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selected ufo cases

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329 BC: Alexander the Great records two great 'flying shields'

329 BC - Central Asia,

Alexander the Great records two great silver shields, spitting fire around the rims in the sky that dived repeatedly at his army as they were attempting a river crossing. The action so panicked his elephants, horses, and men they had to abandon the river crossing until the following day.  View full report

Source: Bruno Mancusi, UFO Updates mailing list, Apr. 18, 2003   ID: 491
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Famous Person, Witness Photo

Villagers in Thailand witness two-foot tall 'alien' being in rice field Featured Case

September, 9, 2005 - Mae Chan District, Thailand

Villagers in Thailand claimed they witnessed an "alien" or extra-terrestrial being which appeared like a small-body man with large head and about 70 centimetres tall. Over 10 residents of Huay Nam Rak Village in Mae Jan district's Tambon Janjawa said they saw the ET today morning in a rice field outside the village.  View full report

Source: The Nation (Bangkok, Thailand), Sept. 9, 2005   ID: 490
Case Type: PressReport    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Witness Sketch, Group Sighting, Witness Photo

Luminous UFO seen from Windsor Castle in 1783

August, 18, 1783 - Windsor Castle, England, United Kingdom

This illustration depicts a sighting that occurred at 9.45pm on the evening of August 18, 1783 when four witnesses on the terrace of Windsor Castle observed a luminous object in the skies of the Home Counties of England: "An oblong cloud moving more or less parallel to the horizon. Under this cloud could be seen a luminous object which soon became spherical, brilliantly lit..."  View full report

Source: UFOs at Close Sight   ID: 489
Case Type: SummaryReport

UFOs over Hamburg, Germany in 1697

November, 4, 1697 - Hamburg, Germany

There was a UFO sighting over Hamburg, Germany on November 4, 1697, depicted in this artwork. The objects were described as being "two glowing wheels".  View full report

Source: UFOs at Close Sight / others   ID: 488
Case Type: SummaryReport

Christopher Columbus UFO sighting in 1492

October, 11,  - Atlantic Ocean,

In 1492, Christopher Columbus and Pedro Gutierrez while on the deck of the Santa Maira, observed, "a light glimmering at a great distance." It vanished and reappeared several times during the night, moving up and down, "in sudden and passing gleams."  View full report

Source: 'The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus'   ID: 487
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Famous Person, Water-Related, Witness Photo

UFO 'battle' over Nuremberg, Germany in 1561

April, 4,  - Nuremberg, Germany

At sunrise on the 14th April 1561, the citizens of Nuremberg beheld "A very frightful spectacle." The sky appeared to fill with cylindrical objects from which red, black, orange and blue white disks and globes emerged. Crosses and tubes resembling cannon barrels also appeared whereupon the objects promptly "began to fight one another." This event is depicted in a famous 16th century woodcut by Hans Glaser.  View full report

Source: Various sources   ID: 486
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Multiple UFOs

UFO sighting over Basel, Switzerland in 1566

August, 7,  - Basel, Switzerland

A 16th century woodcutting depicts this scene in which dark spheres were witnessed hovering over the town of Basel, Switzerland in 1566. The spheres appeared at sunrise, 'Many became red and fiery, ending by being consumed and vanishing', wrote Samuel Coccius in the local newspaper on this date.  View full report

Source: 16th century woodcutting and newspaper (credit: UFOs at Close Sight)   ID: 485
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Multiple UFOs

Three Huntington Police Officers See Circular Flying Object

December, 26, 2003 - Huntington, Indiana, United States

"The object, seen from just north of the city Police Station, came out of the northwest to the steeple of a near by Catholic Church, then shot straight back north. It didn't make any noise, and it remained in their sight for less than a minute. But it was big described as the size of a hot air balloon or a backyard trampoline and low enough that one officer thought it was going to get hung up on the steeple of the church."  View full report

Source: MUFON of Indiana   ID: 483
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Police, Rotary/Spin Motion

The Thomas Mantell Incident (aircraft crashes after chasing UFO)

January, 7, 1948 - Godman Air Force Base, Kentucky, United States

Many stories have been written about the untimely death of Captain Thomas Mantell whose USAF P-51 Mustang aircraft crashed on the 7th. January 1948, shortly after having observed a UFO seen hovering in the air close to the US Army Air Force Base at Godman Field, Kentucky. The official Army Air Force verdict is that Mantell’s aircraft crashed after he blacked out owing to lack of oxygen while attempting to fly too high an altitude in what was later described as a high altitude weather balloon.  View full report

