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Aztec, New Mexico UFO Crash Recovery of 1948 Featured Case

1948 - Aztec, New Mexico, United States

It was the columnist Frank Scully who first alerted the world to sensational stories of recovered flying saucers and little men in his best-selling book Behind the Flying Saucers published in 1950. Scully claimed that up to that time there had been four such recoveries, one of which was alleged to have taken place around Aztec, New Mexico, when sixteen humanoid bodies were recovered together with their undamaged craft.  View full report

Source: (Credit: aztecufo.com)   ID: 879
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Crash/Retrieval, Humanoid/Occupant

The 'Alien Interview' Video Featured Case

1996 - Groom Lake 'Area 51', Nevada, United States

The color video footage, which lasts for a total of two minutes and fifty-five seconds, was apparently smuggled out of the secret Groom Lake "Area 51" facility in Nevada by a man referring to himself as "Victor". The video film depicts a "Grey" alien being interrogated at the government facility. The footage first came to light on the Art Bell radio show on 13th March, 1997 when ufologist Sean David Morton was interviewed.  View full report

Source:    ID: 857
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Alien Photograph, Humanoid/Occupant

Police officer observes and photographs disc in Colfax, Wisconsin Featured Case

April, 19, 1978 - Colfax, Wisconsin, United States

On April 19, 1978, police officer Mark Coltrane was on patrol in the vicinity of Colfax. He then noticed a metalic looking disc raising towards the the sky at a short distance from the parking space. While the object seemed to move towards him, Coltrane picked up his Polaroid camera, came out of the car and snapped some photographs. The object was so close in one of the images that it is possible to notice some details of its lower surface.  View full report

Source: Wendelle Stevens (credit: UFOs at Close Sight (Ufologie.net)   ID: 877
Case Type: SummaryReport    Features:  Photo, E-M Effects, Police

Puerto Maldonado Photograph (Cigar-shaped object with trail photographed in Argentina)

1952 - Puerto Maldonado, Peru

On July 19, 1952, the attention of Customs Inspector Sr. Domingo Troncoso was called to a very strange cigar-shaped flying object over the river area. The big dirigible-shaped craft was flying horizontally and fairly low in the sky, passing from right to left from the observers position. It was leaving a dense trail of thick smoke, vapor, or substance on its wake. The object was estimated to be over a hundred feet long.  View full report

Source: Wendelle Stevens / B.J. Booth / Mark Cashman   ID: 876
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Photo, E-M Effects

Photograph of disc-shaped flying object near car in Argentina Featured Case

July, 19, 1974 - Balcarce, Argentina

Antonio Le Pere snapped these two photographs through the driver's window of his car as he was proceeding along route 226 near Balcarce. A disc-shaped metal-looking flying object approached the automobile and kept pace with him from a position only a few hundred meters to his left. Le Pere took the pictures through the rolled down window on the driver's side of the car.  View full report

Source: Wendelle Stevens (Credit: Cosmic View)   ID: 875
Case Type: SummaryReport    Features:  Photo, Vehicle Encounter

Unknown object photographed in New Jersey

August, 2005 - Jersey City, New Jersey, United States

"This took place in Jersey City, New Jersey. I had pulled over off the highway to buy some fruits at a very isolated fruit stand/store and I snapped a picture of this warehouse in the lot. I did not even see it [the object]when I took the picture... It was a few weeks later when i was cleaning out the flash card that it caught my eye." "  View full report

Source: UFOEvidence.org   ID: 874
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Photo

The Cordoba/Yacanto Argentina Photograph

1960 - Cordoba, Argentina

This sighting is one of the best recorded in Argentina. The witness is a high-ranking officer of the Argentinean Air Force (AAF), who by a fluke was able to obtain a remarkable photograph as supporting evidence of his encounter. Captain Niotti was driving from Yacanto toward Cordoba. He suddenly noticed a rather close and unusual object hovering near the ground and proceeded to take a photo of the object.  View full report

Source: Dr. Willy Smith   ID: 873
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Photo, Animal Reaction, Vehicle Encounter

Mexico City 1997 UFO Video Featured Case

August, 6, 1997 - Mexico City, Mexico

In September 1997, [Mexican TV host and UFO researcher] Jaime Maussan received a very special package. Someone had sent him a video tape, in itself nothing remarkable. But when he played the tape on his video recorder, it took his breath away. For the anonymously sent recording showed nothing but points of light and sky - except for a large, metallic, structured, rotating disk, which maneuvered in broad daylight over Mexico City, with a dateline of 6 August 1997.  View full report

Source: Michael Hesemann (2000)   ID: 864
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Photo

