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Photographs of close-range metallic object taken near Zdany, Poland Featured Case

January, 8, 2006 - Zdany, Poland

A series of photographs was taken during an encounter with a metallic object by multiple witnesses near Zdany, Poland, in January 2006. Two men were returning from a wedding party when they spotted an object flying across the road. A moment later their car engine stopped, as well as the engine of another car behind them. One of the witnesses took a series of photographs. The encounter lasted at least 8 minutes, after which the car engines started with no problems.  View full report

Source: Nautilus Foundation, Poland   ID: 926
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Photo, Vehicle Interference

Black triangular object seen above motorway near Stirling, Scotland

July, 6, 1997 - Stirling, Scotland, United Kingdom

Black triangular UFO seen hovering above the motorway by four passengers in a car, in Stirling, Scotland in 1997. The object had a small rectangular "bar" at one apex. The object was an equliateral (or very close) triangle with sides of possibly 30 to 40ft. The sighting took place on the M9 (M80) motorway near Stirling in Scotland, a very rural area of Scotland.  View full report

Source: UFOEvidence.org   ID: 925
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Witness Sketch

Dome-shaped object with 'humming' noise flies over house

1990 - Langley, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

"Sitting in loft room watching TV. Body became frozen, became aware of pulsating humming / electrical noise. Saw bright green object through window. Slow moving, dome-topped with 3 smaller domes on otherwise flat underside. Flew pretty much over the house."  View full report

Source: UFOEvidence.org   ID: 924
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Humming, Witness Sketch, Physiological Effects

Large object hovers over TV station tower in Florence, SC, in 1970

March, 1970 - Florence, South Carolina, United States

The witness, who was an employee at a TV station, saw a "UFO in broad daylight hovering on top of the [TV] tower, [and then] ran back inside the station to get the news director, Mr. Bill Fields." The craft was metallic, round, with a round cupola on top of the craft. It was about 100 feet across and about 25 feet tall. The encounter lasted for more than four hours, during which the object moved and stopped a couple of times before shooting off at "blinding speed."  View full report

Source: UFOEvidence.org   ID: 922
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Witness Sketch, Body Lights

Sphere-shaped object seen by witness in Salt Lake City, UT

September, 15, 1998 - Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

At 3 AM on Sept. 15, 1998, witness Chris Rock stepped outside and fired his laser pointer into the sky toward west-southwest in the general direction of Jupiter. Within a minute or two, a gray, spherical object, with an apparent 7" diameter at arm's length appeared in the western sky, hovering over an adjacent building at a (measured) distance of 260 feet from the witness and 40 feet above the ground. The object sat motionless for 2 to 3 seconds, before passing over the witness and out of sight.  View full report

Source: MUFON (Jan, 2003)   ID: 920
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Interaction/Reaction, Witness Sketch

Witnesses report 'frisbee-shaped' object over Bennet Lake, Michigan

November, 21, 2003 - Bennett Lake, Michigan, United States

In the early morning hours of 21 November, 2003, Robert Williams and his mother Christine Williams, observed an extremely bright light hovering over Bennett Lake at an altitude of about 50-60 feet. As the object approached to within 250-300 yards of the witnesses, the intense white light began to dim, and both witnesses were able to make out a defined structure. They agreed that the object had a definite "frisbee" shape, and was complete with individual white lights around the perimeter.  View full report

Source: MUFON (2004)   ID: 919
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Body Lights, Animal Reaction, Witness Sketch

Large 'inverted trapezoid' seen by several witnesses in Plymouth, Devon, UK

January, 1983 - Plymouth, Devon, United Kingdom

Large, low flying , silent and slow inverted trapezoid witnessed by two other people that I know of (who chased it in a car through Stoke village) as well as two other members of my family. [It had] lit up windows on it and it was apparently following a Dash 7 commercial airplane on route to land at Plymouth airport. The local paper the next day reported that a couple of women in a car had also observed this object and attempted to follow it as far as they could in their vehicle.  View full report

Source: UFOEvidence.org   ID: 918
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Witness Sketch

Cylindrical object moving 'intelligently' over St. Louis, MO

June, 2, 2005 - St. Louis, Missouri, United States

"While driving with my wife to the store she noticed something in the sky and realized it was oddly shaped (cylindrical) and moving in an intelligent manner... I had never seen a craft move so oddly (against the wind, stopping, moving again and then finally moving up through the upper clouds and disappearing completely."  View full report