Source: Tony Dodd, excerpt from 'Flight to destruction: The strange death of pilot Thomas Mantell'   ID: 482
Case Type: MajorCase    Features:  Military, Pilot/Aircrew, Injury, Witness Photo

Triangle shaped object seen flying over-head

December, 2, 2004 - Harper Woods, Michigan, United States

"It stayed completely still for a bit, and then it started to rise back up in the sky toward the east. When it moved it had a brilliant tail of light that followed it. It had a very bright light on its tip . The two base corners had dimmer lights, one of which seemed to be turned off. It made no noise, and was fairly close so I should have heard something if it was an aircraft."  View full report

Source: UFOEvidence.org   ID: 480
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Witness Sketch

Long cigar-shape object with portholes, colored lights flying above treetops

March, 1, 1978 - Middlebury , Connecticut, United States

"I saw this long cigar shaped object just above the treetops, not more than 150 feet away. Probably even closer than that. It was right beside me flying parallel to me, but slightly faster... It was about 100 feet long, and 15 feet high. It had rounded ends on the front and back. It looked just like a cigar or a hot dog."  View full report

Source: UFOEvidence.org   ID: 474
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Witness Sketch, Portholes/Windows

Oval object rolling end over end

April, 1963 - Statesville, North Carolina, United States

"I recall looking up.. to see a strange oval shaped object rolling end over end passing directly overhead. I recall the object giving off different colors in a pulsing, vibratory sort of way... I would estimate it's altitude to be less than 300 feet off the ground... I do not recall hearing any sound whatever from the object but my brother and sister say it was somewhat like a humming sound."  View full report

Source: UFOEvidence.org   ID: 473
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Witness Sketch, Humming

Airline Pilot Photographs Three Bright Large Objects

February, 26, 2004 - Pisco, Peru

"While flying abeam Pisco, Peru, we noticed 3 very bright large objects. They were not moving much. They passed by us at a distance of 20-30 miles at approximately 20,000 ft. We were at 31,000 ft. There were 4 crewmembers on our B767-300ER. All noticed it. There also was a Mexicana Airliner overhead that noticed the objects as well. We called the local airt traffic controllers in Lima, and they did not see them on radar.  View full report

Source: UFOEvidence.org   ID: 471
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Pilot/Aircrew, Photo, Multiple UFOs

Long, tube-like object with small lights flying behind

August, 8, 1999 - Makena Beach, Maui, Hawaii, United States

"It was shaped like an eight-sided object---but long tube like... there was a break in the object, and then there was a second (same 8 sided shape tube) closely behind it. As it passed I saw many darting lights flying around the end of the object. It seemed to be translucent... meaning we could see though it, but it had lights all along the six-sided shape"  View full report

Source: UFOEvidence.org   ID: 470
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Witness Sketch

Large cigar-shaped craft with horizontal line of multiple white lights

February, 7, 2005 - Syracuse, New York, United States

"We noticed a very large, brightly lit craft flying low above the tree line. It was flying extremely slow in a straight line from east to west. It continued low above the main street and suddenly stopped. It hovered for perhaps a minute or less, then seemed to change direction and slowly descend, from left to right, in a vertical slant."  View full report

Source: UFOEvidence.org   ID: 469
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Witness Sketch

'Huge' disc-shaped circle of small lights, with beam of light shining down

1975 - Medina, Ohio, United States

"A bright searchlight, motionless, was suddenly upon me. I looked up to see where it was coming from, when I saw a HUGE disc-shaped circle of small lights to the right of me. It appeared to be a craft and judging from the distance and size and the many lights, big enough to accomodate 100 people (?) in my judgment. The second I made eye contact, the spotlight was gone and the craft shot up like the speed of light, soundless."  View full report

Source: UFOEvidence.org   ID: 468
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Witness Sketch, Light Beam

Triangular-shaped, silent object with lights seen in Kentucky

September, 4, 2005 - Murray, Kentucky, United States

"We saw a triangular shaped object traveling south-east. It was moving faster than an airplane. It was similar to an isosoleis triangle; the two longest sides were lined with atleast 6 lights each and the shortest side appered dark/transparent. It appeared to be as large as 2 1/2 moons. It was silently traveling low in the horizon."  View full report

Source: UFOEvidence.org   ID: 467
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Witness Sketch, Nuclear Facility

