

Source: UFOEvidence.org   ID: 808
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Witness Sketch, Body Lights

Cigar-shaped object hovers near witness in Victoria, BC

1960 - Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

The witness, Miss M. I. Footner of Victoria, was walking her dog, when she saw a bright dot of light just over Little Saanich Mountain. The light grew larger and larger, until suddenly the object was "above me and became stationary." The object was cigar-shaped and about 100 feet in length. Later she learned that a friend who lived nearby, Miss Audrey Winderburn, had seen a craft of similar appearance while outside attending to her horse.  View full report

Source: Canadian UFO Report, Summer 1970 (credit: UFO*BC)   ID: 807
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Body Lights, Silent

Landing and 'giant' occupant encountered by youth in Virginia

May, 1971 - Fredericksburg, Virginia, United States

Walking through a large, open field, a boy with his dog observed a glowing "thing" over a pond located in the open field. The object moved towards the youth, finally stopping near the youth, and slowly settled to the ground. After the craft landed, a door opened straight down toward him and a "man" walked out. According to the witness's description, the creature was "powerfully huge." The being returned to the object, and about ten minutes later the craft "just lifted off."  View full report

Source: NICAP (1971)   ID: 806
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Landing, Humanoid/Occupant, Animal Reaction, Children

Large cylindrical craft hovering over apartment block

March, 23, 2001 - North Sydney, Australia

A couple were in their third floor apartment in North Sydney when they noticed three dim flashlight like beams above a large tree near their balcony. As they went out on the balcony to investigate, they found no trace of the light source. Instead they discovered a large cylindrical craft hovering above the apartment block.  View full report

Source: UFO Society of Western Sydney - Research of Australian Close Encounters (RACE)   ID: 803
Case Type: SummaryReport    Features:  Witness Sketch

US Air Force personnel witness 3 large oval shaped craft in Mojave desert

August, 1978 - Phelan, California, United States

"Myself and other witnesses were F4-Phantom Weapons Control Technicians in the USAF. First large oval rises up from directly behind mountains due east from me. Motion is slow, floating like a blimp or balloon. Second identical object then began to rise just to the left of the first object. Third identical looking object then began to rise just to right of first object."  View full report

Source: UFOEvidence.org   ID: 802
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Military

Large black triangle craft with glowing red portholes in the Arizona desert

September, 2001 - Near Phoenix, Arizona, United States

"Saw a huge black triangle with glowing red port holes in the Arizona desert. It was moving slowly along a river where i was camping. It was blacker than night with 6 large glowing red port holes along the side that I could see. The red portholes glowed but did not emit light. They did not brighten up the area or any of the surroundings. The craft was just sort of "gliding" along. Like anti-gravity."  View full report

Source: ufoevidence.org   ID: 801
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Silent, Portholes/Windows

Large oval-shaped craft with blue 'ionized' gas on rear flying slowly over highway Featured Case

January, 7, 2000 - Busch Wildlife Area, Missouri, United States

"Saw craft appear out of darkness when cloud of ionized gas, or corona effect, appeared at back end of craft. The blue corona lasted for about 3 or 4 seconds. Craft was moving slowly westward, at altitude of 500 to 1000 feet. Back end of craft was approx. 60 to 100 feet across, and 15 to 30 feet high."  View full report

Source: ufoevidence.org   ID: 800
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Witness Sketch

Two large black triangles moving at low altitude over San Francisco, CA

December, 3, 2005 - San Francisco, California, United States

Two large black equalteral triangle shaped object moving at low altitude in San Francisco from Northwest near Mt. Davidson to the Southeast accross 280. The three tips of each triangle had dim star like pulsating lights. The objects were solid, pitch black underneath and made absolutley no sound as they passed directly over us on our back deck facing west.  View full report

Source: UFOEvidence.org   ID: 799
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Silent

Disc landing in reservoir, part of series of sightings in New Jersey

September, 15, 1962 - Oradell, New Jersey, United States

A series of New Jersey police sightings after a reported disc landing in a reservoir. The action began on September 15, when two shiny discs were seen by multiple independent witnesses. On September 21, four Hawthorne police officers watched a device with two beams like headlights. Just after midnight, September 24, the same or a similar device was seen over the quarry by over a dozen Hawthorne police officers and the chief reporter of the N. J. State Press, George Della Penta.  View full report

Source: Waterufo.net / NICAP UFO Investigator, Oct/Nov 1962   ID: 796
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Police, Water-Related, Multiple UFOs

Three fishermen in Le Brusc, France observe oval, mirror-like object at sea

April, 1968 - Le Brusc, Var, France

In April 1968, three fishermen from the French fishing-port of Le Brusc were fairly far out at sea, "when suddenly, in a break in the clouds, a sort of 'thing' appeared--ovalish in shape--which was just hanging there in the sky. It looked like a mirror and it was shining, and it did not move... The thing remained stationary over the sea for two or three minutes and then vanished before our eyes as though swallowed up by the waves."  View full report

Source: Waterufo.net / Flying Saucer Review Case Histories #14   ID: 795
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Water-Related

Object hovers over sea and immobilizes witnesses in Togo, Africa

March, 29, 1974 - Lomé, Togo

A French worker on vacation on the coast of Togo, along with a Togolese woman, were on the beach when they noticed a sharp whistle coming from the sea. They saw a dark mass which approached from over water and which stopped at 200-300 m in front of the witnesses. Suddenly, three bright lights from the object paralyzed the witnesses. Several physiological effects plagued the man afterwards, including deaf spells, fainting, and anxiety.  View full report

Source: Waterufo.net / Joel Mesnard, Phenomenes Spatiaux, Mar. '76   ID: 794
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Water-Related, Physiological Effects

Large disc-shaped object observed by two witnesses in Connecticut Featured Case

July, 15, 1995 - Harwinton, Connecticut, United States

The witnesses (husband and wife) were driving back from fishing at a quarry in Harwinton when they observed a large metallic disk about 500 feet in diameter at an altitude of about 200 feet, from a distance of about a half mile, during daytime. The object was traveling 65-70 mph, and it passed smoothly over the road on a course approximately perpendicular to the road.  View full report

Source: MUFON Connecticut / Mark Cashman, TemporalDoorway.com   ID: 785
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Witness Sketch, Silent
Cases per page:  8   16   24