UFO Crash and Retrieval in Missouri, 1941 Featured Case

April, 1941 - Cape Girardeau, Missouri, United States

One of the most mysterious stories of a crashed UFO with alien bodies preceded the well know Roswell events by some six years. Reverend William Huffman was summoned to pray over alien crash victims outside of Cape Girardeau, Missouri in the spring of 1941. He was shown three victims, not human as expected, but small alien bodies with large eyes, hardly a mouth or ears, and hairless.  View full report

Source: Excerpt from UFO Casebook (BJ Booth)   ID: 858
Case Type: MajorCase    Features:  Crash/Retrieval, Humanoid/Occupant, Clergy, Witness Photo, Witness Sketch

New Mexico UFO Crash Encounter In 1945 Featured Case

August, 16, 1945 - San Antonio, New Mexico, United States

Reme Baca and Jose Padilla were young boys living in San Antonio, New Mexico in August 1945 when, they say, they literally stumbled across the remains of what they believe to have been an alien spacecraft. Their personal account of the case displays many of the key ingredients of crashed UFO lore.  View full report

Source: Ben Moffett, The Mountain Mail, Socorro NM, Nov. 2, 2003   ID: 852
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Crash/Retrieval, Humanoid/Occupant, Children, Witness Photo

The 'Alien Autopsy' Film (Socorro, NM 1947 UFO Crash) Featured Case

1947 - Socorro, New Mexico, United States

In 1995 London based businessman Ray Santilli caused what has been arguably the biggest controversy in the entire history of UFO research when he launched his 'Alien Autopsy' film across the front pages of magazines and via the TV screen in over 20 different countries.  View full report

Source: Michael Hesemann, Nexus Magazine, 1996   ID: 809
Case Type: MajorCase    Features:  Alien Photograph, Crash/Retrieval, Humanoid/Occupant, Physical Trace

Formation of orange, rectangular objects over Algeria (Africa)

January, 1970 - Algiers, Algeria

"I was playing soccer with my brother and practicing head passes, next thing I see are these large bright objects in the sky moving together. They flew as a matrix-like unit with the back row crafts moving AT RIGHT ANGLES to come to the front of the fleet (see picture). Each craft in the back row would exit the back row to the left or to the right depending on which edge of the fleet it was closest."  View full report

Source: UFOEvidence.org   ID: 843
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Multiple UFOs

Low-flying V-shaped craft seen at close range in Ocala, Florida

March, 2, 2006 - Ocala, Florida, United States

The witness was going for a walk at Fairfield Village in Ocala, Florida, when he saw a V-shaped vehicle (like a flying wing) from 35 to 50 feet in width. When he first observed it, it was about 100 feet above the ground. The silent object veered around a treetop and rested parallel to him - about 40 feet away and then left. The sighting lasted 3-5 minutes. Possible electromagnetic effects on the witness' vehicle were noticed.  View full report

Source: UFOEvidence.org   ID: 841
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  E-M Effects

Large glowing orange craft over park, possible 'missing time' in Portland, Oregon

June, 1971 - Portland, Oregon, United States

I saw a large glowing orange craft over a park near a house we rented in Portland, OR. It was huge and had the appearance of a molten metal disk. It appeared hot (like molten metal would be) but didn't radiate any heat that I could tell. The craft sat in the air unmoving for some time but left very abrubtly moving quickly almost straight up.  View full report

Source: UFOEvidence.org   ID: 840
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Children, Missing Time

Metal artifact found after close encounter on Island of Vaddo, Sweden

November, 11, 1956 - Isle of Vaddo, Sweden

Stig Ekberg and Harry Sjoberg were driving on the Island of Vaddo, Sweden, when they were approached by a flattened sphere shaped object. It settled in the middle of the road, about 100 meters in front of them. After about ten minutes, the object lifted off and accelerated away. At the landing site, the witnesses found a shiny "rock" that was hot to the touch. It was a three-sided piece of metal about the size of a matchbox, and had a heavy weight. Upon analysis, the object was found to be composed of tungsten carbide and cobalt.  View full report

Source: Jacques Vallee, in Peter Sturrock, 'The UFO Enigma'   ID: 837
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Artifact, Vehicle Interference, Smell/Odor, Physical Trace

The Ubatuba, Brazil Fragments

1957 - Ubatuba, Sao Paulo, Brazil

On September 14, 1957, Ibrahim Sued, a columnist for the Rio de Janeiro newspaper O Globo, printed a letter which he had received, concerning a UFO incident. Accompanying the letter were three small pieces of white metal. The writer of the letter described an event in which a "flying disk" exploded over the beach at Ubatuba, in Sao Paulo Province. One of the samples was analyzed and the results showed a 99.99% pure magnesium.  View full report

