Two experienced airline pilots on separate flights saw something up to a mile wide off the coast of Alderney on Monday afternoon. ‘It was a very sharp, thin yellow object with a green area. It was 2,000ft up and stationary,’ one of the pilots said. "At first, I thought it was the size of a 737. But it must have been much bigger because of how far away it was. It could have been as much as a mile wide." View full report
On two occasions on Monday night the 17-year-old spotted strange lights in the skies over Swindon. "There was this oval-shaped object, quite bright, hanging in the sky. It was really odd. "As I turned my head to look at it, it reacted like it had been seen, and it zoomed off." Chris is confident what he saw was not an aircraft, helicopter or an astronomical object such as a shooting star. View full report
"I saw something that was definitely not an airplane, or a seagull, or refracted light from Venus through swamp gas... It was a small, faint and hazy white light... It's path, from when I first noticed it started out parallel to the earth and traveled like this for maybe 5 seconds. Then almost a 90 degree turn at what seemed to be straight up, then another sharp degree of turn up and away at an angle, then another turn at a downward angle, and yet another at a down and backwards angle." View full report
The object that I saw was on the opposite side of the highway, hovering perfectly still about 10-20ft above the tree line, which would make it about 50-60 feet in the air. The object itself was an equilateral triangle approximately 15-20ft on the side. At each point, on the underside, was an almost painfully bright bluewhite light. The object was perfectly still, and made no sounds that I could hear. View full report
From one of the witnesses: "We were about 10 miles out of Leupp and my sister said she saw something," said Sean, a senior at Sinagua High School. "It had a circle around it and was about one-and-a-half miles above us. It had three lights and was a triangular shape. We kept on driving and when we reached Leupp we saw it had four lights," Sean said... "Then two jets intercepted it in the air," Sean said." View full report
About 8 p.m. Wednesday, something peculiar flashed in the sky -- something twinkly, something colorful, something eye-catching. "Bright blue-green ball with a white tail," says Jim Neal of Shelby, who spotted it just west of Blacksburg, S.C., after dinner at Kelly's Steak House. View full report
Silver saucer/disk shaped object hovering in the sky completely motionless at about 6000 feet. "It appeared about ½" in size [relative/angular] as I watched through the windshield. The object was saucer-disk shaped and very silver, the sky was clear and its definition crisp, no movement at all; it appeared as if someone held up a silver plate in the sky... it was close enough to plainly see it was not any recognizable aircraft or a balloon, it was a silver saucer. View full report
Photo taken by Roberto Di Sena, former military. He described taken the photo anytime between 08h30 and 10h00 a.m. local time, on November 26, 2006, in a location called Alagamar, periphery of the city of Natal, state of Rio Grande no Norte, Brazil. Di Sena did not observe anything unusual in the sky and took several pictures at random. View full report