Source: NUFORC (National UFO Reporting Center), Peter Davenport   ID: 900
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Witness Sketch

Formation of three black triangle craft hovering over Los Angeles

2000 - Los Angeles, California, United States

"I was driving with my then girlfriend late one afternoon before sunset... I had to lean forward to be able to see up through the windshield to observe 3 identical black triangular objects... The objects were motionless and we could not hear any noise from the objects... The objects were in a loose triangle formation separated from each other by a distance of approximately 5 times their individual width."  View full report

Source: UFOEvidence.org   ID: 899
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Multiple UFOs, Witness Sketch

The Cressy Cigar (Cigar-shaped object w/ satellite objects witnessed by Anglican minister and wife)

October, 4, 1960 - Cressy, Tasmania, Australia

The Cressy sighting remains as one of Tasmania's best known UFO sightings. The cigar shaped 'mothership' and attendant discs were witnessed by the local Church of England minister, the Reverend Lionel Browning and his wife. The case was investigated by the Royal Australian Air Force, details were taken by the Victorian UFO Society, whilst Prof: James E McDonald interviewed Rev Browning in 1967.  View full report

Source: Keith Roberts, TUFOIC (Tasmanian UFO Investigation Center)   ID: 897
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Clergy, Multiple UFOs

Landed saucer-shaped craft with ladder and 'turret' in Anchorage, 1966 Featured Case

1966 - Anchorage, Alaska, United States

"I was standing in the middle of our street and there was a craft on stilts or legs with a ladder down from the center. It had just snowed, and I remember windows on the upper round part... The main body was like an upside down saucer with a cylindrical 'turret' on the top. The 'turret' was approximately 3 feet across and 2 to 3 feet high and appeared to rotate."  View full report

Source: UFOEvidence.org   ID: 892
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Landing, Portholes/Windows, Children, Witness Sketch

The Isla De Lobos Case in Uruguay Featured Case

October, 28, 1972 - Isla de Lobos, Uruguay

This is a single witness sighting, and yet it has become the best case coming from Uruguay due to the in-depth investigation done by the members of C.I.O.V.I. research group. The witness, Corporal Juan Fuentes saw a landed craft with three occupants at close range for time of about one minute. He attempted to shoot at the occupants but was stopped from doing so. The occupants entered the craft, and the craft rose up and flew away at high speed.  View full report

Source: Dr. Willy Smith (UNICAT Project)/ C.I.O.V.I.   ID: 887
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Landing, Military

Flying orange orb witnessed by two women in New Brunswick

February, 9, 2003 - Indian Mountain, New Brunswick, Canada

It was a clear, cold early February morning when Amy Wilbur saw a flying orange orb in the sky. "It was a round orange ball in the sky hovering across the road and field to the west in front of our house," she said. "It was bright and light orange, the edges even brighter, a red-orange." The orange ball moved very slowly, downward and diagonally, said Wilbur.  View full report

Source: Times & Transcript, October 30, 2003 (New Brunswick, Canada)   ID: 886
Case Type: PressReport    Features:  Witness Photo

Oscillating, orange cigar-shape object mesmerizes two young brothers

January, 1997 - Crestview Subdivision, Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada

Two brothers age 11 and 13 were sitting in their living room. While watching television, something caught the attention of the younger gentleman's eye. He was shocked to see an orange cigar shape with a yellow centre as depicted by his drawing below. The edges were well defined and there was a soft orange glow emanating around the object.  View full report

Source: Martin Jasek (Yukon Report)   ID: 885
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Children, Witness Sketch

Circular object appears in photograph in Norwich, UK

November, 18, 2005 - Norwich, United Kingdom

"My husband photographed this object late last year. I had sensed it; however, the object wasn't visible at the time this photograph was taken. There were a lot of shoppers that day and the public never noticed it. It was hanging there, invisible except to the camera. It made no noise."  View full report

Source: Rachel Kleypas-Sparrow / UFOEvidence.org   ID: 883
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Photo

The Farmington UFO Armada

March, 17, 1950 - Farmington, New Mexico, United States

"Fully half of this town's population still is certain today that it saw space ships or some strange aircraft -- hundreds of them zooming through the skies yesterday. Estimates of the number ranged from & quotes several to more that 500. The objects appeared to play tag high in the air. At times they streaked away at almost unbelievable speeds."  View full report

Source: Farmington Daily Times, March 18, 1950   ID: 880
Case Type: PressReport    Features:  Multiple UFOs, Group Sighting, Mass Sighting
Cases per page:  8   16   24