Source: Billy Booth, About.com   ID: 829
Case Type: MajorCase    Features:  Artifact, Crash/Retrieval

Large triangular object hovers near campers in Patapsco State Park

March, 22, 1978 - Patapsco State Park, Maryland, United States

Gary Oickle, 24, his brother David, 22, and two friends were camping in Patapsco State Park, when they encountered a huge triangular shaped object with large windows and three white lights at the corners. The object moved very slowly, hovering at times. When it appeared above them it was very low, approximately 200-250 feet, and made a sound like a "quiet wind" or "quietly rushing waterfall".  View full report

Source: APRO, April 1978   ID: 828
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Group Sighting

Fragment of unidentified object lands in Kallavesi Lake, Finland

August, 1964 - Kallavesi Lake, Finland

Mr. Raimo Blomqvist was visiting with his parents at their summer cottage, when he suddenly noticed a strange, colourful light ball coming from the sky. The light came nearer and turned out to be an oval glowing object. While the object was hovering above the shallow water of the island he saw something falling from the object. Mr. Blomqvist recovered a 3-4 cm long piece of stone.  View full report

Source: Finnish UFO Research Association   ID: 826
Case Type: .    Features:  Artifact

Dog dies after close encounter on ranch in Uruguay

February, 18, 1977 - Salto, Uruguay

Angel Maria Tonna, a 52-year-old rancher, and his foreman, witnessed a fiery disc like two plates placed face to face hovering a short distance above the ground behind the barn. The cows "were going crazy" and all the dogs were barking. The object approached, and Tonna felt electric shocks which went all through his body and a very intense heat hit him. Three days after the event, Tonna's dog, who had been 15 from the object, was found dead.  View full report

Source: APRO, August, 1977   ID: 825
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Animal Reaction, Physiological Effects

Maureen Puddy's close encounter in Victoria, Australia, 1972

July, 5, 1972 - Frankston, Victoria, Australia

On 5 July 1972, 27-year-old Maureen Puddy saw a ufo on the Alooraduc Road near Frankston, in Victoria, Australia. The object was a huge blue disc, which hovered above, her car as she returned from visiting her son in hospital. Twenty days later, at almost the same spot, it returned. This time it seemed to drain power from the car, causing it to stop; indeed, the car appeared to steer itself to the roadside. A voice in her head told her, 'All your tests will be negative.' It then said: 'Tell media, do not panic. We mean no harm..'  View full report

Source: Judith Magee, VUFORS   ID: 814
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Vehicle Encounter, Vehicle Interference, Communication

Round object with rotating lights around edge

July, 1993 - Clarendon, Texas, United States

"I saw an round flying object in plain view in the night sky around 2am. It was close enough to see round lights around the edges and the lights were rotating in one direction. The ufo was traveling at a low speed and close enough to notice it was not a human made object. There was no engine noise."  View full report

Source: UFOEvidence.org   ID: 808
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Witness Sketch, Body Lights

Cigar-shaped object hovers near witness in Victoria, BC

1960 - Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

The witness, Miss M. I. Footner of Victoria, was walking her dog, when she saw a bright dot of light just over Little Saanich Mountain. The light grew larger and larger, until suddenly the object was "above me and became stationary." The object was cigar-shaped and about 100 feet in length. Later she learned that a friend who lived nearby, Miss Audrey Winderburn, had seen a craft of similar appearance while outside attending to her horse.  View full report

Source: Canadian UFO Report, Summer 1970 (credit: UFO*BC)   ID: 807
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Body Lights, Silent

Landing and 'giant' occupant encountered by youth in Virginia

May, 1971 - Fredericksburg, Virginia, United States

Walking through a large, open field, a boy with his dog observed a glowing "thing" over a pond located in the open field. The object moved towards the youth, finally stopping near the youth, and slowly settled to the ground. After the craft landed, a door opened straight down toward him and a "man" walked out. According to the witness's description, the creature was "powerfully huge." The being returned to the object, and about ten minutes later the craft "just lifted off."  View full report

Source: NICAP (1971)   ID: 806
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Landing, Humanoid/Occupant, Animal Reaction, Children

Large cylindrical craft hovering over apartment block

March, 23, 2001 - North Sydney, Australia

A couple were in their third floor apartment in North Sydney when they noticed three dim flashlight like beams above a large tree near their balcony. As they went out on the balcony to investigate, they found no trace of the light source. Instead they discovered a large cylindrical craft hovering above the apartment block.  View full report

Source: UFO Society of Western Sydney - Research of Australian Close Encounters (RACE)   ID: 803
Case Type: SummaryReport    Features:  Witness Sketch
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