The Allagash Abductions Featured Case

August, 26, 1976 - Allagash Wilderness Waterway, Maine, United States

In August of 1976, four young art students in their early twenties left for a canoe and camping trip in Maine's Allagash Wilderness. On one night during the trip, they encountered a huge oval, glowing object rising above the trees nearby, and were soon engulfed in a beam of light from the craft. As discovered in hypnosis sessions years later, it was at this point that all four were abducted into the craft and subjected to physical examinations.  View full report

Source: Raymond E. Fowler   ID: 466
Case Type: MajorCase    Features:  Missing Time, Abduction, Witness Photo, Witness Sketch, Interaction/Reaction, Light Beam

Abduction by robot-like beings in Brazil (La Rubia case) Featured Case

September, 15, 1977 - Paciencia (near Rio de Janeiro), Brazil

Antonio La Rubia, a 33-year-old bus driver, encountered a huge object, which he estimated to be 70 meters (235 feet) across, sitting in a field near his home. He decided to retreat, but was unable to do so, for at the moment he started to run, an intensely bright light lit up the area, and he was unable to move. At that moment Antonio saw three "robots" positioned near him, and he was captured and taken into the disc.  View full report

Source: APRO Bulletin, Vol. 26 No. 4, Oct. 1977   ID: 464
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Abduction, Physiological Effects, Injury, Humanoid/Occupant

Metallic, saucer-shaped object with triangle on underside

1979 - Coast of Florida, near Orlando, Florida, United States

"My husband yelled at me to hurry out and see this. A UFO was travelling under the clouds over the river towards Orlando. I'll never forget it. It was metallic as the sun reflected off it. No noise at all. We all watched in awe! My Dad worked at Kennedy Space Center at the time and he didn't have any answers."  View full report

Source: UFOEvidence.org   ID: 463
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Witness Sketch

Youth reports UFOs with 'greenish creatures' Featured Case

January, 19, 1977 - Harrah, Washington, United States

Nine-year-old Jose Cantu of Harrah woke his mother up at about 6:30 a.m. asking her to explain the little "man" he saw outside. According to the boy, he had seen two greenish creatures about three feet tall, who rotated on a base instead of having feet, and two "steely" crafts in which 2 other creatures were sitting.  View full report

Source: Toppenish Review (Toppenish, WA), Jan. 26, 1977   ID: 462
Case Type: PressReport    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Children, Witness Sketch, Physical Trace

Silvery, disc-shaped UFOs seen over Ramapo mountain range

October, 1976 - Suffern, New York, United States

Thirty-three year old Suffern lawyer, Warren Berbit, who has two engineering degrees and experience in aviation, saw silvery metallic objects, shaped like two enormous upside-down soup bowls, hovering in the sky just over a dip in the Ramapo mountain range. Mr. Berbit, along with policemen, businessmen, school teachers, housewives and others, say they have seen strange objects recently in the skies over Rockland and Putnam Counties  View full report

Source: New York Times, Oct. 11, 1976   ID: 461
Case Type: PressReport    Features:  Witness Photo

Chilean soldier loses five days to UFO (The Valdes Case)

April, 25, 1977 - Pampa Lluscuma (near Putre), Chile

A Chilean soldier was in shock after a weird, five-day ordeal with a UFO. Six members of an army patrol saw two bright objects descending from the sky. Cpl. Armando Valdes, the patrol leader, set out alone to investigate and, according to the men, simply vanished. Fifteen minutes later, they said, he reappeared, tried to speak and passed out. The date on his watch had been advanced five days, and he now had about a week's growth of beard.  View full report

Source: Associated Press / San Antonio News, May 23, 1977   ID: 460
Case Type: PressReport    Features:  Missing Time, Military

UFO with three beings hovers over boat dock at Minnesota cabin (Lake Movil)

August, 1962 - Lake Movil, Minnesota, United States

Marilyn Chenarides and Mrs. Mildred Anderson were vacationing at their cabin on Lake Movil in northern Minnesota when they saw a red glowing object which was hovering over the boat dock 50 feet from the cabin. In two of the windows of the object, the women could see the silhouettes of three man-shaped beings. After a few minutes of observation, Mrs. Anderson switched off the lights in the cabin, whereupon the lights on the object immediately went out.  View full report

Source: APRO Bulletin, Vol. 21 No. 2 (Sept./Oct. 1972)   ID: 458
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Interaction/Reaction, Portholes/Windows
Cases per page:  8   16   24